Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 292 Hyperspace Relay Station

Du Xingyu began to look for ways to induce spatial resonance. First, this "thing" must be able to affect space.

The energy of space itself can do it, but Du Xingyu has a better choice, gravitational waves!

Gravitational waves can not only affect three-dimensional space, but can also be transmitted to high-dimensional hyperspace. It can distort space by itself, adjust the frequency of gravitational waves, and find ways to induce space resonance.

On the technology simulator, Du Xingyu established a new research project-the space resonance device.

To trigger space resonance, he first needs to design a device that can generate gravitational waves and adjust the frequency of gravitational waves.

Technology simulator: "Invest one hundred billion energy points and start gravitational wave controller simulation."

"Gravitational wave controller, information completeness is 63%, starting the first simulation."

Du Xingyu tried repeatedly and finally got the gravitational wave controller.

Next, we use the gravitational wave controller to simulate and find the frequency and intensity that can trigger spatial resonance.

Technology simulator: "Invest 100 billion energy points and start simulation analysis of 100 billion frequency bands."

It is very difficult to find a gravitational wave frequency band that can resonate in space, because the space itself of the three-dimensional universe is stable.

The intensity of gravitational waves must reach the level of neutron stars and black holes before they can have a significant impact on space.

Du Xingyu devoted all his time to this matter. After countless simulation failures, he finally found the frequency and intensity of gravitational waves that triggered space resonance.

On the technology simulator, the gravitational wave controller is constantly transmitting gravitational waves. It propagates in space and triggers resonance. It cannot be achieved in a short time, but will take a long time.

Du Xingyu directly accelerated the time in the simulator and fast-forwarded to the moment when the spatial resonance occurred.

In the empty space, space suddenly began to collapse, and the space itself turned into energy or space debris was released, just like hyperspace bombs exploding!

Moreover, space resonance can also trigger a chain reaction, and the collapsed space is more than five times larger than Du Xingyu's originally imagined area!

"This kind of weapon is so terrifying!" Du Xingyu still felt lingering fear even if it was a virtual weapon.

Because if this kind of weapon is placed in the real universe, it will not be too easy to destroy a star system. It can even destroy star clusters as long as the gravitational wave resonance continues!

No wonder the two major camps in the galaxy have restrained themselves for so long, and the advanced civilizations have not participated in the war. If it were a war between level five civilizations, it would probably destroy the galaxy!

"I have to calculate the range of spatial resonance!" Du Xingyu began multiple simulations in order to obtain accurate data.

After obtaining complete data, he began to actually create a spatial resonance device.

"The speed and range of activity of neutron stars is very large. There is only one chance!" Du Xingyu thought, the range of space resonance must cover as much as possible all possible ranges of activities of neutron stars.

"And astral civilizations include not only neutron stars, but also other astral creatures."

"If they attack the territory of human civilization, their core target will be the Pleiades star cluster!"

"If you want to inflict heavy damage on the astral civilization..." Du Xingyu thought of an idea that even frightened him.

The matter was so important that he immediately convened an emergency meeting of the supreme commander to discuss it.

"What? A space resonance weapon, and it wants to destroy the entire Pleiades star cluster?" After hearing what Du Xingyu said, the five commanders couldn't sit still, and they all cried out in horror.

"I can understand space resonance weapons, but after all, the Pleiades star cluster is our birth home. If we directly destroy it, wouldn't the scope be too large?" Mo Caiwei asked doubtfully.

"Yes, are we capable of doing it?" Lu Xing asked. In his impression, even a fourth-level civilization cannot destroy the entire star cluster at once!

The Pleiades star cluster contains more than 3,000 stars, as well as countless planets, asteroids and other celestial bodies. Destroying such a large star cluster at once completely overturned their thinking!

"Of course a pure space resonance weapon cannot do it." Du Xingyu explained, "But I can create a hyperspace relay station!"

"This is a device that uses the energy of space and the energy of the stellar furnace to transmit gravitational waves through hyperspace."

"Deploying enough hyperspace relay stations in the Pleiades star cluster, and using gravitational wave resonance together, can form a large-scale space resonance. When the space resonance occurs, it can destroy the entire Pleiades star cluster, more than three thousand star systems!"

"The space here will be completely annihilated and filled with other spaces in the three-dimensional universe!"

"Of course, this also includes all matter in the Pleiades star cluster. When space collapse destroys the hyperspace relay station, space resonance will stop. The stable characteristics of the three-dimensional universe itself will prevent further space resonance from occurring."

When he finished speaking, several commanders fell into deep thought.

The target that Du Xingyu mentioned was so shocking that it would be difficult for other civilizations to accept it, let alone human civilization.

But if they don't do this, they can't think of a way to solve the crisis.

"My opinion is, do it, not only do it, but also do it as soon as possible!" Chen Hong spoke.

He looked at everyone and said: "The astral civilization will attack us soon, and no matter where we are hiding, they will find us."

"Behemoth civilization and devil civilization will not help us, we can only save ourselves!"

"And when the Pleiades star cluster is destroyed, it will definitely attract the attention of advanced civilizations. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we open a super wormhole leading to the Large Magellanic Cloud for transfer."

"When the resonance ends, we can lie and claim that human civilization is almost extinct and completely disappear from the two camps. Instead of becoming a target that both sides want to attack like now!"

"This trick can hide the enemy from the enemy and escape by feigning death." Yang Shaolin said, "From a strategic perspective, I also strongly support it."

"We also support it." Although other commanders felt that destroying the Pleiades star cluster was a bit too ruthless, they really couldn't think of a better way.

"Okay, let's secretly build a hyperspace relay station from now on." Du Xingyu has already calculated the sites and gravitational wave frequencies for the hyperspace relay station.

In the Pleiades star cluster, the robots began to transform the original stellar furnaces and space energy stations and arrange them in various locations in the Pleiades star cluster.

As long as half of these hyperspace relay stations are intact, they can trigger a space resonance in the entire star cluster and destroy everything!

Another ten years passed, and the astral civilization's detection comet finally flew to the territory of human civilization.

Its goal is clear, heading straight for the Pleiades star cluster.

The human branches in the surrounding open star clusters are too sparse, and the astral civilization is not interested. They just want to quickly eliminate the main body of human civilization.

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