"We can't continue like this, otherwise our small universe No. 2 will also be destroyed!" The four-dimensional creatures originally wanted to attack the territory of human civilization in one fell swoop.

Now because of the attack of the two-way foil, they must solve the trouble of the two-way foil.

They first tried attacks with some four-dimensional weapons, but these weapons had no effect on the two-dimensional foil.

All their energy and mass fall into the two-dimensional world, making the two-way foil spread faster.

In the small universe, the density of stars is extremely high. After a few seconds, the two-way foil begins to absorb the star system.

"Two-way foil, two-way foil." The four-dimensional creatures were angry, "Human civilization, originally we wanted to give you a chance to surrender!"

"Since you don't accept our kindness, let me show you the power of the real devil's civilization!"

"Two-dimensional troops, destroy the two-dimensional foil!"

"Yes!" A hidden army appeared from the small universe of Devil Civilization No. 2.

They have no volume, and each one is like a paper creature, wrapped in quantum bubbles.

This force rushed into the two-way foil and began to destroy the two-way foil from the inside.

"The devil's civilization is indeed prepared for the two-way foil." Du Xingyu whispered.

The devil's civilization has been attacked by two-way foil once, and it will definitely want to take countermeasures against two-way foil. This two-dimensional force is their countermeasure.

They create two-dimensional beings, let them enter the two-dimensional world, and destroy the stability of the two-dimensional space from the inside.

In this way, the two-dimensional space will be quickly destroyed and restored to the three-dimensional space.

"Commander Du, please rest assured, we will defeat them!" A message came from the two-way foil.

Inside the two-dimensional foil, it is not a simple two-dimensional space, but an army of pixel civilization is stationed!

If this two-dimensional civilization were in a three-dimensional world, it might be destroyed in an instant. But in the two-dimensional world, they are the masters!

In the two-dimensional foil, black dots and shaped blocks surrounded the two-dimensional troops of the devil civilization, and the two sides began to fight.

Viewed from the three-dimensional world, this picture is a bit dramatic.

Just like the pixel game console in Du Xingyu's long-lasting memory, pixel blocks are attacking other pixel monsters.

Some were destroyed, and some were devoured, just like the game scenes of tank battles and snakes.

"Main civilization, we are under attack!" The two-dimensional troops reported the situation to the devil civilization, "The enemy's firepower is too fierce, we are no match for them!"

"We were careless!" The Devil's Civilization finally realized that this time the golden cicada's plan to escape from its shell might fail!

Human civilization is not still being slaughtered by them like lambs to be slaughtered. They not only have four-dimensional weapons, but also two-dimensional weapons.

The most important thing is that they actually have affiliated civilizations in the two-dimensional world!

In the two-dimensional world, the pixel war continues. More and more pixel monsters fell, pixel civilization won a great victory, and the two-way foil continued to expand, swallowing the devil civilization No. 2 small universe.

"It's over, small universe No. 2 can't be saved!" The four-dimensional creatures discovered that they had no way to save small universe No. 2.

In the battle in the four-dimensional space, the devil civilization has already encountered the tenacious resistance of human civilization, and they have not gained any advantage.

"We can't take down human civilization!" The four-dimensional creatures communicated.

"What should we do now?"

"Should we continue to flee, or should we fight to the death?"

"Fight to the death!"

"Escape! We may not be able to defeat human civilization. Until now, we don't know how many weapons they still have!"

"Peace! We can't continue fighting. If we continue fighting, our civilization will definitely be destroyed!"

After intense discussions, the devil civilization decided to negotiate with human civilization.

"Human civilization, we demand a ceasefire! We will no longer attack you. We will go to other galaxies, and you will also stop attacking!" A message was sent from the four-dimensional creature.

"A truce?" Du Xingyu asked, "You attacked us secretly, and you want a truce after we can't defeat us? What a beautiful idea!"

The fourth-dimensional creatures said angrily: "Humans, don't push yourself too far. If we really fight with all our strength, we may not be defeated!"

"If it doesn't work, we will directly destroy our No. 2 small universe, destroy all your territories, and perish together!"

"The two-way foils have destroyed your small universe. I guess you don't have the strength now, right?" Du Xingyu completely ignored their threats.

"Human, are you determined to fight us to the death?" the four-dimensional creature threatened, "Don't forget, the strength of the saint civilization is still intact. As long as we both lose, they will definitely take the opportunity to attack!"

"Letting us leave will also reduce the pressure on your human civilization."

"You have to think about your civilization!"

Du Xingyu is also hesitating about this issue. Currently, the strength of the devil civilization has been greatly damaged. If we fight to the end, it is indeed possible for human civilization to eliminate the devil's civilization.

But will the civilization of saints come out at a critical moment, like a mantis stalking the cicada, with the oriole behind?

Du Xingyu's guess was very possible, but he didn't want to lose such a good opportunity!

"We don't accept peace, we only accept fighting and surrender!" Du Xingyu's attitude was very tough, "If we destroy you, we can still fight against the Saints' civilization!"

He was bluffing, but Du Xingyu was sure that fourth-dimensional creatures did not know the depth of human civilization's strength.

Because so far, the technologies and weapons developed by human civilization have exceeded the calculations of four-dimensional creatures.

The four-dimensional creatures are discussing urgently: "Does human civilization really want to die? Does it have to perish with us?"

"Do they have any other trump cards?"

"If it's true as they say, they are indeed confident. And this is the Large Magellanic Cloud. Human civilization has been operating here for who knows how long. Maybe they were already operating here tens of thousands of years ago!"

"Fight or surrender?"

The four-dimensional creatures can't hold it, and the commanders of human civilization are also discussing it.

"Commander Du, if you force them like this, what if they really fight us to the end?" Mo Caiwei worried, "Even if we can defeat them, if we face another attack from the saint civilization, we will be completely unable to withstand it. "

"No, they will not take the initiative to attack." Yang Shaolin said confidently, "I support Commander Du's decision."

"They will not take the initiative to attack." Tours analyzed, "Each civilization has its own character. Devil civilization and behemoth civilization have the same origin. Everyone already knows what the character of behemoth civilization is."

"They are cunning and cunning, and they cherish life very much. This may be related to their unsuitable growth."

"The four-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization took countless years to evolve, and they are even more precious about their lives!"

"If they had the courage to fight bloody battles, they would have fought the saint civilization long ago. Why have they been hiding for so many years and sending affiliated civilizations as cannon fodder? This shows that this civilization is very timid and cautious!"

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