"A universe with decreasing entropy? All material properties are opposite to our current ones, and the movement of particles always changes from disorder to order?" Xu Lianqiu is also trying to imagine such a universe.

But they can't get the answer to all their guesses until they are confirmed.

"No matter what, I support your decision." Xu Lianqiu gently held his hand and comforted him.

"Yes." Du Xingyu also felt that the burden on his shoulders was extremely heavy. Now the fate of all mankind is under his judgment.

His heart gradually calmed down, and Du Xingyu suddenly felt a strange vision.

"Huh?" He was surprised.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Xu Lianqiu looked at him doubtfully.

Du Xingyu turned over her hand and looked at the mark on her hand.

At that time, the pattern of a Klein bottle had been printed on it more than 10,000 years ago.

For many years, Xu Lianqiu has been searching for its secrets, but has never found it.

After humans broke through the fifth-level civilization, Du Xingyu conducted another detection.

He originally thought that this mark was left by high-dimensional civilization. Now that human civilization can also enter the four-dimensional world and the two-dimensional world, there will always be something to find, right?

But the strange thing is that the fourth-dimensional eye cannot see what is inside. He could only be sure that this mark was actually a small space, similar to a micro-universe.

"Is there something wrong with the mark?" Xu Lianqiu understood his thoughts instantly.

She thought about it and said: "The imprint is a small universe, but we can't open it. Its dimensions should not exceed three dimensions."

"It could be a decreasing-entropy universe!"

When Xu Lianqiu said this, she was shocked.

"Yes!" Du Xingyu agreed, "We have obviously mastered dimensional technology, but we cannot peek into this small universe."

"If it is really a universe with decreasing entropy, then the way we entered it before was wrong! If we change our thinking, it is possible for us to open it!"

"Then try it quickly!" Xu Lianqiu stood up.

"Okay!" Du Xingyu immediately started experimenting. Matter in a world of increasing entropy enters a world of decreasing entropy, and will soon annihilate each other like matter and antimatter.

That's why Du Xingyu's previous detections have been unsuccessful.

But if matter with negative mass enters, that is, using antimatter to build a detector and entering the entropy-reducing universe, detection should be completely feasible.

Human civilization can now control antimatter, and Du Xingyu quickly built a detector using antimatter, which can open the barrier of the small universe.

"I'm not sure what will happen. If you feel anything strange, tell me immediately and I will stop the experiment!" Du Xingyu told Xu Lianqiu.

"Yes, I understand." Xu Lianqiu nodded.

She stretched out her hand, and the dimensional detector made of antimatter showed that it had detected the existence of a cosmic space.

Subsequently, the antimatter dimension detector broke through the dimensional barrier and entered this small universe.

"Successful!" This was the first time Du Xingyu opened the mark on Xu Lianqiu's hand.

"How do you feel?" He looked at Xu Lianqiu with concern and asked.

"Fortunately, there is nothing strange." Xu Lianqiu said, "The mark on my hand should be just a space-time coordinate. The body of the small universe is not in my hand."

"Like the mouth of a wormhole, the probe entered another universe."

"Yeah." Du Xingyu and a group of academicians from the Academy of Sciences looked nervously at the virtual world, paying attention to the situation in the detector.

They don't know who left this mark, or this small universe. But they always feel that there will be a future for mankind here.

In the virtual world, the landscape of the small universe is displayed.

There are star systems here, there are buildings, there are space fortresses, there are battleships. It's like a complete civilization, and the level of civilization is very high.

"Why is it so familiar?" said an academician, "I always feel something is wrong."

"Yes, these planets, these buildings and creations are all similar to our human creations."

"It's almost the same. I just compared it with data. It's our own creation!" an academician said in horror.

"The space battleship numbered T78, the Eagle Beak Galaxy, the Human Alliance Space Fortress...these are all things in our small universe!"

"How could this be? Could it be that this mark is the mark of our own small universe?" The academicians were all confused.

Didn’t this imprint come from ten thousand years ago? Ten thousand years ago, humans were still a first-level civilization, and it was impossible to create a small universe.

"Did the detector malfunction?"

"Impossible!" Du Xingyu denied, "Everything on the detector is intact, and have you discovered something very important?"

"The detector is not damaged in this small universe!"

"Yes! The detector is made of antimatter. If it were in our small universe, it would soon undergo an annihilation reaction with positive matter. But it is intact!"

"Is this really a small universe with decreasing entropy? Why is it exactly the same as the small universe we built?"

"Perhaps, this is our small universe!" Du Xingyu thought of a bold guess.

"Is this our little universe?"

"Yes, but it is not the current small universe." Du Xingyu said, "If you observe again, will you find anything?"

"The star is spinning in the opposite direction!"

"Light and radiation are no longer spreading outwards, but are being withdrawn inwards!"

"The space battleship is flying upside down!"

"In this small universe, time is going backwards!"

The academicians were shocked by their findings. There are various signs that time is flowing backwards in this small universe!

"Time is a concept relative to us humans." Du Xingyu took a deep breath, "For us, a world with increasing entropy means time is moving forward on the timeline."

"In a world of decreasing entropy, to us, the point far away from us on the timeline is moving forward, so it looks like we are going backwards in time!"

"This small universe where time goes back and entropy decreases is probably what it will look like after the timeline of our small universe is terminated!"

Xu Lianqiu wondered: "The timeline of our small universe has been ended? Who did it?"

"Who can keep this universe with decreasing entropy for billions of years?"

When they found this small universe, it was a relic on Mars. That relic was left from the birth of Mars, four billion years ago!

"Is it true that someone can time travel?"

"Maybe, if we can become a more advanced civilization, it is not impossible to jump on the timeline." Du Xingyu guessed, "Maybe in the future, we can put this small universe with reduced entropy into space through five dimensions or more. Four billion years ago, and then we have it now!"

"This small universe with decreasing entropy is the key to our victory over the saint civilization!"

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