"Neutron star, fight!" The brown fur ball read its name!

Back then, in the space battlefield, the most powerful weapon of the astral civilization, the neutron star, was used to fight. Its single star destroyed countless Galaxy-class battleships of the fourth-level civilization.

The space beasts and hyperspace weapons of the Behemoth Civilization are also vulnerable to it!

And they discovered that this four-dimensional bubble actually contained news about the "war" on neutron stars!

There is a legend among star thieves that when the Pleiades star cluster space collapsed, the neutron star rushed into the hyperspace turbulence, but it did not completely disappear.

And its star represents the top technological information of the fourth-level civilization!

Therefore, the information about the neutron star has also become a legendary treasure for the star thieves! Whoever finds it will become the uncrowned king of the Star Thieves!

"Have we found the legendary secret treasure?" The star thieves were stunned for a few seconds and randomly shouted excitedly.

"Finally found!"

"Wealth that could never be spent in a million years!"

"The ultimate goal of life!"

"Hahahaha, I want to go back and marry a hundred wives, and they want to be of different races!"

"you dare?"

"Everyone, calm down first!" Wang Lufei shouted, "This is just information, we haven't mentioned whether it exists or not."

"In case it is still alive, you may cry!"

Wang Lufei's words were like a basin of cold water, waking everyone up.

Yes, if the neutron star is still alive, destroying them would be as simple as sneezing?

"Damn it, why didn't I think of that?"

"Wealth is found in danger, give it a try, and the spaceship will be replaced by a battleship!"

"If you are afraid of a ball, you should not be a star thief if you are afraid of death!"

"Brown Ball, do you have any other information?" Wang Lufei asked Brown Furball.

The brown furball said: "This information is heavily encrypted, and it will take me some time to decipher it."

Everyone waited patiently. After a while, the brown fur ball said in horror: "I have finished cracking it. The neutron star is really in this four-dimensional bubble!"

"Is it really there?"

"Yes..." The brown furball looked a little weird, "But it shouldn't be called a neutron star now."

"What do you mean?" the star thieves asked.

"Look!" The brown fur ball showed the information about the neutron star.

In the virtual image, it is a black planet, which is composed entirely of low-temperature degenerate electron gas and barely emits light or radiation.

"Is this a neutron star?" Wang Lufei asked in surprise.

"It used to be." The brown fur ball said helplessly. "The neutron star died in the turbulence of space. It lost a lot of mass."

"It did not have enough gravity to maintain its neutron state, so it eventually became a dead black dwarf due to the loss of mass."

"So, this is the remnant of a neutron star."

Everyone was a little disappointed at first, but Wang Lufei said: "The wreckage is just wreckage. I don't believe it. There is no technological information left on the wreckage of the neutron star."

"As long as we give it to the Human Guardian Alliance, we can still enjoy the wealth we have gained!"

"Yes! That's it!" The star thieves couldn't let go of the fat they got. They immediately went to find the neutron star wreckage and conducted a simple detection.

The Large Magellanic Cloud, the new territory of human civilization, the highest command of the Human Guardian Alliance.

Du Xingyu received a message: "Have you found the remains of the neutron star?"

He stood up suddenly and asked: "Where?"

"In a four-dimensional bubble within the Milky Way." Xu Lianqiu replied, "It was found by a fleet of star pirates under human civilization."

"They said that the neutron star was suspected of death and had turned into a black dwarf. But even so, they couldn't get close to the black dwarf."

"And the mass of the black dwarf itself is about the size of the sun. They were worried about being discovered by advanced civilizations, so they did not dare to bring out the four-dimensional bubble. They reported it to us and hoped that we would pay them."

"Here!" Du Xingyu said happily, "Give them the highest reward, even a star system is not an exaggeration to reward them!"

The wreckage of the neutron star has been visible to Du Xingyu for a long time.

If we can obtain the technology of astral civilization, human civilization can also create weapons as powerful as neutron stars and become a peak level four civilization!

He immediately sent a fleet hidden in the Milky Way into the four-dimensional bubble to investigate and collect all kinds of information left behind by the neutron star wreckage.

Wang Lufei and other star thieves were also awarded awards by the alliance's high command and became legends among star thieves.

Du Xingyu entered all the information about the black dwarf into the technology simulator for a comprehensive analysis.

Technology simulator: "Consume 100 billion energy points to analyze the neutron star debris."

Although the neutron star is dead, Du Xingyu did find something very valuable in its wreckage.

It turns out that there is a small space inside the black dwarf.

Or, a "microscopic universe" that is only one cubic centimeter in size!

A large amount of scientific and technological information is stored in it, including some important technologies of astral civilization.

And this "microcosm" itself is even more valuable!

"This microscopic universe is a small universe!" Du Xingyu was overjoyed, "It turns out that astral civilization has touched dimensional technology and has reached the edge of fifth-level civilization!"

"Fortunately, we eliminated the main force of the astral civilization before, otherwise they might become the next level five civilization!"

"Big money, big money!" The wreckage of the neutron star is not only the treasure of the star thieves, but also the treasure of Du Xingyu.

He knew that once he fully understood these technologies, humans would be able to touch the edge of level five civilization.

It is even said that human civilization has built its own small universe!

At that time, human civilization will be able to have its own trump card when facing level five civilizations and galactic wars!

He began to devote himself wholeheartedly to the process of analyzing the technology of astral civilization and the microscopic universe. The top scientists of human civilization in the Academy of Sciences also joined this secret research institution and began to study and study.

Human civilization is quietly developing in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

In the Milky Way, the era of great star thieves continues. And as the war between the civilizations of the Milky Way camp becomes more and more intense, the Star Thief civilization has spread to the five spiral arms of the Milky Way!

There is no safe place, and weak civilizations are destroyed and annexed in large numbers!

In just five hundred years, the number of civilizations in the Milky Way has decreased by 70%!

Most of the remaining 30% are hiding in the corners of the Milky Way and in the small universes of saint civilizations and devil civilizations.

As the war spreads, the civilization of saints and the civilization of devils have shown signs of taking action.

They all send forces to each other, searching every corner of the galaxy, trying to find the location of the other's small universe, and then carry out a devastating blow!

Human civilization secretly formed a new star pirate civilization and supported some interstellar spies. While collecting intelligence, it also paid attention to the war situation between these two fifth-level civilizations.

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