Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 288 The Devil’s Small Universe

The Pleiades sailed into the wormhole, and after a short hyperspace flight, they soon appeared in another world.

This is an extremely bright starry sky!

Unlike the sparse star systems in most areas of the Milky Way, this small universe is full of young stars that emit light and heat.

Each star has dozens of planets orbiting it. Binary star systems, triple star systems, and even multi-star systems using set star orbit settings are operating in this small universe.

The density of stars is a hundred times that of stars in the Milky Way!

Its territory is not large, equivalent to the territory of a globular star cluster. But the prosperity here is truly something human commanders have never seen before.

Every star system has civilizations!

In the vacuum, there is a neatly planned space route!

Wormholes, large and small, are connected to every part of this small universe, allowing them to reach every corner of the small universe at any time.

Spaceships and battleships are everywhere.

The Pleiades has been connected to the receptionist of the devil's civilization, Walker.

The traveler said: "We welcome human civilization to come from the devil's small universe. There are a total of 176 civilizations living here. We develop and progress peacefully here."

"We also have the devil civilization trading market with the richest information, the most sufficient resources, and the most advanced technology in the galaxy. You can go to the devil civilization trading market to get what you need."

"In addition, your battle merit points and exclusive transaction certificates are all in this ball of photons. Please keep them."

A group of information photons appeared directly outside their battleship. Obviously, this was transmitted through a hyperspace jump.

"It's hyperspace technology again!" Yang Shaolin was jealous of this technology. Although humans can currently perform hyperspace jumps and hyperspace flights, they are only limited to large battleships.

They don't yet have the technology to stably transport small-mass objects into hyperspace. If they had it, humans would be able to develop hyperspace weapons!

"Human civilization, you can visit some civilizations that allow tourists to visit, but some civilizations do not allow other civilizations to visit. Don't force your way in, otherwise the law enforcement fleet will be dispatched." Walker reminded.

"Okay." Du Xingyu also wanted to know how these civilizations lived in the small universe of the devil's civilization.

There are definitely more than 176 civilizations in the devil civilization camp, and there are only so many that can be in the small universe, which shows that there are still a large number of civilizations that are not qualified to enter the small universe.

The resources of the small universe seem to be abundant, but if they are spread among so many civilizations, they may not be enough. It is estimated that they will continue to collect resources from the large universe and transport them in.

They traveled all the way, and their destination was the Devil's Civilization Trading Market, where they obtained information and exchanged technology rewards.

Du Xingyu first checked the information in the photon group. It showed that they had one million combat points. These one million points were all due to their participation in attacking the astral civilization, severely damaging the neutron star, and destroying a white dwarf star.

In addition, the above also details the qualifications to enter the Devil's Universe and the relevant regulations that need to be followed.

"Only civilizations of level three and above are eligible to enter the devil's small universe."

"All civilizations that settle in the devil's small universe must abide by the peace agreement, and civilizations in the same camp are not allowed to initiate war without authorization. The galaxies they live in are distributed according to the arrangements of the devil's civilization, and the resources and other materials are the same."

"Under normal circumstances, civilizations can enter and exit the small universe through specific wormholes, but they need permission from the gateway agency..."

"Civilizations can receive tasks issued by Devil Civilization in the Devil Civilization Trading Market. By completing tasks, they can obtain combat points, which can be exchanged for corresponding resources, information, and science and technology in the Devil Civilization Trading Market."

The human commanders read it carefully and understood it in their hearts.

Chen Hong said: "According to this regulation, as long as you enter the devil's small universe, all behaviors of civilization will be completely controlled by the devil's civilization!"

"Yes!" Tours agreed, "I thought the small universe was so big, but it turns out that it only covers the territory of one star cluster. Although this small universe is more powerful than the small space of the butterfly civilization, it feels similar to the space of the three-dimensional universe."

"Yes." Du Xingyu's consciousness was connected to the battleship's detection system, and he said: "This small universe is equivalent to the bubble of the large universe!"

"In layman's terms, it's like digging a small pit next to a big river, and the river water spreads into the pit, forming a small puddle."

"When the small puddle and the big river maintain smooth flow, the puddle is full of vitality and full of aquatic plants, and fish can move in and out freely."

"Once the channel is closed, this puddle will lose its vitality. Because there are too many fish in the water, most of them will starve to death and die of thirst!"

"The most important thing is that the channels in and out of the water pits and rivers are all controlled by the devil civilization!" Chen Hong said, "The resources needed for the development of civilization here are completely controlled by the devil civilization, and they are in the devil civilization all the time. under military control."

"What's the difference between this and ancillary civilization?"

"It's a good thing that human civilization hasn't entered here." Mo Caiwei sighed, "otherwise we would have become workers of the devil's civilization now."

"It's hard to say!" Chen Hong was worried. "If the civilization attack from the astral civilization or angel civilization camp is too fierce, we may have to enter here to protect ourselves."

"No matter what, we must prepare a backup plan!" Du Xingyu frowned. Coming here made him more determined to prepare a backup plan in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

The Pleiades soon arrived at the Devil's Civilization Trading Market located in the center of the Devil's Small Universe.

Its layout is similar to the Free Civilization Trading Market of Butterfly Civilization, or in other words, the Free Civilization Trading Market is a replica of it.

The only difference is that combat points can also be exchanged for star coins here. A little battle merit can earn 10,000 star coins.

The stand-in robots of Du Xingyu and others came to the trading hall and began to collect information and materials.

Intelligence was the top priority. Tours and Mo Caiwei were responsible for collecting intelligence, while the others went to the merit exchange hall to check the redeemable materials and technologies.

Monkey was still responsible for receiving them. The hall was a hollow suspended ball with a totem pole-like building in the middle.

"Enter your Photon Group voucher and you can check what you can redeem. Everything can be redeemed on the spot!" Monkey said.

Du Xingyu sent the photon cluster into the totem pole, and the photon cluster's information was connected to it, and three-dimensional virtual patterns of various items appeared around it.

"Weapons!" Yang Shaolin was most concerned about this. He directly skipped the weapons of the second and third level civilizations and came to the exchange list of the fourth level civilization.

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