Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 299 The War between the Immortals

"It is estimated that the devil civilization is about to take action." Chen Hong judged, "These civilizations are no match for the angel civilization camp."

"The devil's civilization cannot sit back and watch them be eliminated, otherwise their small universe will still be found."

"Then just wait." Du Xingyu was in a relatively relaxed mood. Anyway, human civilization has "suspended death" to get away, so we can just wait and fish in troubled waters.

The bionic civilization was deployed in important areas of the battlefield according to the deployment.

The strength of the demonic civilization camp is evident. They are a third-level civilization and are regarded as the main force. If the demonic civilization does not take action in this battle, it will lead to death!

Before the civilizations in the demon civilization camp had finished their arrangements, hyperspace fluctuations appeared around them. Several huge wormholes were opened. The fleets sailed out of the wormholes like swarms. The civilizations in the angel civilization camp came to fight!

"Kill, kill, kill!" A neutron star from the astral civilization rushed to the front, sweeping away all obstacles.

Following it, a large number of fourth-level Wenxinghe-class battleships attacked together.

Various weapons fill the space battlefield, where the burst of energy can destroy a thousand star systems at the same time!

The second-level and third-level civilizations of the demonic civilization camp are completely cannon fodder in such a war. The meaning of their existence is to waste the enemy's energy and use their corpses to evaluate the enemy's strength.

"Protect yourself." The bionic civilization controlled by Du Xingyu wandered around the battlefield, fishing in troubled waters.

At this time, the commander of the giant beast civilization had no time to pay attention to them.

Its attention is all on the fourth-level civilization. The behemoth civilization itself has come to an end and collided with the astral civilization.

"One, two...fifteen." The commanders of human civilization were counting the number of destroyed civilizations.

"It's so cruel."

"Fortunately, we left early, otherwise our human civilization would be the cannon fodder on the battlefield now." They couldn't help but feel lucky that they did not enter the small universe of the devil's civilization and become their affiliated civilization.

The war became more and more intense. Although the demon civilization camp brought in large forces, it was still unable to fight against the angel civilization camp.

As the Behemoth Bone Behemoth, the commander of the behemoth civilization, was killed by the neutron star, the balance of the war began to tilt towards the angel civilization camp.

"Spread out a little bit," Du Xingyu commanded, "I don't believe in the devil's civilization, can I still sit still?"

If the devil's civilization doesn't take action, its younger brothers will be slaughtered!

The bionic civilization's detectors observe the entire battlefield and monitor all developments.

After Neutron Star killed the bone beast, it rushed towards a space beast again.

"Death!" This is a "young" neutron star. After the neutron stars such as Zhan and Ji died in the Pleiades star cluster, it became the strongest combat force in the astral civilization.

The gravity of the neutron star has locked the space beast, making it unable to break free.

The neutron star with eighteen solar masses collided with the body of the space beast with unmatched kinetic energy!

"Save me!" The space beast called for help on the communication channel. Several Galaxy-class battleships came to the rescue, but to no avail.

At the moment when the neutron star approached the giant beast in space, suddenly, this super celestial body, whose density was second only to that of a black hole, exploded from the middle, along with the space it belonged to!

The burst of energy destroyed everything around it, and only the space beast was protected by a layer of four-dimensional space folds.

"The neutron star was destroyed instantly!" All civilizations on the battlefield noticed this scene.

"It's the devil's civilization, the devil's civilization has taken action!"

"The creatures of the devil's civilization are four-dimensional creatures. They stand in the four-dimensional space and can directly penetrate the core of the neutron star!"

"It's too powerful. The neutron star is just gone? It's worthy of being a level five civilization!"

"The devil civilization finally couldn't hold it back?" The saint civilization had been staring at the battlefield. When the devil civilization took action, they had already locked the position of the four-dimensional creature.

"Kill!" The Saint Civilization took action. A beam of light traveled across a distance of thousands of light years and hit a certain creature.

The observation device deployed by Du Xingyu could not detect the situation in the four-dimensional space. He could only feel the fluctuations in the hyperspace of the entire battlefield.

"Destroy them!" The devil civilization took full action. On the side of the angel civilization camp, many Galaxy-class battleships exploded from the inside at the same time.

The strange biological shadow flew out from the center of the battleship, flashed past, and then dived into the four-dimensional space.

"The gods are fighting, get ready to pick up the slack!" Du Xingyu shouted.

"It's not easy to protect yourself now!" Human commanders controlled the battleships of bionic civilization and silicon-based life forms to hide in all directions.

The war in the four-dimensional space continues, and soon, the three-dimensional space in the space battlefield also begins to fragment and collapse.

The affiliated civilizations of both camps could no longer care about the war and began to flee here.

Even if the war of the fifth-level civilization is affected, they can be wiped out and completely disappear from this universe!

"I really want to know what happened!" Du Xingyu wanted to watch the battle, but now they don't have the strength.

"Discover hyperspace fluctuations and energy fluctuations!" In a space crack, the detector detected some super strong energy fluctuation characteristics.

"Come on!" Du Xingyu immediately controlled the battleship to wrap the space, forming a small four-dimensional bubble, and dragged it away.

Other commanders are doing similar things. In these four-dimensional bubbles, the information left by the fifth-level civilization will definitely be found.

After a few more minutes, the space collapsed to the point where it could no longer stay. Space debris and space turbulence were everywhere.

"Retreat!" the giant beast civilization commanded.

Hearing this sentence, Du Xingyu knew that in the war in high-dimensional space, the devil civilization would not gain an advantage.

All civilizations are fleeing to the rectangular arm. There is an area with dense stars in the rectangular arm. It is a globular star cluster with hundreds of thousands of star systems. It is the main base of the demon civilization camp in the rectangular arm.

Fleeing civilizations rushed here one after another, and countless Galaxy-class battleships and various weapons flew out from the globular star cluster to intercept the pursuers.

The strange thing is that the civilizations in the angel civilization camp did not pursue them, but waited and watched from the outside.

"Are they not chasing them?" Before these civilizations could breathe a sigh of relief, they suddenly saw a hyperspace rift opening in the galaxy.

A thin film that was so flat that it had no thickness and emitted a faint white light flew out.

"Strong gravitational waves have been detected! It is suspected to be an advanced civilization weapon, please avoid it!" In the camp channel, the giant beast civilization reminded.

All civilizations were paying attention to the thin film, and a Galaxy-class battleship launched a hyperspace bomb.

When the hyperspace bomb touched the membrane, it did not explode as civilized people imagined. Instead, it "fell" into the membrane, as if it instantly melted into the water and merged with the membrane. The surface area of ​​the membrane increased slightly. Some.

It continues its flight and heads towards the nearest star.

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