"Human civilization actually dares to ambush our astral civilization. This time, I will smash you into pieces!" In hyperspace, the "war" of neutron stars is flying.

It was much more cautious this time. In addition to itself, it also brought the armies of four fourth-level civilizations, the astral civilization and the angel civilization camp.

The five major fourth-level civilizations, including the astral civilization, attack human civilization together. It can't think of any way for human civilization to escape!

"Even if the giant beast civilization comes to help you this time, they will be destroyed together!" Zhan is full of confidence. As long as hyperspace bombs are prevented, the giant beast civilization is no match for them.

"The enemy is coming!" From the moment the comet appeared, human civilization was ready.

In the space port, countless battleships fly into space.

The battle fortress raises its cannons and the planet's humans take refuge in space ships.

All these are just appearances! The combat capabilities of human civilization left in the Pleiadian civilization are all the most rubbish and obsolete weapons.

Even those dozens of Galaxy-class battleships are fake!

These battleships are actually modified star field-class battleships. Although they have space energy reactors and basic space weapons, they have no combat effectiveness at all. Du Xingyu doesn't expect to defeat the astral civilization with these low-level battleships anyway.

With the first invader's Galaxy-class battleship appearing in the realm of human civilization, the war has begun.

The stars of the astral civilization did not appear immediately, but let other fourth-level civilizations act as vanguards to detect whether there were any traps.

Human civilization naturally fought back and relied on the defense power of the base camp to barely resist.

"Human civilization is being attacked by the angel civilization coalition led by the astral civilization. I request support from the camp!" Du Xingyu contacted the devil civilization and the beast civilization.

"We are mobilizing reinforcements for support." The commander of the giant beast civilization, the Thorny Beast, said, "Before we arrive, you must resist!"

"Discuss clearly the enemy's strength!"

"Okay, then you have to hurry up, we probably won't be able to resist for long!" Du Xingyu sounded anxious.

However, the civilized fleet led by the giant beast civilization has already been prepared.

Through hyperspace flight and wormholes, they could arrive in ten minutes.

But they did not do this, but watched the battle quietly. Treating human civilization as a pawn to test the strength of star civilization, they will not take action until the critical moment.

The strength of human civilization seems to be much worse than the giant beast civilization imagined. One of the important strongholds of human civilization, the Hegu Yi star system, fell in less than twenty minutes!

The two "Galaxy-class" warships stationed there were cut into space by the opponent before they could even use their space weapons.

"Why are you so weak?" The Thorny Beast was very dissatisfied. "Didn't human civilization get the information on hyperspace technology? Before the astral civilization took action, they couldn't stop it!"

"They do have hyperspace weapons, but they are too weak!" A giant beast mocked.

He saw that a human Galaxy-class battleship used hyperspace weapons, but it was only the most basic hyperspace kinetic energy weapon. After it barely passed through the target's four-dimensional barrier, it was intercepted by the enemy's weapon interception system.

"In just a short time, human civilization has already lost half of its combat effectiveness. If this continues, they will be destroyed without the help of astral civilization!" said the giant beast watching the battle.

"Perhaps we have overestimated human civilization. Previously, we relied on the power of butterfly civilization to ambush astral civilization."

"Let other civilizations take action. Let's lure the astral civilization out first."

With an order from the giant beast civilization, several fourth-level civilizations from the demon civilization camp took action.

Their Galaxy-class battleship emerged from hyperspace flight and joined the battlefield to fight against the younger brothers of the astral civilization.

With their participation, the battle situation suddenly stabilized, with both sides suffering losses.

At this moment, in a nebula thousands of light years away from here, the main fleet of human civilization and the main fleet of butterfly civilization are conspiring in hidden space.

While waiting for space resonance to occur, they will take the opportunity to open a super wormhole and transfer to the Large Magellanic Cloud.

The diffuse nebula material here and the four-dimensional barrier they create will become the best protective layer to isolate information.

"It's time for us to appear!" The stars of the astral civilization can't hold back anymore. Until now, they have not found any ambush in the human civilization.

As a result, five white dwarf stars emerged from hyperspace.

They hit five Galaxy-class battleships respectively. The Galaxy-class battleships tried their best to resist, but these white dwarfs completely ignored their attacks and crashed them all!

"Behemoth civilization, we ask for help!" These level four civilizations who followed the behemoth civilization into battle could not withstand it anymore.

The astral civilization's attack on them was completely crushing.

For them, the Galaxy-class battleship is also an important force and cannot be lost in vain.

"Take action!" said the Thorny Giant Beast.

"Attack!" The giant beasts couldn't wait any longer, and they launched the hyperspace bombs they had laid in ambush to attack the white dwarfs.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush!" The white dwarfs were also ready. When the lock on the space barrier appeared, powerful gravitational waves erupted at the same time, shaking the surrounding space. The space barriers were all broken, and they were out of the attack range of the hyperspace bomb.

"Kill!" A behemoth with a body larger than a star appeared from hyperspace and bit into the white dwarf. Its teeth could shatter space, and the white dwarf was swallowed alive by it.

"Beasts of the giant beast civilization! I'm here to take revenge!" Neutron Star Wars also came out of hyperspace, and as soon as it appeared, it severely damaged the giant beast.

"Hyperspace weapon locked!" The behemoth civilization has more than just hyperspace bombs and other hyperspace weapons. Weapons such as space cutting, space compression, and space annihilation are emitted from hyperspace to attack neutron stars.

"It's all garbage!" The neutron star is not afraid at all. Its own density and mass can withstand 80% of attacks.

The space turbulence it creates through high-speed rotation and cutting can draw other attacks into hyperspace, leaving itself unharmed.

"Sure enough, the neutron star still has means!" Du Xingyu and others were also silently observing the battlefield. At this time, their hyperspace relay had been activated.

Gravitational waves are quietly causing space resonance. At this time, the resonance is not enough to affect the stability of space, so no civilization has noticed it yet.

"I'll hit, I'll hit, I'll hit again!" As soon as the neutron star joins the war, it is like a tiger joining a flock of sheep, killing everyone.

No Galaxy-class battleship or defensive measures can resist him. Humanity's new home base, the Nanmen 2 star system, was hit to pieces by it! No planet is complete!

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