Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 305 Dimensionality Reduction Weapon

"We live in a fleeting space! We are not unique existences in the world!" The pixel creatures of the pixel civilization have always thought that they are the masters of this world and that they can create other pixel life forms.

But I didn’t expect that the truth of the world is actually like this!

"We must escape from this world, otherwise we will perish!"

"We want to go to other two-dimensional worlds, or ascend to a three-dimensional civilization!"

The creatures of the pixel civilization have reached an agreement that instead of waiting here for the destruction of the world and the demise of civilization, they should listen to the suggestions of outsiders and become their affiliated civilization.

The request of pixel civilization is to ask human civilization to take them away from this two-dimensional world that is destined to be destroyed.

To achieve this, humans must either cut the two-dimensional foil into space and cut off part of the two-dimensional space; or they can control the dimensionality reduction technology themselves and create a new two-dimensional world.

Humans try both ways.

Of course, Du Xingyu got all the information controlled by the pixel civilization in the two-dimensional world.

There is indeed a huge difference in the understanding of the world between two-dimensional creatures and three-dimensional creatures. Du Xingyu got a lot of valuable content from this information.

Technology simulator: "Two-way foil information completeness, 87%."

What surprised Du Xingyu the most was that the pixel creatures recorded the various physical changes that occurred when three-dimensional matter fell into the two-dimensional world.

This will be the core of his development of dimensionality reduction weapons.

On the technology simulator, Du Xingyu is reducing the dimensionality of a three-dimensional space.

Dimensionality reduction requires releasing the energy of three-dimensional space. He used the dimensional energy device to carefully absorb the energy of the three-dimensional space without directly annihilating it.

"To reduce the dimensionality of three-dimensional space to two-dimensional space is to destroy the 'height' axis of three-dimensional space." Du Xingyu seemed to have some realization.

"So, what I was thinking about before, the timeline that ends the four-dimensional space, isn't it also a dimensionality reduction of the four-dimensional space?"

"Perhaps developing two-way foil will help me research time-ending weapons."

He began to devote himself to the research and development of two-way foil.

On the technology simulator, Du Xingyu's first dimensionality reduction experiment failed.

He immediately modified the plan and started the second level of experiments.

Somewhere in the Milky Way, the exploration spacecraft of the Angel Civilization camp is detecting a barren open star cluster.

This star cluster once gave birth to a fourth-level civilization. The fourth-level civilization collected all the resources in the star cluster, and the rest were space junk.

The stars here have also entered the aging stage early due to excessive exposure, becoming red giants and red dwarfs one after another.

"There can't be a small universe of devil civilization here. The resources are too scarce." On the exploration spacecraft were creatures from a certain third-level civilization.

Their ship is equipped with a detector given by the saint's civilization, which can detect gravitational waves in the small universe.

"Anomalies in gravitational waves have been detected!" the instrument sounded an alarm.

"What, are you really here?" The creatures of the third-level civilization were frightened and immediately contacted the saint civilization.

However, at this moment, inside their spacecraft, a giant claw was pulled out from the fuel tank of the spacecraft, and then disappeared into the three-dimensional space.

The exploration spacecraft was destroyed instantly, and the creatures of the third-level civilization were naturally destroyed.

"We have been discovered!" The top leaders of the devil's civilization knew that this day had finally arrived.

"Start the small universe immediately and head to the Large Magellanic Cloud!" The devil civilization started the small universe and took the small universe on a hyperspace flight!

For level five civilizations, the small universe is their battleship!

What other battleship is stronger than Microcosm? They will use the more massive microcosms as habitats.

For war, they will also build small universes with smaller mass, also called space battleships.

This kind of battleship has its own small universe, so the amount of energy and weapons it reserves is staggering!

The space battleship can not only easily travel through the river galaxy, but can also conduct interstellar travel in the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster!

Fifty galaxies, including the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Magellanic Clouds, make up the Local Group of galaxies.

The Local Group of galaxies is just one of the more than one hundred galaxies and star clusters in the Virgo Supercluster!

"The coordinates of the devil's small universe!" The saint civilization also received the information at the same time.

"Intercept them immediately, don't let them escape the galaxy!"

Large-scale hyperspace fluctuations appeared around the devil's small universe, and the weapons of the saint's civilization were attacking them.

The two level five civilizations are fighting again. The surrounding three-dimensional space is constantly being annihilated, and the energy burst out is enough to destroy nearby star clusters!

"The devil's civilization is out!" Human civilization also received the news, and the high command held an emergency meeting.

"Get ready for war immediately!" Du Xingyu ordered, feeling equally nervous.

Although the research on two-way foil has achieved certain success, he is still not sure about dealing with either of the two major fifth-level civilizations.

Human civilization also has detection equipment in the Milky Way.

During the previous war, because they did not have high-dimensional observers, they could not know the situation of the war.

But now human civilization is also a level five civilization, which can not only observe four-dimensional space, but also two-dimensional space.

So this war, human civilization can see it clearly!

The war first took place in the four-dimensional space, and the four-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization were themselves powerful weapons.

They can travel through four dimensions, swallowing and annihilating space. Their eyes can see the composition and movement trajectories of particles, and their brains can also perform ultra-high-frequency calculations.

Therefore, these four-dimensional creatures have the ability to briefly "peep into the future" in a specific space.

It is difficult for ordinary weapons to attack them directly.

The saint civilization seems to be very aware of this, and their attack methods are very targeted.

They stir up space-time turbulence and interfere with the trajectory of energy and particles, making it impossible for four-dimensional creatures to predict the coming attack.

The space where four-dimensional creatures are located is sometimes suddenly locked. The energy in the four-dimensional space quickly flows away, and the four-dimensional creatures are trapped in the three-dimensional space.

Just like the fish in the pond being drained of water, the four-dimensional creatures in trouble have lost their powerful abilities.

Their four-dimensional eyes were blinded, and their four-dimensional weapons were blocked by three-dimensional barriers, leaving them at their mercy.

"If this continues, the devil's civilization will be destroyed by the saint's civilization before it can escape." Du Xingyu thought to himself.

But a few minutes later, he discovered that he still underestimated the devil's civilization.

In the area where the saint civilization and the devil civilization of the galaxy are at war, the devil civilization's small universe suddenly releases super energy, and the matter and energy of the small universe are returning to the three-dimensional universe!

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