"End the timeline?" Xu Lianqiu asked in shock, "Doesn't that mean the four-dimensional space is completely annihilated? Everything returns to nothingness?"

"Yes, that's it." Du Xingyu said, "Time is a description and record of the trajectory of particles."

"What we call the beginning of time is the beginning of the birth of the universe. Before that, time was meaningless."

"Using the theory of quantum mechanics to infer, because the energy and mass of the universe remain zero in total, so before the timeline, the universe was nothingness. It can be regarded as a 'virtual particle' born in nothingness, corresponding to another opposite real particle . Virtual and real particles can form two completely opposite universes."

"The total mass and energy of virtual and real particles are conserved."

"Similarly, the end of the universe is also the return of virtual and real particles to nothingness. The end of the timeline."

"The end of the timeline is to draw a full stop on the timeline of the universe. The virtual and real particles in both sections of the timeline will shrink toward this full stop until they are completely combined and turned into nothingness. In the world, everything will cease to exist. !”

"If we really have such technology, not to mention the devil's civilization, even the saint's civilization will be sanctioned!"

After listening to Du Xingyu's words, Xu Lianqiu said: "In that case, wouldn't the universe we live in be ended?"

"Haha, it's not such an exaggeration." Du Xingyu laughed, "The universe we live in has at least ten dimensions, and we can only see three dimensions at present."

"Even if we have such technology, at most we can only end a certain period of the timeline in a specific space and within a specific range."

"It's like we can only press a three-dimensional object in three-dimensional space into a flat surface."

"Our impact on the entire universe is limited."

"Besides, there is more than one timeline in the entire universe. There are countless timelines in the five-dimensional space. If this can be achieved, it will even surpass the god-level civilization and can be said to be a creation civilization or a world-destruction civilization. !”

"Of course, these are all speculations. No one knows what capabilities they have without real contact with more advanced civilizations."

Du Xingyu's research on dimensional energy and timelines has allowed human civilization to truly break through the level 4 civilization and become a level 5.0 civilization.

After possessing the four-dimensional eye, humans can also carry out activities and attacks in the four-dimensional space, which is part of the hyperspace that humans previously considered.

This attack method is the four-dimensional weapon of the devil's civilization.

The technology for creating small universes was also developed by them. It is said to be manufacturing, but it is actually better to say "transportation".

Transfer the mass and energy of the big universe into the small universe you built, and improve it step by step.

The physical rules of this small universe are exactly the same as those of the big universe in other aspects, because its timeline is not independent and is also on the timeline of the big universe.

Du Xingyu speculated that if a civilization could be created with its own independent timeline and laws of the small universe, it would definitely surpass the existence of a fifth-level civilization.

While human civilization is building small universes and developing four-dimensional weapons, it is also researching dimensionality reduction weapons. For example, the two-dimensional foil used by the saint civilization, according to this idea, they can also continue to reduce the dimensionality of the two-dimensional world to a one-dimensional world, and this kind of weapon is called one-dimensional silk.

Whether it is a four-dimensional time-ending weapon or a dimension-reducing weapon, they are the pinnacle technologies of a fifth-level civilization.

The time left for human civilization is too tight.

Du Xingyu found a clever way to directly analyze the two-way foil. Since the devil's civilization cannot deal with the two-way foil, wouldn't it be enough to just imitate the two-way foil?

Taking the risk, he stayed behind the Milky Way, observed the two-dimensional foil, and tried to enter the two-dimensional world.

"Human beings cannot enter the two-dimensional world, but light quantum can." In order to enter the two-dimensional world, Du Xingyu used the newly controlled light quantum information technology to create a "light quantum robot."

It is just a ball of photons that bounces off into a plane, which is a point of light with no regular shape.

Du Xingyu controlled the light spot and came to the area where the two-way foil was located.

Here, globular star clusters have swallowed up thousands of star systems. If the observation angle is wide enough, we can also see those civilizations that have not yet broken free, racing against time.

They are like people running crazily on a maximum-power treadmill, running as hard as they can and still staying alive.

Once the energy is exhausted, they will be quickly swallowed up by the two-dimensional foil and become the matter of the two-dimensional world.

"Two-dimensional robot, photons are ready." The photons have reached the edge of the two-way foil. Because it has absorbed too much mass and energy, the current gravity, light and radiation of the two-way foil have exceeded the most dazzling stars!

"Enter the two-dimensional world!" Du Xingyu ordered.

The photon gives up its resistance to the gravity of the two-way foil and is actively sucked into the two-dimensional world.

The two-dimensional foil is a two-dimensional world that is destined to be destroyed because it has absorbed too much mass and energy from the three-dimensional universe. It will burst after a few years, and the matter and energy will return to the three-dimensional universe.

Looking at the two-dimensional universe from a human perspective is like looking at pixels.

There is also the conversion of mass and energy here, as well as chemical and physical changes. They can even see that the two-dimensional stars that have been sucked in are revolving and rotating due to the gravitational attraction of the surrounding two-dimensional planets, forming galaxies.

Of course, it seems that there are too few details, the amount of information is very simple, and anyone can easily obtain all the information.

"Weird and bizarre!" In the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences were simultaneously receiving information from light quanta.

They recorded this information and used it to imitate the two-way foil.

The light quantum robot flies all the way through every corner of the two-dimensional world.

Sometimes in order to accelerate, it will temporarily leave the two-dimensional world and enter three-dimensional time. It can fly at the speed of the three-dimensional world and travel through the space of the two-dimensional world faster.

This is equivalent to hyperspace flight in the two-dimensional world.

"Most of the two-dimensional space is chaotic and on the verge of destruction." Du Xingyu ordered, "Go to the core of the two-dimensional foil."

The place he mentioned is the place in the two-dimensional world. The first two-dimensional world is the area that has not yet begun to absorb the matter and energy of the three-dimensional universe.

"Yes!" The light quantum robot entered the three-dimensional space flight again and soon reached the core area of ​​the two-way foil.

Here is a bright circle of light.

Look carefully, these apertures are made up of countless bright spots. The highlight is the various material structures in the two-dimensional world.

As soon as the light quantum robot arrived here, it was intercepted! A group of black dots surrounded it!

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