"What?" Human scientists were all surprised.

The light quantum robot was surrounded by a circle of black matter. It tried to break out of the circle, but as soon as its body came into contact with the black matter, that part was assimilated!

It immediately peels off that part of the contaminated particles and remains vigilant.

"what is that?"

"Weapons in the two-dimensional world?"

"Or some kind of creature?"

While human scientists were speculating, the optical quantum robot received a message.

Those black spots sent it a string of information codes, and by deciphering it, the optical quantum robot translated it into human language.

"Intruders, you have broken into the territory of our pixel civilization, please stop the intrusion immediately, otherwise we will take attack measures!"

"Pixel civilization is actually a civilization in the two-dimensional world!" Du Xingyu was also surprised, "Contact them!"

The light quantum machine immediately contacted the pixel civilization: "Hello pixel civilization. I am a civilization from the three-dimensional universe. I have no intention of invading you. We are exploring the two-dimensional space."

"Three-dimensional universe? Is there really a three-dimensional world?" After the pixel civilization received the information of light quantum, the entire civilization was shocked!

Looking at the surface of the two-dimensional foil, you can see a large number of black spots moving, and some are black squares, circles, etc.

They are pixel creatures in the two-dimensional world. After learning that the intercepted invaders came from the three-dimensional world, the pixel civilization was alarmed!

The top leaders of Pixel Civilization held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with this explorer from the three-dimensional universe.

"Just as our scientists guessed, there is indeed a three-dimensional world!" Scientists from Pixel Civilization exclaimed.

"Isn't it a lie?" asked the senior executive of Pixel Civilization.

"No, because we discovered that this outsider has not always existed in our world!" Scientists from Pixel Civilization explained.

"And now, the energy and mass of our universe are increasing rapidly, and the two-dimensional world is getting hotter and hotter."

"The excess mass and energy may come from three-dimensional space."

"Just like what this outsider said!"

After years of research, the pixel civilization has discovered something unusual about their world.

"Are we going to capture them?" asked the top executives of Pixel Civilization.

"My lords, I suggest that we don't do this!" the scientists warned seriously.

"A civilization living in a high-dimensional space must have more advanced technology than us."

"It would be easy for them to destroy us, we'd better not offend them!"

"On the contrary, we desperately need their help!"

One scientist said: "According to our observations, the mass and energy of our universe are increasing too fast, and it currently appears to be expanding."

"If this continues, it will eventually expand into a three-dimensional universe. As two-dimensional beings, we are likely to die in the process!"

"If there are civilizations in the three-dimensional world willing to help us, our pixel civilization can have hope of leaving this two-dimensional space that is destined to die!"

"Then we have to contact them. What if they are malicious?"

"This is beyond our control. After all, we know nothing about them, and they have discovered us!"

"That can only be like this." The top leaders of Pixel Civilization finally decided to contact outsiders.

They got in touch with the optical quantum robot and hoped to exchange more information with it.

Du Xingyu agreed. At present, he has not exposed any information about human civilization. Because he is worried that this two-dimensional civilization is related to the civilization of saints.

After ensuring that there was no malicious intent, the light quantum robot visited the territory of the pixel civilization.

To be honest, it is difficult for human civilization to understand this civilization. Because all their substances and creations, in the eyes of humans, are just flat patterns.

The creatures of the pixel civilization also survive through chemical reactions and material exchange.

Compared with these, Du Xingyu is more concerned about the origin and development of pixel civilization and their technological level.

The optical quantum robot quickly figured out this information.

According to Pixel Civilization, they are a civilization born in this two-dimensional space. At least as far as they know, they were not created by any civilization.

They have a history of tens of millions of years. Du Xingyu guessed that the time flow rate in the two-dimensional space is different from that in the human world, or that this two-dimensional foil was created tens of millions of years ago... It is also possible.

The material of the two-dimensional foil itself comes from a two-dimensional universe, which was cut by the saint civilization and used to make weapons.

In other words, they are just test subjects for the saint civilization to observe the two-dimensional universe.

No matter what the reason is, the development of pixel civilization in the two-dimensional universe is very slow. One of the important reasons is that in the past time, the space of their universe was very small, and the mass and energy were pitifully small.

There were no other civilizations. Those were the most difficult days for the pixel civilization, and the pixel life did not know the reason.

Du Xingyu guessed that at that time, the universe they were in was still a small two-dimensional foil and had not been released into the three-dimensional space.

It was not until recently that pixel civilization ushered in a period of great development.

They discovered that the universe was expanding rapidly, with matter and energy increasing at a rate beyond their belief.

At first, the scientists of pixel civilization were very excited, thinking that pixel civilization would go to glory!

But they soon became worried because they observed that the energy of the entire two-dimensional universe exceeded what this universe could hold.

The two-dimensional universe is likely to become three-dimensional in the near future!

Today, the emergence of optical quantum robots has confirmed their conjecture.

The pixel civilization asks outsiders to tell them the answer to their question.

"Should we tell them?" Human scientists were discussing this issue.

"If they knew that the world they lived in was just a weapon used by an advanced civilization, would they feel desperate?" someone worried.

"Even if we don't tell them, with the speed of their technological development, they will definitely not be able to match the speed of destruction of the two-way foil, and they will eventually perish!"

"Pixel civilization controls a lot of information about the two-dimensional universe and can help us understand low-dimensional technology!"

"Then tell them." Du Xingyu made a decision. He asked the light quantum robot to tell the other party: "Pixel civilization exists in the two-way foil created by advanced civilization."

When this news was passed to Pixel Civilization, Pixel Civilization was all excited.

Some people questioned the authenticity of the news, some went crazy, and some were excited about it, as if they had come into contact with the world of gods!

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