"What is that?" The fleets of all major civilizations dodged one after another, and saw that the thin film had approached the nearest star.

This is a blue giant star that emits endless light and heat. The high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius can melt all conventional materials into plasma!

However, there was no change in this film. One corner of it finally touched the blue giant star.

Something horrifying has happened!

This high-temperature plasma ball quickly fell on the film. It changed from a three-dimensional material to a star pattern on the film!

It's like a painting with a blue super sun!

The detectors of major civilizations can also detect the gravitational waves of this sun and the radiation it releases!

In other words, it did not disappear, but turned into a flat substance, a two-dimensional pattern!

"Two-way foil!" In the communication channel of the demon civilization camp, a commander of the giant beast civilization shouted in horror.

"This is a two-dimensional weapon that can make three-dimensional space fall to two-dimensional! Once sucked in by it, we will all perish! Because we are three-dimensional creatures and cannot survive in a two-dimensional world!"

"Two-way foil!" All civilizations were frightened by its power.

A star disappeared silently.

All weapons that attack the two-way foil turn into patterns on the "paper".

This is an extremely strange scene. This painting is constantly expanding and extending!

"How come there is such a weapon?" The human commanders hurriedly controlled the bionic robots they controlled to escape from here.

But the two-dimensional foil is like a space vortex, generating strong gravity. As it expands itself, it swallows up all the surrounding matter, including the three-dimensional space!

A battleship that is too close cannot escape its gravitational pull.

"If this continues, won't all globular star clusters be reduced to two dimensions?" Chen Hong asked in shock.

"I'm afraid so." Du Xingyu has already done some research on dimension technology.

He analyzed: "The three-dimensional universe we live in has self-stability. After the two-dimensional foil swallows up enough mass and energy, it will produce a big bang, and the matter and energy will return to the three-dimensional space."

"As of now, it seems that this globular cluster will not disappear unless it devours tens of thousands of star systems."

"The impact of its explosion will affect the entire Milky Way, and we can also see it in the Large Magellanic Cloud!"

"How can we fight here? Run away quickly!" Yang Shaolin shouted.

"Run!" Du Xingyu had already received enough information.

The two-way foil is expanding rapidly, and its powerful attraction is like a black hole from which even light cannot escape!

The collapse and chaos of the three-dimensional space makes it difficult for these civilized warships to even conduct hyperspace jumps and warp navigation.

The current situation is similar to the space collapse caused by Du Xingyu in the Pleiades civilization. If you want to leave through warp navigation and hyperspace jump, you have to face the risk of being crushed by the turbulence of time and space.

"It seems that the bionic civilization will be handed over here." Du Xingyu saw that the battleships of the bionic civilization he controlled had irreversibly fallen to the two-way foil.

Before long, they will become a pattern on the two-way foil.

"All hyperspace jumps, try your luck to take away these four-dimensional bubbles!" After Du Xingyu finished speaking, the bionic civilization battleship controlled by his consciousness began to hyperspace jump.

Unfortunately, Du Xingyu lost contact with it in the subspace communication channel a second later.

"My battleship is down." Du Xingyu said helplessly.

"Me too. It's a pity that I finally picked up the four-dimensional bubble." Chen Hong said with emotion.

"I died too." Lu Xing regretted.

"I didn't have time, and was absorbed by the two-way foil!" The battleship controlled by Tours fell into the two-way foil.

After its three-dimensional structure could not be maintained, it exploded into a pile of fragments in the two-dimensional world. It looked like a broken porcelain vase in a painting, broken into a pile.

"I also lost contact." Yang Shaolin also failed.

"Mine, it jumped out!" Mo Caiwei sent a message, "I brought a four-dimensional bubble with me."

"Okay!" Du Xingyu smiled, "As long as there is one, it's not in vain."

"Open the super wormhole immediately and send the four-dimensional bubble over."

While the two camps were still fighting, the battleship controlled by Mo Caiwei dragged the four-dimensional bubble away and flew to a distant star cluster.

Humanity opens a super wormhole connecting the Milky Way and transports four-dimensional bubbles over.

On the battlefield, the war continues.

The detector left by Du Xingyu was still observing the situation. He could not see the battle in the high-dimensional space, but in the three-dimensional world, the civilization of the demon civilization camp was probably going to be wiped out.

"The devil's civilization hasn't taken action to rescue them yet, I'm afraid that the devil's civilization is no match for the saint's civilization." Du Xingyu guessed.

"The speed of two-dimensional falling is getting faster and faster." Du Xingyu saw that a large number of star systems were sucked into the two-dimensional foil, and the light of the two-dimensional foil became more and more powerful.

This is definitely a spectacle of a spaceship. There is a layer of flat, blazing light in space.

Its radiation and gravitational waves are so strong that they can destroy all nearby matter into the most basic particles!

The war in the four-dimensional space seems to be coming to an end, and there is no news about the devil's civilization.

"Has the devil's civilization been wiped out?" Mo Caiwei asked.

"No, it shouldn't be that simple." Du Xingyu analyzed, "The cunning rabbit is still in the third burrow! After all, it is a fifth-level civilization, how could it be finished so easily!"

"Yes." Yang Shaolin said, "In this battle, it can only be said that the demonic civilization camp in the galaxy has been completely defeated, and only the small universe of the demonic civilization is left."

"Only when the small universe is destroyed can we say that the devil's civilization has been destroyed."

"Can the small universe be moved?" Mo Caiwei asked.

"Move?" When Du Xingyu heard her words, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat and said: "Four-dimensional bubbles can be moved, and of course the small universe can also be moved!"

"If the devil's civilization migrates due to defeat, where will they move?"

When Du Xingyu finished saying this, Chen Hong and others also realized that something was wrong.

"The Milky Way will be occupied by the saint civilization. And the resource-rich Andromeda Galaxy next to it is also occupied by the advanced civilization there. The defeated devil civilization cannot go head-to-head with the advanced civilization of the Andromeda Galaxy."

"Then their best choice is the Large Magellanic Cloud!"

After deducing this conclusion, Du Xingyu and others suddenly discovered that the situation facing human civilization was much worse than imagined.

"We fight back and forth, but we still have to hit ourselves on the head."

"I hope the saint civilization will find the small universe of the devil civilization soon. Lest we encounter unreasonable disasters."

"Be prepared for the worst. Immediately notify Butterfly Civilization and other affiliated civilizations to reduce their activities in the Large Magellanic Cloud and prepare for defense."

The cervical spondylosis occurred again, and I felt dizzy while sitting.

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