Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 308: Living longer is victory?

"That's why Commander Du predicted that they would not choose to fight!" Chen Hong continued, "And they don't know our strength clearly. As long as we put enough pressure on them, they are likely to surrender!"

"Yes!" Tours continued, "Even if they don't surrender, they will continue to run away and give up fighting us."

"So we not only have to push them, but we have to push them as hard as possible!"

While they were talking, Du Xingyu once again sent a letter to the devil civilization, "I will only give you three minutes. After three minutes, our 28th Space Fleet will launch an indiscriminate attack on you!"

After saying that, Du Xingyu sent out all the human space warships.

He compiled the 28th Space Fleet. Humanity currently only has one space fleet.

However, his words made the fourth-dimensional creatures become suspicious. The longer these creatures lived, the more suspicious they became.

"Twenty-eighth fleet? Humans have another twenty-seven space fleets?"

"Maybe more!"

"The strength of human civilization may have surpassed ours long ago. They are just pretending to be in the galaxy!"

"Perhaps human civilization wants to use us to seduce the saint civilization and wipe out our two fifth-level civilizations in one fell swoop!"

"No bloody battle!"

"Either flee or surrender!"

"Escape, where to go? Our small universe has been destroyed. The Milky Way cannot stay, nor can the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. Not to mention the Andromeda Galaxy. Other galaxies are too far away and may not be safe."

"Don't forget, the fleet of human civilization and the civilization of saints will always hunt us down. Without the small universe to provide us with habitat and energy, we will be hunted down sooner or later!"

"Then surrender?"

"Surrendering to human civilization may not be a bad thing. At least we won't be wiped out by the saints' civilization!"

"We can feign surrender and wait for the opportunity to occupy the Large Magellanic Cloud."

The fourth-dimensional creatures finally decided not to escape because they were worried that without the small universe, they would not be able to escape very far.

"Human civilization, we are willing to surrender, but we ask not to enter your small universe, just like you did before." The four-dimensional creatures began to negotiate terms.

Du Xingyu secretly laughed in his heart. When they had decided to surrender, they didn't care if the conditions continued to decline.

He directly rejected it and said: "Impossible, you must enter our small human universe, otherwise we will not accept surrender!"

"You are going too far. Our devil civilization also protected you in the Milky Way!" the four-dimensional creatures said angrily.

"At that time, we were just using each other." Du Xingyu said, "Since you don't agree, let's continue the war. The 28th Space Fleet, continue the attack."

"Other fleets began to surround them. They were fleeing anyway!"

Du Xingyu's attitude was so tough that the fourth-dimensional creatures were unable to resist.

They still wanted to negotiate terms, but the other party's attitude of destroying them if they didn't agree made these four-dimensional creatures feel inexplicably guilty.

"It's better to agree. You've already surrendered, so don't ask for too much."

"Yes, there is no problem in entering their small universe. Anyway, the saint civilization will attack them first when the time comes."

"The lifespan of human civilization is very short. Our lifespan is billions of years. After a few million years, when these humans are dead, we may be able to take away their small universe and rule human civilization."

The lifespan of four-dimensional creatures is the same as that of astral civilization. It is no problem for them to live for a billion years.

"There is no need to stick to temporary success or failure. As long as we live long, we will be able to survive them sooner or later!" The four-dimensional creatures reached a consensus again.

"Human civilization, we agree to your conditions. We surrender and cease fire immediately!" The four-dimensional creatures contacted Du Xingyu again.

"Okay. You hand over all your weapons. All four-dimensional creatures must stay on our space battleship. Otherwise we will continue to attack!" Du Xingyu was overjoyed. If the other party persisted a little longer, the true strength of human civilization might be exposed.

The four-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization are very cooperative. They were "captured" by the space battleship, imprisoned in a space cage, and captured back to the small universe of human civilization.

As long as they enter the small universe, four-dimensional creatures can no longer easily break through the space barriers and will become their prisoners!

"The devil's civilization surrendered like this?" The commanders of human civilization were surprised.

After all, it’s a level five civilization, why is it so spineless?

"This war is much easier than we expected." Chen Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can also recycle a small universe." Du Xingyu smiled, and he issued new instructions to Pixel Civilization through the light quantum robot: "Pixel Civilization, stop the expansion of the two-way foil immediately."

"Received!" The pixel civilization immediately started to take action. They built a quantum membrane on the edge of the two-dimensional foil. This quantum membrane would isolate the two-dimensional foil from the three-dimensional space, and the Devil's Civilization II small universe stopped collapsing.

Not all the four-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization surrendered obediently, some took the opportunity to escape, and the space battleships of the human civilization were chasing them.

But overall, in the war between human civilization and devil civilization, human civilization won at a very small cost.

However, at this time, human civilization received another space broadcast.

"Human civilization, we are the saint civilization of the angel civilization camp of the galaxy."

"Please immediately hand over the devil's civilization to our disposal, and we will exchange materials of equal value for you."

"Saints' civilization, what does this mean?" The commander of human civilization's nerves became tense again.

So far, they know too little about the Saints' civilization. They only know that they have mastered dimensionality reduction weapons.

"They want to destroy the devil civilization." Du Xingyu said, "Do you still remember the declaration of the previous camp civilization? The angel civilization and the devil civilization will give technological rewards for destroying the opponent's civilization."

"Maybe that's what they want."

"Absolutely not give it to them! Otherwise the Saints' civilization will far surpass ours!"

Du Xingyu directly rejected the saint civilization: "The devil civilization is already our captive civilization, and we will not use it for transactions."

Saints Civilization once again sent a letter: "Human civilization, we have no ill intentions. We also do not want to attack you. You do not belong to the camp civilization. If you agree to our conditions, we will not attack you."

"What does saint civilization mean? Can we believe it?" For human civilization commanders, let alone verbal promises, even if the other party writes in black and white, gives hostages, etc., they cannot get any information.

There is no legal restriction between civilizations, so who can believe the promises?

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