Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 306 The golden cicada escapes from its shell

You know, the small universe is loaded with a large number of stars, space, and energy.

Previously, they were all wrapped in dimensional energy and isolated from the three-dimensional universe.

But suddenly, these matter and energy were returned to the three-dimensional universe, just like a flash flood suddenly erupted in a trickling stream, and the flooding energy was enough to destroy everything!

"Are they going to perish together with the saints' civilization?" Chen Hong said in surprise, "This will not destroy the saints' civilization!"

"Yes, the small universe of the Saints Civilization has not been exposed yet. At most, this can only destroy the vanguard of the Saints Civilization." Yang Shaolin said.

Where the devil's small universe is located, the material jets and energy jets of the small universe are comparable to the explosion of a black hole!

Such terrifying energy, no matter it is two-dimensional, three-dimensional or four-dimensional, cannot bear it!

"Does the devil's civilization not want to survive?" The saint's civilization did not expect that the devil's civilization would do such a thing!

They have lost contact with the troops sent to fight. It is estimated that these forces were killed in the impact of the return of the small universe.

At this moment, strong hyperspace fluctuations suddenly erupted in another corner of the galaxy, and a super wormhole was opened.

A small universe with less mass enters the super wormhole and heads to the Large Magellanic Cloud.

"It's the devil civilization. They actually created two small universes!" The saint civilization woke up. The devil civilization is a plan to cut off the tail of the gecko and escape from the golden cicada!

Use the original small universe to attract their attention, and then escape with another small universe with a smaller mass.

Although they have realized this, they no longer have enough strength to organize interception and pursuit.

For the time being, the saint civilization can only watch the devil civilization escape from the galaxy!

"We succeeded!" The four-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization exchanged excitedly.

"The Saints Civilization must have never thought that we would be willing to give up the small universe that we have managed for tens of millions of years!"

"Yes, the Devil's Microcosm is our most powerful force. I'm really reluctant to part with it."

"You should give up when you should, or else you will eventually be destroyed by the saints' civilization!"

"We took the initiative to destroy it, and also attacked the power of the Saints' civilization, leaving them with no troops to pursue us. Killing two birds with one stone!"

"The next step is to recover human civilization."

"We deliberately let go of human civilization back then, just for this moment. Human civilization has become a level five civilization. As long as we conquer them, we can breathe a sigh of relief, gain a foothold in the Large Magellanic Cloud, and then plan for other things!"

The devil's civilization's strategy started hundreds of years ago, and human civilization is also part of their calculations.

Otherwise, they would not have allowed human civilization not to join the devil's small universe and let them leave the galaxy!

The deceptions used by human civilization have not hidden their four-dimensional eyes!

Soon, another small universe of the devil's civilization appeared in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

"Human civilization, they are coming!" Butterfly civilization contacted human civilization urgently. They were very frightened by the arrival of devil civilization.

Butterfly civilization is only a fourth-level civilization and has no confidence to fight against a fifth-level civilization.

Even if this fifth-level civilization has given up too much power, in their eyes, it is still invincible.

"Defecting human civilization, your main civilization has arrived. Surrender immediately, otherwise we will start attacking!" The moment the devil civilization arrived in the Large Magellanic Galaxy, it sent a space broadcast to the Large Magellanic Galaxy.

Human civilization responded to them with several hyperspace bombs.

This is an upgraded hyperspace bomb that contains the energy of four-dimensional space. The explosion power it produces is enough to kill four-dimensional creatures and destroy the stability of the small universe.

The devil civilization did not expect that human civilization would dare to attack them actively, and also use four-dimensional hyperspace bombs.

Even if they were prepared, they were blown up badly, and the small universe was shaken violently.

"Human civilization, you are seeking your own death!" The fourth-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization were angry and decided to completely eradicate human civilization.

The four-dimensional creatures began to travel through the four-dimensional space, preparing to reward the star field of human civilization and annihilate their civilization.

However, things did not go as smoothly as they thought. In the four-dimensional space, they discovered a four-dimensional space battleship made by human civilization!

"The technological development of human civilization is a bit beyond our calculations." The four-dimensional creatures speculated that at this time, human civilization should have just mastered the use of dimensional energy. Unexpectedly, they had already built space battleships.

The space battleship fights the four-dimensional creatures in the four-dimensional space. In the four-dimensional space, the four-dimensional creatures cannot be as invisible as in the three-dimensional world and attack from the internal structure of the object.

In the four-dimensional world, like space battleships, they have an inside and an outside, and no one can sneak attack others!

If you want to make a sneak attack in the four-dimensional space, you can only attack across the timeline.

That involves the secret of five-dimensional technology - time travel.

"Microcosmic bomb!" After all, the technology of four-dimensional creatures is stronger than that of human civilization. They can not only create small universes, but also detonate small universes.

They use the microcosm created by detonation to make a super weapon that can destroy a human space warship in one go.

"The number of space battleships is small and cannot be consumed!" Du Xingyu said, "Locate the location of their small universe immediately!"

"Searching!" Human thinking detectors are searching everywhere.

"The target has been found, Devil's Civilization No. 2 small universe." The intelligent system Hongyu marked the coordinates of the four-dimensional space.

Through the detector, Du Xingyu discovered that the mass of this Devil's Civilization II small universe is only one-tenth of the previous Devil's small universe!

"Fire the two-way foil!" Du Xingyu ordered.

He has successfully imitated the two-way foil. As long as the two-way foil is launched into the Devil's Civilization II small universe, the Devil's Civilization will suffer a devastating blow!

A piece of light the size of a palm was emitted from the territory of human civilization. It is wrapped with a quantum film on the outside. This quantum film will protect it from premature contact with the three-dimensional world.

When the two-way foil comes into contact with the Devil's Civilization II small universe, the quantum membrane explodes, briefly destroying the small universe barrier.

Two-way foil and small universe come into contact!

The small universe of the devil's civilization is essentially a three-dimensional world, with only a small part of the four-dimensional space.

When the two-dimensional foil is released, the three-dimensional matter and energy begin to rapidly fall to the two-dimensional!

"It's two-way foil again! Human civilization has actually imitated two-way foil!" The four-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization were shocked.

They realized that the speed of technological development of human civilization exceeded their budget by a lot!

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