"Elementary Galaxy-class battleship, equipped with a space energy reactor, capable of hyperspace flight, and equipped with space weapons..."

Human civilization already possesses this kind of weapon, so they continue to look at medium-sized Galaxy-class battleships.

There are many types of medium-sized Galaxy-class battleships. They are all space energy reactors, but the distance of hyperspace flight is increased, and they can open instant wormholes. The power of space weapons has also been strengthened.

In addition to mechanical battleships, there are also biological battleships!

Just like the behemoths of the Behemoth Civilization, they built themselves into biological battleships.

"A mid-level star field battleship costs 200,000 battle points." Yang Shaolin was a little excited, "We can exchange for five ships!"

"Where are the advanced ones?" Du Xingyu mobilized the advanced starfield-level battleships, which are weapons that can only be produced by civilizations above level 4.7.

In addition to the previous functions, the most significant feature of the advanced star field-class battleship is that it has hyperspace weapons and the ability to create stable wormholes!

Hyperspace weapons can strike across the distance of space. Under normal circumstances, even four-dimensional barriers cannot stop them!

Because hyperspace itself is a higher dimension, the four-dimensional barrier does not exist at all in hyperspace!

As for defenses such as space barriers, most hyperspace weapons can also penetrate them.

There are also many types of hyperspace weapons. The hyperspace bombs used by the behemoth civilization are not included in the warships sold here.

It only has the most basic hyperspace kinetic energy weapons, hyperspace ray weapons, and hyperspace gravity weapons.

"To exchange for a high-level star field-level battleship, you need one million combat points!" Walker introduced.

Du Xingyu felt it was not worth it and asked: "What about hyperspace technology?"

The traveler opened the list, which displayed information related to hyperspace technology.

""Complete Explanation of Hyperspace Technology" records the complete hyperspace technology. If you control the complete technology, you can become a level 4.7 civilization. Exchange price: three million combat points."

""Fundamentals of Hyperspace Technology" records basic hyperspace technology. Exchange price: 500,000 combat points."

""Introduction to Hyperspace Technology" records the entry-level concept of hyperspace technology. The exchange price is: 300,000 combat points."

"Exchanging technology is more cost-effective than exchanging warships," Chen Hong said.

Exchange for a battleship that is broken and you don’t even know how to repair it! And in the war with astral civilization, neutron stars can destroy warships at a rate of one per minute!

If it were exchanged for a high-level Galaxy-class battleship here, it might be destroyed within a few years.

It is better to exchange technology and develop and manufacture it yourself.

"Exchange the "Hyperspace Technology Basics"." Du Xingyu said, this is the most advanced hyperspace technology they can exchange for now.

As for the "Comprehensive Solution to Hyperspace Technology" mentioned above, Du Xingyu suspected that the devil civilization had no intention of redeeming it for the civilization.

How rare is it to have one million military achievements? If the behemoth civilization had not participated in the war last time, human civilization and butterfly civilization combined would not be the opponent of the astral civilization.

With three million military exploits, a civilization with this strength would probably not lack hyperspace technology.

After spending this, they browsed other aspects of technology.

In terms of biotechnology, Du Xingyu exchanged another copy of the genetic information of the giant beast, spending 200,000 battle points.

The genetic information of this behemoth is particularly valuable. It is even more valuable than the genetic information of the Zerg Queen created and researched by Du Xingyu!

Because this giant beast can fly in hyperspace, swallow space energy, and has a lifespan of hundreds of millions of years!

Perhaps human genes can be modified from their genetic basis to extend human lifespan to a hundred thousand years, or even a million years.

Only with this kind of lifespan can one be worthy of a fourth-level civilization.

They also spent all the remaining battle points to purchase intelligence information.

After leaving the redemption hall, Monkey introduced: "We greatly appreciate the contribution of human civilization in the last battle, so we are allowed to view the list of technologies that can only be redeemed by level 4.5 civilization."

"What is that?" the commanders asked curiously.

The traveler opened the list, and there were only three technologies on it. But when he saw these three items, even the commanders who had experienced countless major events couldn't help but become excited.

The first item is "Small Universe Manufacturing Technology".

"Small Universe Manufacturing Technology": "A completely independent space can be created in the three-dimensional large universe, with the same physical laws as the three-dimensional large universe. It can only be reached through a hyperspace wormhole!"

Small universe, this is what many civilizations want.

In the three-dimensional universe, once you expose yourself, you will face a crisis. If the civilization is hidden in the small universe, it will be difficult for the enemy to find the location of the main body of the civilization!

And even if they are found, it is difficult for them to attack, because every time they attack, they must break the powerful space barrier of the three-dimensional universe. Often, the attack has no power before it reaches it.

The above shows that the battle points required for this technology are: 50 million!

Du Xingyu estimated that at least ten level four civilizations from the local camp would have to be wiped out to achieve this.

The second item reads "Four-Dimensional Observation Technology".

"Four-Dimensional Observation Technology": "Observing matter from a four-dimensional perspective can obtain more trustworthy information than a three-dimensional perspective, which is of incomparable importance for improving science and technology."

Du Xingyu has already fully realized this. The high-dimensional perspective provided by the technology simulator has made him unstoppable in research and development of technology.

New scientific knowledge often starts from observation.

This technology also requires 50 million combat points.

The third item writes about a technology that frightens and scares human commanders - "Four-Dimensional Bomb".

"Four-Dimensional Bomb": Using four-dimensional technology to attack the enemy from the four-dimensional space, it can pass through all obstacles and directly hit the enemy's interior!

This is definitely a heaven-defying weapon. This is something that can only be done by a civilization that stands in a higher dimension!

Attacking three dimensions from four dimensions is like attacking a paper man in a two-dimensional world. He could easily cut the Paper Man into pieces, burn him, or poke a hole in his heart.

Switching to the three-dimensional world, the four-dimensional bomb can ignore all defenses of the battleship, ignore all three-dimensional entities, and directly send the bomb to the battleship's reactor to explode.

It's like God placed a bomb in a person's heart out of thin air, or someone punched you in the heart. How can you defend yourself? For a fourth-level civilization, it is absolutely a devastating blow.

The exchange points for the four-dimensional bomb cost one billion!

In other words, you must at least defeat the Saints Civilization to obtain it.

Du Xingyu calmed down. These three technologies were all technologies that could only be possessed by a fifth-level civilization. They could not redeem them at all. In other words, this is just a "big pie" for the civilizations of the demon civilization camp to work hard to develop.

Let them know that they have the opportunity to obtain the technology of the fifth-level civilization and give them a glimmer of hope.

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