The devil's small universe, the core area, is where the devil's civilization is located.

From the perspective of other civilizations, the area where the devil's civilization is located is a vacuum. This is not because of the four-dimensional barrier, but because the devil civilization itself lives in the four-dimensional space!

In other words, the creatures of the devil's civilization can transcend three dimensions and are four-dimensional creatures!

They are like the gods of this small universe! Everything in the small universe is under their control, and all civilizations live within the rules they set like ants.

The thoughts of these four-dimensional creatures are colliding and communicating with each other.

"The angel civilization camp has occupied most of the Orion Arm, and our disadvantage is obvious."

"Should we take action?"

"You can't move. We must not reveal the location of the small universe before the Saint Civilization takes action."

For both the devil civilization and the saint civilization, they are unwilling to expose the location of their own small universe. Once the other party learns about it, it is likely to cause heavy losses.

"It doesn't matter how many low-level civilizations die, they will eventually perish anyway!"

"The astral civilization has been on a fierce offensive recently. If we don't stop it, it will reach the fourth spiral arm."

"The behemoth civilization cannot be reused, but it still originated from the same primitive civilization as us. It's so shameful."

"No matter what, we still need to eliminate the Saint civilization first and gain the advantage of the camp."

"The saint civilization should attack human civilization, and let the giant beast civilization bring other fourth-level civilizations to prepare."

"This human civilization is very weird. Its technological development rate exceeds that of other affiliated civilizations. It also refuses to enter our small universe. It is best to eliminate it."

"Then let the giant beast civilization take action later and wait until human civilization is destroyed before attacking the star civilization."

The communication between the four-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization has sentenced human civilization to death.

The territory of human civilization, the Pleiades star cluster.

Twenty years have passed since the last battle that severely damaged the neutron star.

During this time, human civilization has been secretly transferring, and the Pleiades star cluster has become an empty shell.

There are still a large number of "human beings" living and working on the planet, but they are all bionic humans manufactured in automated factories, just to deceive others.

The spaceships and battleships traveling in space are also filled with bionic people.

The true core of human civilization has been moved to a hidden space.

Some branches of human civilization also live in the Beehive Star Cluster and several surrounding open star clusters.

"Hidden space is not a long-term solution after all. It will be discovered sooner or later." Du Xingyu is also thinking about how to deal with the crisis.

"If you want to destroy astral civilization, those basic hyperspace weapons will definitely not work." He used a technological simulator to collect some information about neutron stars.

In the simulated space, Du Xingyu used various hyperspace weapons created by human civilization to attack the neutron star, but 90% of them had no effect at all!

Only the hyperspace bombs used by the behemoth civilization could cause damage to neutron stars.

But the wisdom of the astral civilization is no less than theirs, and they will definitely be able to find ways to deal with hyperspace bombs or space blockades during this time.

"PASS! None of these plans work!" Du Xingyu felt a headache as he looked at the neutron stars running rampant in the simulated space.

How could there be a perverted civilization like astral civilization? It can't be beaten to death, nor can it be defeated. It is really the first fighting civilization among the fifth-level civilizations in the Milky Way!

"It's definitely not possible to attack the neutron star itself. With the density of the neutron star, no physical weapons are useful." Du Xingyu tried to change his thinking.

"The hyperspace bomb uses the energy of space annihilation to annihilate the space where the neutron star is located, and the matter and energy of the neutron star are also swallowed up by the hyperspace."

"Attacking space is more effective than attacking the neutron star itself!"

"How to attack space?" Du Xingyu has been thinking about this question. The astral civilization must be prepared to prevent hyperspace bombs, so it must think of a more powerful and effective plan.

For several months, Du Xingyu thought day and night and argued with experts from the Academy of Sciences, but could not find a way.

One day, at a seminar of the Academy of Sciences, Du Xingyu was sitting on the stage listening to the speeches of other scientists.

The speaker currently speaking is a young scientist named Wei Zhao. He is only over a hundred years old and was selected into the highest academy of sciences of human civilization because of his outstanding talent.

"I am honored to join the Academy of Sciences... The age gap does not represent a gap in knowledge. I am grateful that I live in this era and this universe."

"Because human civilization has gone from Level 1 civilization to Level 4 civilization. Although our technology is constantly improving, the basic theories of science and the basic laws of the universe have not changed. Physics is still physics, chemistry is still chemistry, and biology is still the same. Or biology..."

"We're just going more advanced in every area..."

"The basic laws have not changed?" Du Xingyu's heart moved after hearing his speech.

This sentence may seem inconspicuous, but it contains profound truth. At least until now, the technologies controlled by humans are inseparable from those basic laws. The physical laws of the universe have not undergone subversive changes because the area of ​​​​human activity has expanded.

"This means that no matter how powerful the technology or weapons are, there is no strong or weak distinction based on the basic laws. The various weapons we have studied in the past can still be used if they are replaced from a higher civilization perspective!"

Du Xingyu suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment. It was like a neutron star. Its attack principle was not complicated, and it was even as simple as it could not be simpler, that is - impact!

Because of its own kinetic energy, mass, gravity and other factors, its impact can smash all defenses, including four-dimensional barriers!

In terms of weapon principle, it is no different from the space kinetic energy weapons used by humans in the first-level civilization era!

"So, my idea of ​​​​developing weapons should change from what kind of weapons to develop to extending from the basic laws of physics and chemistry."

Du Xingyu began to think about the various weapons that had appeared in the technological databases of human civilization and other civilizations. What would they look like if they were upgraded to the level of a fourth-level civilization?

After searching hundreds of billions of targets, Du Xingyu found a weapon in his memory.

"Planetary impact drum, resonance weapon!"

When human civilization faced the crisis of the giant whale mothership, it used the resonance of Neptune's atmosphere to destroy the giant whale mothership.

"Resonance can use basic physical laws to destroy powerful targets. Since matter in the three-dimensional universe can resonate, can space resonate?"

Du Xingyu felt that he had seen a glimmer of light, "Space can be bent by gravity and converted into energy, so it should also have the same properties as matter. As long as we find a way, we may be able to trigger space resonance!"

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