Photon information clusters are an information processing method that replaces biological chips and electronic chips, allowing the human brain to process information from the high-dimensional world.

The four-dimensional eye allows humans to have a four-dimensional perspective and conduct observation and research in four-dimensional space.

Humans have been studying photon information groups for a long time and should be able to develop them soon.

The fourth-dimensional eye is the key, and it also has a name, called the "Eye of Time"!

Four-dimensional space has one more time axis than three-dimensional space. In three-dimensional space, humans can see three dimensions: length, width, and height.

So in the four-dimensional space, naturally you have to be able to see the timeline!

In the words of ancient humans, it means being able to see the past and the future!

There is only one timeline in the four-dimensional space, so there is no complicated information involved in changing history or rewriting the future.

Du Xingyu estimated that the four-dimensional creatures of the devil civilization cannot see very far away timelines. They should only be able to see the short past or future. Otherwise, they would have left the galaxy long ago or defeated the saint civilization.

"Transform our eyes to see the four-dimensional timeline!" Du Xingyu began to simulate.

The four-dimensional space that Du Xingyu sees now is just a point on the time axis of the four-dimensional space!

Every moment is equivalent to a still space picture.

Connecting these fragments is like playing a cartoon. After accelerating the picture to the limit that the human eye can distinguish, it becomes a dynamic picture.

If Du Xingyu can speed up these four-dimensional space fragments, he can see a stable four-dimensional space. If the "playback" speed is further accelerated, he can achieve the effect of "timeline fast forward" and see a short-term future scene.

These visions of the future may last only a few seconds, and are limited to the space he is in.

For example, the future scene that Du Xingyu saw in a certain four-dimensional space in the Large Magellanic Cloud was limited to that space.

He cannot see the timeline of the Milky Way or other galaxies.

Two years later, the Institute of Four-Dimensional Science and Technology of Human Civilization.

Du Xingyu stood among them, his brain biochip had been replaced by a ball of photons.

This means that his thinking has evolved. If it is a more advanced civilization, it can turn all matter into energy.

In this way, they can freely shuttle in the high-dimensional universe. In the language of ancient humans, they are gods!

Du Xingyu closed his eyes and was observing the scene in the four-dimensional space.

The space of the institute seems to have been sliced ​​into countless fragments in a 3D movie.

Not only can he see macroscopic matter in all three-dimensional forms, but he can even clearly see the changes in every particle.

It is the changes in these micro-particles that cause the macroscopic material state of the three-dimensional world to change.

"The basic particles of matter are always changing from order to disorder." Du Xingyu can more deeply understand the law of entropy increase. All particles are diffusing outwards, including energy.

Three-dimensional space is stretching because the entire three-dimensional universe is still expanding.

"Speed ​​up the picture." Everyone wants to peek into the future, and Du Xingyu is no exception.

After truly gaining a four-dimensional perspective, not just a technological simulator perspective, Du Xingyu understood why the four-dimensional eye could see the short-term future.

Because he can clearly see the movement trajectory of every particle in the three-dimensional space, he only needs to calculate these movement trajectories and know their performance in the three-dimensional world, so he can know what will happen in the short future.

In the same way, seeing the "historical picture" on the timeline is the same. By inferring backwards based on the movement trajectories of particles, you can see the "past".

"One ten thousandth of a second." Du Xingyu saw a short future, but the time was too short and there was no change in his external performance.

"Continue to speed up!" Du Xingyu already felt that his photon information group was struggling, and his body was also consuming a lot of energy.

This is somewhat similar to computers in the era of first-level human civilization. If you want to obtain more information, you have to invest more computing power and electrical energy.

"A thousandth of a second."

"One hundredth of a second."

"One second!"

Du Xingyu saw the future a second later. Nothing strange happened in the research institute.

"We can continue!" Du Xingyu connected his consciousness to the super-intelligent brain in the virtual world, and the super-intelligent computing program was upgraded into a photon information group.

Du Xingyu's computing power increased again, "Three seconds."

"Five seconds!"

The images he could see were getting longer and longer.

"Thirty seconds!" Du Xingyu was finally able to see half a minute into the future. He saw that his action of observing the four-dimensional timeline was forcibly blocked.

"Commander Du, stop quickly, your mind can't bear it anymore!" The researchers urgently cut off his connection with the super intelligence.

Immediately afterwards, Du Xingyu saw himself unconscious.

"Is this the future?" Du Xingyu was still wondering.

But he soon discovered that his brain couldn't bear it anymore.

Tens of seconds passed, and a voice rang in Du Xingyu's ear: "Commander Du, stop quickly, your mind can't bear it anymore."

Du Xingyu opened his eyes and saw exactly the same picture as he had foreseen in the future.

"I succeeded." A smile appeared on Du Xingyu's face, and then he passed out.

Du Xingyu slept for three full days before he recovered.

"You're awake!" Xu Lianqiu stayed by the bedside. Seeing him waking up, she asked with concern: "How do you feel?"

"My mind is a little confused, but everything is fine!" Du Xingyu was very excited. He took Xu Lianqiu's hand and said excitedly: "I saw a short picture of the future, before the timeline!"

"Fourth-dimensional eye, I did it!"

"Great!" Xu Lianqiu congratulated, "Then we can enter the fifth level civilization!"

"Yes!" Du Xingyu said, "The future I see is just the future calculated by me based on the trajectory of the particle state, which is not uniquely correct."

"It also has limitations, because I can only see a future picture of space within a certain range, and it will be affected by other space particles and change."

"It's enough to do this. I know how to use the timeline!"


"The first is to predict, and the second is to let the particles move against the time axis and make entropy reduction motion." Du Xingyu said.

"Third, and the most terrifying thing, if we can do it, human civilization will stand at the apex of level five civilization!"

"The pinnacle of fifth-level civilization?" Xu Lianqiu didn't expect that Du Xingyu thought of so much.

"what is that?"

"The end of the timeline! Within a specific four-dimensional space, end the timeline of that four-dimensional space!"

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