Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 295 The burial of two fourth-level civilizations

"What? Space resonance weapons?" The giant beasts thought quickly, and they quickly reacted, "Is it human civilization?"

The devil's civilization did not reply. They had already given up on this part of the behemoth.

Regardless of whether it is the devil's civilization or the saint's civilization, when a war occurs, they all pay attention to this place. In fact, they did not find spatial resonance at first.

Because human civilization disguised the hyperspace relay station as an energy collection device, it did not initially adjust the gravitational wave frequency to a level that could trigger resonance.

When the battle became intense, the hyperspace relay station launched its force at the same time, and the two fifth-level civilizations noticed it.

But by then it was too late to remind them of the civilization under their command. At this time, only they could save the situation by taking action themselves.

But neither of the two major civilizations is willing to take the lead. Whoever strikes first may expose the location of his or her own universe and be attacked by the enemy!

Moreover, they do not care about the life and death of these subordinate civilizations.

"Damnable human civilization!" The giant beasts scolded and asked for help from the devil's civilization.

However, their requests fell into the sea and there was no news.

"We were abandoned!" The giant beasts realized that they were treated as abandoned children!

Just like they gave up the calls for help from other level four civilizations, but this time, they were the ones being abandoned!

"Haha, this is retribution." A giant beast laughed, "It doesn't matter, whether you live or die, it depends on this fight!"

After saying that, it rushed directly into the chaotic hyperspace.

Not only them, but also astral civilizations have discovered that space is collapsing.

"Run away!" How dare the stars show off their power? This is the collapse of space in the star cluster area, causing a chain reaction that even a neutron star cannot withstand!

They made the same choice as the giant beasts, rushing into the hyperspace turbulence, trying to leave here through hyperspace.

"Everyone who is useless will die!" Du Xingyu observed this scene coldly. Space resonance can affect the stability of hyperspace.

With such a large area and scope, the moment they enter hyperspace, they will be shattered by the turbulence of hyperspace!

Hyperspace turbulence, to put it in more detail, is the impact of high-dimensional energy!

Whether it is a giant beast civilization or an astral civilization, they are all level four civilizations. Without control over dimensional technology, they cannot deal with this kind of crisis.

One giant beast after another died in hyperspace, and one star after another was shattered by the turbulence of hyperspace.

The Pleiades star cluster has become a collapsed world!

Everything is crumbling and dying!

In this space, three thousand star systems and more than ten fleets of level four civilizations will be buried along with the territory of human civilization!

At this time, in the hidden nebula, the butterfly civilization is opening a super wormhole.

The stellar mother tree rooted in the star releases its accumulated energy and opens a huge hyperspace channel.

"The super wormhole can only last ten minutes." Green Chrysalis said, "After ten minutes, the hyperspace channel will be closed and everything here will be destroyed!"

"Okay! Move immediately!" The fleets of human civilization and butterfly civilization sailed into the super wormhole together and headed for the Large Magellanic Cloud.

All of this is obscured by the nebula material and the four-dimensional barrier.

As long as the saint civilization and devil civilization don't pay special attention to this place, they won't find it.

Fortunately, these two major civilizations are paying attention to the space collapse of the Pleiades star cluster and have not noticed the transfer of human civilization and butterfly civilization.

In the Pleiades star cluster, the speed of space collapse is getting faster and faster. Whenever a space collapses, the surrounding space will be quickly filled in.

More and more star systems are disappearing. The hyperspace at this time can no longer be described as space turbulence, it is simply a space torrent!

The remaining giant beasts and stars can only wait to die.

"Damn human civilization, if I had known, I would have wiped you out first!" the giant beasts roared.

"We have been tricked!" The stars were furious, but to no avail.

Finally, the space collapse spread and swallowed up all the terrifying weapons in the galaxy!

The hyperspace relay station was also destroyed with the collapse of space, and the space around the Pleiades star cluster filled it.

The original Pleiades star cluster has completely disappeared, and this place has become a vacuum!

"It's over!" When Du Xingyu said these words, he and the fleet of human civilization had arrived at the Large Magellanic Cloud, 163,000 light-years away from the Milky Way.

This is a relatively barren star field, and similarly, no advanced civilization has been found here yet.

Human civilization and butterfly civilization are the most advanced existences in this star field.

"Your Excellency Du Xingyu, your human civilization can choose the area where you live in the Large Magellanic Cloud. But please keep a certain distance from our territory. I hope that our two civilizations can coexist peacefully in the Large Magellanic Cloud." Green Chrysalis said.

"Thank you for your help. Human civilization is also willing to live in friendship with you." Human civilization is now stronger than the butterfly civilization, but they are not trying to bully the host.

In the moral system of human civilization, repaying kindness with hatred is a despicable thing.

"In this battle, the giant beast civilization suffered heavy losses. It will not be able to fight again within a million years." The four-dimensional creatures of the devil civilization were discussing this battle.

"I didn't expect that a small human civilization would actually bury such a weapon!"

"The actions of human civilization should be punished, but their main body was also wiped out by resonance weapons, so let's leave it at that." Let the giant beast civilization be ambushed together, and the demon civilization camp will not tolerate it.

But the main body of human civilization, including the territory in which it was located, was destroyed, leaving only a few wandering defeated soldiers, and the devil civilization did not bother to pursue them.

"In general, we made a profit in this battle. The astral civilization suffered even more heavy losses, and they were unable to continue participating in the war."

"It seems that our decisive battle with the saint civilization is not far away!"

"be prepared!"

When the giant beast civilization and the astral civilization cannot participate in the war, the final war between the two major fifth-level civilizations is just around the corner.

Within the galaxy, human civilization has left several fleets hidden here.

First, they want to observe. Observing the battles of advanced civilizations can allow them to learn a lot of technology.

In addition, Du Xingyu and other human civilization commanders also want to know, what exactly is the hunting ground in the Milky Way?

Why do those angelic civilizations and demonic civilizations make rules to allow civilizations in a river system to kill each other?

The human civilization that escaped to the Large Magellanic Cloud is not safe.

If the civilizations in the Milky Way are unified, they will soon develop into the surrounding galaxies, and the Large Magellanic Cloud will not be a safe place by then.

So everything must be prepared in advance.

Around the Pleiades star cluster, the fleet left by human civilization is collecting battlefield information. Although most of the information and materials on the battlefield have been swallowed up by the space turbulence, there are still a few remaining materials and four-dimensional bubbles that contain valuable scientific and technological information.

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