Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 296 The era of star thieves?

Twenty years later, the Pleiades battlefield remains, a human "star pirate ship".

In the identification of galactic civilization, the main body of human civilization has been destroyed, so it is classified as a star pirate civilization.

They wander around every corner of the galaxy, "struggle to survive."

"Captain, we found a four-dimensional barrier ahead! There may be a large four-dimensional bubble." A detector on the ship reported excitedly.

"This coordinate may be an undiscovered four-dimensional bubble!" Captain Wang Lufei looked at the detector and said excitedly, "Guys, get ready to start work!"

This is a period of war in the galaxy. Major civilizations are attacking each other and have no intention of dealing with these star pirate civilizations.

The remaining forces of the defeated civilization also joined the star thief civilization. Some people jokingly called this the era of the great star thief.

Wang Lufei was one of the captains who joined the adventure. He heard that someone had found a four-dimensional bubble left over from the previous battlefield, sold the contents to the Human Guardian Alliance, and made more money than he could spend in a lifetime.

So he sold all his belongings, bought a detection ship, painted a star pirate chessboard, found a few like-minded partners, and went to the area where the Pleiadian civilization once was to conduct a search.

"An undiscovered four-dimensional bubble?" A brown fur ball jumped into the small spacecraft and said, "This is a lot of money."

"I must be the fastest!" A human team member has already set off.

"These guys don't know what it means to be calm." Long-tail crew members wearing space armor also rushed into the four-dimensional bubble.

Genetically modified man Wang Lufei ordered the other crew members: "Leave a few people to watch, and the others will come in with me."

"Yes! Captain!"

The star thieves rushed into the four-dimensional bubble, and their detection spacecraft disappeared from the screen. The information officer knew that it was because the four-dimensional barrier blocked the detection wave of the detector.

The battle that took place in the Pleiades star cluster twenty years ago was extremely fierce. Many of the collapsed spaces turned into four-dimensional bubbles and became a treasure hunt for star thieves.

"Quack!" The brown fur ball was the first to enter the four-dimensional bubble. It shouted in the communication channel in surprise: "The space here is so big, at least ten star systems, there must be good things!"

"Under normal circumstances, such a large-scale four-dimensional bubble cannot be formed. There should be relics of a fourth-level civilization here!" said the Long Tail crew member.

"Look carefully, don't miss any corner!" Wang Lufei was so excited that he flew towards the nearest planet.

This should be a civilized planet where human civilization once existed, with complete human civilization buildings on it.

Wang Lufei released a large number of robots and went up to search.

Although human civilization originally transferred all important technologies and materials to the Large Magellanic Cloud, due to the rush of time, many good things can still be found on the remaining planets.

"Quack, we found a complete space fortress!" The brown fur ball shouted excitedly, "It should be left behind by previous human civilization."

"The Battlestar is worth at least 100 million star coins!" The other crew members envied, "Brother, you made a lot of money!"

"I also found the wreckage of a fourth-level civilization battleship. It should be a Galaxy-class battleship. The battleship materials alone must be sold for tens of millions of star coins!" Another crew member shouted.

"Oops, I'm under attack! Requesting support, the coordinates are (4895, 9845, 7515)." Someone called for help.

"What's going on?" Wang Lufei drove the spaceship and rushed over.

When they arrived at the scene, they discovered that this was a force of mechanical life that was attacking them.

"It's humans, kill them all!" The mechanical life forms attacked them crazily.

"Humanity has abandoned us, we must kill them all!"

"Catch them so we can get out of here!"

"Revenge!" Mechanical life appeared in every corner of the four-dimensional bubble.

"What's going on?" The crew members were already fighting with the mechanical life forms.

Wang Lufei destroyed some mechanical life forms and scanned them with instruments.

After analysis, the intelligent system said: "RI-856, a bionic robot. It is an industrial artifact created during the Great Transformation of mankind to confuse advanced civilizations."

"It has been detected that it has given birth to self-awareness and evolved into mechanical life."

"It turns out that the remaining robots gave birth to self-awareness." Wang Lufei understood.

At the beginning, humans created a large number of bionic robots, because they were very intelligent, and it was very normal for robots to have self-awareness.

These robots survived the collapse of space, and after the birth of self-awareness, they developed deep resentment towards humans. They believed that humans had abandoned them, so they were so hostile to them.

They possess the technology that humans once had, and also possess some technological information left over from other level four civilizations, but they should not be very high, otherwise they would not be able to penetrate the four-dimensional barrier.

"Fight, guys!" Wang Lufei has already rushed out. He is a genetically modified person, equivalent to a life in the universe, able to move freely in space and fight.

"It's my turn!" The long-tail crewmen drove the space mecha and entered the robot army.

"I'll shoot, I'll shoot!" The brown fur ball used the annihilation ray and swept a large area.

Other crew members also used weapons to fight. More and more crew members appeared from the star pirate ship and entered the four-dimensional bubble to fight.

The robot army was ultimately defeated, and their commander, a central optical quantum computer "Super Brain", was "captured" by Wang Lufei using an information virus.

"Shameless humans, if you destroy us today, you will also be destroyed by advanced civilization tomorrow!" Super Brain scolded.

"Whatever." Wang Lufei didn't care about this at all, he said: "What treasures are there in this dimension? Tell them all, or I will destroy your self-program directly!"

"Silicon-based life is not afraid of death!" Superintelligence ignored his threat.

"Let me do it!" said the brown fur ball, "I will directly invade its self-program with my consciousness and search for its memory!"

The neurotechnology of the Flying Ball Tribe is so advanced that their brains can directly invade the programs of silicon-based life forms.

"OK, I'll leave it to you!" Wang Lufei said.

The brown fur ball's brain waves have been connected to the superintelligence's self-program and began to invade its database.

Super Brain has been trying to resist, but due to the closed technology, it itself was also restricted by humans when it was created, so it cannot break free.

The brown fur ball synchronizes the read data on the host of the Star Pirate Ship so that everyone can see it.

"There are actually so many fragments of the Galaxy-class battleship!"

"Fragments of giant beast corpses from the giant beast civilization? Oh my god, it's a huge profit!"

"Get rich, get rich, these robots are collecting treasures!"

"This is..." When they saw the object appearing in the database, all the star thieves, including Wang Luffy, went crazy!

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