This is an obvious trap!

All civilizations know very well that they cannot obtain so many military exploits. Only by building the small universe day and night can we get some compensation.

But if they are too desperate, it will cause chaos within the small universe, so the devil's civilization will give them cakes to satisfy their hunger.

Du Xingyu left these robots in the free civilized trading market of Devil's Civilization and sent back the exchange information.

As expected, the so-called hyperspace technology information redeemed was not that detailed. There are even omissions in some key points. Even if other civilizations get it, it will be difficult to make breakthroughs.

Fortunately, human civilization already has a certain understanding of hyperspace technology, and with the technology shared by the butterfly civilization, certain results should be achieved.

"We have to re-plan the war route of human civilization!" After seeing the devil's small universe, the commanders of human civilization have made one thing clear. They must not become civilized workers raised by the devil's civilization!

"The current situation is that not only the angel civilization camp is watching us, but the devil civilization camp must also be watching us!" Chen Hong said, "Once we have the idea of ​​leaving the galaxy, they will take action against us!"

"Our current military strength cannot deal with the giant beast civilization and astral civilization, let alone the saint civilization and devil civilization of the fifth-level civilization!" Yang Shaolin felt a sense of crisis after seeing the weapons of the fifth-level civilization.

"So we must maintain this dependence relationship on the surface." Du Xingyu analyzed, "At the same time, we must find ways to transfer part of the power of civilization to the Large Magellanic Cloud!"

"How to do it? The butterfly civilization is still avoiding the pursuit of the astral civilization. It is impossible to open a super wormhole for us to migrate." Lu Xing asked.

"So we have to come up with a way to solve the crisis of astral civilization and perform partial migration at the same time." Du Xingyu found that the problem was back to its original point.

The pursuit of the astral civilization is imminent, and when the neutron star recovers, they will inevitably attack again.

As for the war between the angel civilization camp and the demon civilization camp, it has started directly without following the previously agreed period of time!

"The best time for us to migrate is when we are fighting astral civilizations. At that time, the attention of all advanced civilizations in the galaxy will be on the battlefield." Du Xingyu said.

"At the same time, we are looking for another hidden space in the universe to transfer."

"We need to transfer and at the same time we have to fight against the astral civilization?" Tours said in surprise, "We are not strong enough!"

"Even if we conquer hyperspace weapons now and start building advanced galaxy-class battleships, even if it takes a hundred years for the astral civilization to recover, it will not be enough!"

"And they won't necessarily give us that long!"

"Tulsi is right," Lu Xing said, "And according to my observation, the devil civilization and the giant beast civilization do not really want to help us. On the contrary, they are still weakening our strength."

"Otherwise during the last battle, the giant beast civilization wouldn't have waited until we planned to evacuate before showing up!"

"Of course we can't count on them..." Du Xingyu said, "In short, let's secretly transfer our power first. Discuss a transfer method with Butterfly Civilization, and leave this matter to you."

"Leave it to me to research hyperspace weapons."

"Okay!" Everyone performed their duties and started working immediately.

When Du Xingyu came to the Academy of Sciences, scientists had already begun to study the hyperspace technology exchanged from the devil's civilization trading market.

Hyperspace technology is a further expansion on the basis of space technology. Expanding the concept of space to higher dimensions is the most elementary dimensional technology.

"The most basic hyperspace technology is to use space reactors to open instantaneous wormholes and launch materials from one end of the wormhole to the other to achieve the purpose of hyperspace strike!" Space physicist Pei Jia said, "This, Detailed information has been given in the information.”

"We can learn and use it, and it is expected to be completed in three to five years."

"What about the hyperspace bomb used by the behemoth civilization?" Du Xingyu asked.

"There is no record in the data." Pei Jia said, "But according to our team's inference, the material of the hyperspace bomb itself does not come from three-dimensional space, but is a kind of space energy floating in hyperspace."

"It could come from some energy released by annihilation in space, or energy produced by high-latitude space falls."

"It's like condensing seawater into ice and turning it into a weapon. The behemoth civilization collects and controls this energy and releases it through hyperspace to form a hyperspace bomb."

"Yeah." Du Xingyu said after reading the conclusions of their research: "So, the hyperspace bomb used by the behemoth civilization is not a high-dimensional space weapon in the true sense."

"Otherwise, the energy generated by the high-dimensional fall alone would be enough to destroy the neutron star!"

"Yes, this may be the reason why the giant beast civilization cannot defeat the astral civilization." Pei Jia said.

Du Xingyu continued to analyze this information. Soon, he mastered the exchanged knowledge and began to study it in depth.

In two years, mankind built the first medium-sized Galaxy-class battleship. The number of primary Galaxy-class battleships has been expanded to fifty.

In the fifth year, humans created the first hyperspace weapon.

It is a kinetic energy weapon that attacks by opening a transient wormhole and hyperspace jump, which can penetrate the four-dimensional barrier and part of the space barrier.

Immediately afterwards, there are advanced galaxy-class battleships that can open wormholes. And a richer variety of hyperspace weapons, including polarized rays in hyperspace and hyperspace bombs.

After receiving the technological information shared by the butterfly civilization and the technology exchanged with the devil civilization, human civilization reached the threshold of level 4.6 civilization in a short period of time.

The overall strength is still far behind the old fourth-level civilizations such as the giant beast civilization and the astral civilization.

But their strength is already comparable to that of the Butterfly Civilization at its peak!

In addition to technological research and development, on the other side, human civilization is also secretly transferring its power and some important personnel to a four-dimensional bubble secretly built by the butterfly civilization, where their stellar mother tree is.

If the timing is right, the stellar mother tree can open a super wormhole to the Large Magellanic Cloud and transport these warships there.

In addition, the astral civilization began to become active in the Orion Arm again after briefly disappearing for a few years.

While leading other civilizations from the angel civilization camp to attack hostile civilizations, they searched for traces of the butterfly civilization.

As for the coordinates of human civilization, they have known it for a long time, but they have not yet reached it.

Both Green Chrysalis and Du Xingyu believe that the location of the next raid by astral civilization is likely to be the Pleiades star cluster where the main body of human civilization is located!

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