As all the materials and silicon-based life of the bionic civilization fell into the two-dimensional foil, the activities of human civilization in the galaxy also completely ended.

It is estimated that it will take another 100,000 years for the two-way foil to swallow up the entire globular cluster.

In these hundred thousand years, endless despair awaits those who have not yet escaped civilization!

They are constantly escaping to the outskirts of the star cluster, but the universe here is falling into the two-dimensional world at a faster speed.

At this time, hyperspace was completely blocked by space turbulence, and even the risky hyperspace jump could not be completed.

Human civilization has no ability to influence the fate of other civilizations, because they themselves are about to face possible invasion from level five civilizations!

Du Xingyu immediately arranged instruments to detect the four-dimensional bubbles dragged from the battlefield. This space debris was not so much a three-dimensional space wrapped by a four-dimensional barrier, but a mixed space surrounded by three-dimensional and four-dimensional spaces.

In three-dimensional space, humans gain nothing.

But their detection equipment can detect gravitational waves that cross latitudes. There is indeed a fifth-level civilization here.

"Commander Du, we found its body!" said the intelligent system Hongyu.

In the virtual world, it displays the shape of a weird creature.

It looked like nothing. Du Xingyu had seen many strange cosmic life forms, and this was the first time he had seen such a creature with an indescribable shape.

It's like a pile of irregular meat, changing shape every moment.

"What the hell is this?" Tours complained, "Just looking at it, I feel like the biochip is heating up and the computing power is not enough!"

"This is normal." Du Xingyu said, "It should be a four-dimensional creature from the devil's civilization."

"The reason why we see its shape changing all the time is because we don't see its complete body."

"It is a four-dimensional creature, and the image we observe is just a 'screenshot' of its body in the three-dimensional world!"

"Just like us humans, there is only one cross section on the drawing!"

“Without a four-dimensional perspective and information processing capabilities, we would never be able to see the full picture.”

"So that's it." Tours said, "So, if we can see its whole picture clearly, it means that we have a four-dimensional vision and control a certain amount of dimensional technology?"

"Yes, that's it." Du Xingyu said with great interest: "Now I don't know whether it is dead or alive. Maybe it is still alive, but since it is trapped in a four-dimensional bubble and is motionless, it means that it is not far from death. ”

He began to study this four-dimensional creature. Using a technological simulator, Du Xingyu was able to see its entirety.

His guess was correct, this four-dimensional creature was indeed about to die, its life rhythm was weakening, and its consciousness light group was dissipating.

It is really difficult to describe its appearance in human language.

It is like an infinitely polyhedral creature, with a face at every angle. It is said that the creatures of the devil civilization and the behemoth civilization originated from the same civilization. This news is indeed somewhat credible.

Because Du Xingyu found some genes similar to those of giant beasts in his genetic information analysis.

The devil creature was not a four-dimensional creature from the beginning, but transformed itself into a four-dimensional creature.

By comparing the genetic information of the giant beast civilization, you can find traces of their transformation.

This is good news for Du Xingyu. It means that he can follow the clues and find information about dimension technology.

Within the Milky Way, the angelic civilization camp has basically unified the five spiral arms. Now only the small universe of the devil civilization has not been found. The small universe detectors of the saint civilization fly to every corner of the galaxy, looking for traces of the devil's small universe.

In the devil's small universe, the once prosperous scene is now nothing but depression!

Most of the affiliated civilizations died in the war, and only a few important affiliated civilizations are still allowed to live here.

The devil's civilization itself also suffered heavy losses.

"The Saints civilization finally developed two-dimensional foil. While we were researching four-dimensional weapons, they developed dimensionality reduction weapons!" The four-dimensional creatures are still frightened by this war.

"Dimensionality reduction weapons are our nemesis! Our four-dimensional weapons are most effective against civilizations in three-dimensional space. But we know very little about two-dimensional technology!"

"Once we are pulled into a two-dimensional world, we lose the ability to fight back."

"The galaxy has been completely occupied and cannot stay any longer!"

"We must move the small universe quickly, otherwise the saint civilization will throw the two-way foil into our small universe, and our devil civilization will be destroyed!"

"Where to go?"

"You can't go to the Andromeda Galaxy. According to our detection, the civilization there is more powerful than the Saint civilization."

"Then we can only go to the Large Magellanic Cloud and then explore other galactic spaces."

"The territory of human civilization?"

The four-dimensional creatures have actually known for a long time that human civilization has escaped to the Large Magellanic Cloud, but they did not stop or attack.

Because they have imagined that they may not be the opponents of the saints' civilization.

Let human civilization develop the Large Magellanic Galaxy, and the devil civilization can directly accept the assets of human civilization and enslave human civilization.

"Then it's decided, prepare to relocate the small universe."

"We must find the right time, and we must not be discovered by the saint civilization!"

Relocating the small universe is not a simple matter, and the devil's civilization cannot move at will, so it will take some time for them to prepare.

During this period of time, human civilization has become more and more understanding of dimensional technology.

"Energy can be released when dimensions fall. We can use hyperspace bombs to split the four-dimensional space and let it fall into the third dimension, releasing a large amount of energy and creating a dimensional energy reactor."

Du Xingyu has found a way to utilize dimensional energy. On the technology simulator, he began to simulate a dimensional energy reactor.

Technology simulator: "Invest 100 billion energy points and start simulating a dimensional energy reactor."

On the technology simulator, the fragments from the four-dimensional space fell into the three-dimensional space, releasing a large amount of energy while falling.

This energy exceeds the energy released when the three-dimensional space is annihilated. In theory, it can continue to fall from three dimensions to two dimensions, one dimension, and zero dimension.

But Du Xingyu did not control the way of falling in lower dimensions. He has also recently been collecting information on two-way foils. When the information becomes more complete, he may also be able to master lower-dimensional technology.

"The dimension energy reactor simulation was successful." the technology simulator reminded.

"The next step is to develop the photon information group and the four-dimensional eye." Du Xingyu started the next plan.

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