Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 294 Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight

"Attack other targets first!" Seeing how fierce the neutron star was, the giant beast civilization temporarily gave up on this attack target and turned to attack other targets.

As for the destruction of the territory of human civilization, they don't care at all.

The astral civilization was vigorous, but the other fourth-level civilizations they brought could not withstand the attacks of the behemoth civilization, and one galaxy-class battleship after another was destroyed.

"Astral civilization, please support!" These level four civilizations called out to the astral civilization to support them, and the white dwarfs started fighting with the giant beasts.

This is the largest war that Du Xingyu and others have ever seen. Every collision will erupt with nova-level energy, impacting the entire star cluster!

More than a hundred star systems at the core of the Pleiades star cluster were all smashed to pieces in less than an hour and turned into floating nebula matter.

After hundreds of millions of years, these nebula materials will condense into stars and planets again due to the effect of gravity.

But now, they are just dust in the universe!

"Crush you!" A white dwarf star collided with a giant beast. The beast was smashed by the powerful kinetic energy, and its flesh and blood were smashed. Gravity and radiation took the opportunity to kill its vitality.

A giant beast died tragically, but the white dwarf star also disappeared into space.

It turns out that a giant beast covered its body with a four-dimensional barrier and swallowed the white dwarf in one bite!

There is an independent space inside its body, and it is constantly cut by space. The white dwarf cannot even use suicide methods such as supernova explosions, so it becomes the nourishment of the giant beast.

"Is this a war between the top four civilizations?" The human commanders couldn't help but feel glad that humans did not choose to fight them head-on, otherwise the human civilization would be the first to be wiped out!

The war began to heat up, and more stars and behemoths joined the battlefield, beating the Pleiades star cluster to pieces.

At this time, humans no longer feel sorry for the destruction of the Pleiades star cluster, because the current Pleiades star cluster is no different from its destruction.

"Destroy the behemoth civilization and occupy the Orion Arm!" The astral civilization becomes more and more courageous as it fights.

While they destroy their targets, they can also use their own gravity to swallow matter. The gravity quickly collapses all matter and becomes part of their bodies.

The higher the mass, the stronger the gravitational potential energy, and the greater the kinetic energy of the impact!

"Launch out all the hyperspace bombs!" The giant beast civilization is already at a disadvantage. Although the giant beast's regeneration ability is strong, it is not as perverted as the star.

Hyperspace bombs flew out of hyperspace one after another and attacked multiple stars.

For hyperspace bombs, neutron stars can withstand them, but white dwarfs will have a very difficult time resisting them.

A white dwarf star was directly hit by two hyperspace bombs because it was unable to dodge. The star exploded, bursting out with supernova-level energy, and the star consciousness was annihilated!

"Another tribesman died!" The senior officials of the astral civilization were angry, "Ji, Shen, go out and destroy the giant beast civilization!"

"The Orion Arm belongs to us!"

Most of the star fields in the Orion Arm have been occupied by both sides. But what determines the final ownership is the outcome of the war between the astral civilization and the beast civilization!

As long as the saint civilization and the devil civilization do not take action, these two civilizations will be the strongest in the galaxy!

In the astral civilization, two neutron stars emerged from hyperspace flight.

One is a high-speed rotating pulsar, and the other is a magnetar with a super magnetic field. They are "flash" and "pole" respectively, the most powerful force in the astral civilization second only to "war".

As soon as these two neutron stars join the battlefield, the situation reverses instantly!

They can lock onto giant beasts hidden in space and smash through their camouflage and defenses.

Two giant beasts died immediately. Each giant beast was comparable to a high-level Galaxy-class battleship. When it was destroyed, it had no resistance at all.

"Retreat!" The commander of the giant beast civilization, the Thorny Beast, saw that something was wrong and immediately ordered.

"I didn't expect that the astral civilization actually has three neutron stars. In recent years, their strength has increased, reaching the level of level 4.9 civilization!"

The behemoth civilization was horrified. The level 4.9 civilization was already very close to the level five civilization. And their giant beast civilization’s true strength is comparable to a level 4.7 civilization.

There seems to be a gap between level 0.2 civilizations, but the strength is vastly different!

Just these three neutron stars, the behemoth civilization cannot handle them.

"The giant beast civilization wants to withdraw!" Du Xingyu observed the battlefield and found that some giant beasts were already fleeing.

"Save us!" The fourth-level civilizations who were fighting with the behemoth civilization begged.

The behemoth civilization had the strength to retreat, but they didn’t!

The star directly locked them in space, leaving them unable to escape and could only be smashed into pieces!

"Increase the frequency of the hyperspace relay station and activate space resonance!" Du Xingyu ordered.

They have been waiting for this for so long.

The behemoth civilization has not yet escaped, and the astral civilization is still running rampant.

To human civilization, they are all enemies!

They have reduced the territory of human civilization to chaos. If human civilization had not had the foresight to migrate the people to other star clusters in advance, the current human civilization would have been destroyed in the war!

"Let's go to hell together!"

In the Pleiades star cluster, space resonance has begun to occur in some places. Under the resonance, the space is shattered.

It was like lighting a puddle of oil on fire, and the flames immediately spread out.

Through the space resonance device in the hyperspace relay station, this space resonance occurs in multiple space areas at the same time.

And an encirclement was formed to surround the war.

"What happened?" The giant beast civilization first noticed something was wrong.

"The space here is collapsing!" a giant beast reported.

"Area, area?"

"The area... is the entire Pleiades star cluster!" The giant beast became frightened. The entire Pleiades star cluster space collapsed, and more than three thousand star systems would be destroyed together!

What a terrifying power this is?

"How could this happen?" The giant beasts all panicked, "Quick, escape at all costs!"

"No, the collapse of space has affected hyperspace. Hyperspace is very unstable, full of space debris and energy turbulence! If you enter hyperspace, you may die!"

"I can't control that much anymore. Staying here will lead to death. You must leave!" A giant beast rushed into hyperspace regardless of the danger, but it soon lost news. It was probably shattered by the turbulence of space. !

"How come there is such a powerful weapon?" The Thorny Beast said angrily, "It must be the Saints Civilization, the Saints Civilization has taken action!"

"Yes, only level five civilizations have such strength. It's so despicable, they actually took the opportunity to take action!"

"Devil civilization, we ask for help!"

"No, the saint civilization did not take action." The devil civilization rejected them, "This is a space resonance weapon that has been deployed in the Pleiades star cluster for a long time."

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