Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 311 Timeline back to the origin

Time is urgent. Du Xingyu does not have time to explore the question of who placed the small universe four billion years ago. He needs to find the ultimate weapon of the fifth-level civilization!

Du Xingyu took out matter from the small universe with decreasing entropy and explored its properties.

He discovered that the matter taken out from this reverse world would soon disappear because it had properties opposite to those of the universe in which they lived.

"The matter in the reverse world is a kind of antimatter compared to us. But it is not the kind of antimatter used in the antimatter weapons and antimatter reactors we use." Du Xingyu discovered through research.

"The antimatter in the reverse world is a kind of antimatter with special symmetrical properties."

"Special symmetry?" asked an academician who has been engaged in antimatter research for many years. "Do you mean that the antimatter in the reverse world only produces annihilation reactions for the same kind of positive matter in our forward world?"

"This is just my guess. You will know after you try it!" Du Xingyu took out a rusty metal piece from the reverse world.

Similarly, he took out the same coordinates and the same piece of metal in the human small universe, that is, the positive world.

Both pieces of metal are wrapped in quantum films so that they are not affected by other particles or space.

In the testing site, Du Xingyu put two pieces of metal together.

"These two pieces of metal belong to the same material, but one is a material from the forward world and the other is a material from the reverse world."

"Open the quantum membrane, let them come into contact, and see what reaction will occur!" Du Xingyu ordered.

"Yes, the quantum membrane has been opened." The intelligent system began to operate.

Under the observation of everyone, the same kind of matter from the positive and negative worlds came into contact.

At the moment of release, they burst out with powerful energy.

This energy exceeds the energy produced by the normal annihilation of matter and antimatter, and is even accompanied by the energy of space annihilation.

The entire reaction process takes less than a ten thousandth of a second.

Du Xingyu has four-dimensional eyes, and his brain has been transformed by light quantum information. In this ten thousandth of a second, he can see clearly!

The moment the two metal pieces came into contact, they underwent drastic changes!

The metal pieces facing the world began to rapidly oxidize, decay, and rot into the most basic particles.

The metal pieces in the reverse world began to deoxidize, turning from rusty to brand new.

Subsequently, the two began to undergo an annihilation reaction of matter and antimatter.

This annihilation reaction also annihilates the space where they are located, so the energy burst out is very amazing!

"Incredible!" the academician who studies antimatter exclaimed, "The energy level just now exceeded the normal antimatter annihilation reaction by more than a hundred times!"

"In addition to the energy of space, there should be other energies erupting!"

"Yes, there is also dimensional energy!" Du Xingyu confirmed his conjecture, "Annihilation from the four-dimensional space!"

"The energy of annihilation in the four-dimensional space?" Everyone was surprised.

Although humans can now utilize the energy of dimensions, they only utilize part of the energy of dimensionality reduction in high-dimensional space.

Human beings are still unable to truly annihilate the four-dimensional space.

But in the experiment just now, a small part of the four-dimensional space was annihilated!

Du Xingyu repeatedly analyzed the experiment just now and conducted the same experiment several times.

The result is the same. When the matter of the forward world comes into contact with the same species of reverse design, or in other words, when two symmetrical sections of matter on the timeline come into contact, intense energy will burst out and the timeline will be "burned" at the same time!

"Assume that matter in the forward world exists in a four-dimensional space with increasing entropy, and matter in the reverse world exists in a four-dimensional space with decreasing entropy."

"Both are located in this space, two segments of this material timeline."

“The origin represents the space that turns into nothingness, and the beginning and end of time.”

"In the positive direction of the time axis, there is matter in the positive world, and in the negative direction of the time axis, there is matter in the reverse world."

"When the two come into contact, the timeline is like a lead that is ignited at both ends at the same time, approaching the origin of the timeline!"

"Eventually, both points return to the origin of the time axis. At this time, the time axis is burned up, the time in these two four-dimensional spaces ends, and these two four-dimensional spaces are annihilated!"

When Du Xingyu got the conclusion, he was overjoyed.

"That's what I'm looking for!"

"A way to end the timeline in a targeted manner!"

He has vaguely explored this method and believes he will be able to figure it out soon.

And before that, if there was a war with the saint civilization, Du Xingyu would be right at this time.

Because he owns an entire reverse small universe, all matter in this reverse world can be used as weapons!

These substances with reduced entropy, in their positive universe, will exhibit physical properties that are opposite to those of normal substances, and are weapons in themselves.

In addition, after reacting with forward symmetrical matter, it is equivalent to a small "four-dimensional time bomb".

This weapon is no less powerful than a two-way foil.

Before the showdown with the Saint Civilization, Du Xingyu had to go to the Devil Civilization to find out.

The fourth-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization are relatively relaxed. Since surrendering to humans, most of them have entered a deep sleep.

There are only a few four-dimensional creatures taking turns on duty, and it is said that they can sleep for tens of thousands of years.

Du Xingyu contacted the four-dimensional behemoth on duty, its name was "Chen".

"Chen, I need you to know all the information about the saints' civilization." Du Xingyu said.

"Saints Civilization, have they knocked on the door?" Chen Xun became alert.

If the saint's civilization comes knocking on the door, he thinks it's better for the devil's civilization to run away first.

Because to the civilization of saints, they are military exploits.

"Not yet, but there will be a war between us soon." Du Xingyu said truthfully, even if he didn't say it, the four-dimensional creatures would know.

These four-dimensional creatures seem to be sleeping, but in fact they are always paying attention to the outside world.

The war between the two sides will definitely not be small, and they will definitely notice it.

"You want to go to war with the Saints' civilization?" Chen said in surprise, "I suggest you give up. You are no match for the Saints' civilization."

"Use whatever means you have, or escape from the Large Magellanic Cloud. Our devil civilization doesn't want to be buried with you!"

"It's impossible to run away." Du Xingyu said a piece of news that alarmed Chen, "To be honest, the surrounding space is locked by the saint civilization. Even if we want to leave, I'm afraid it won't be possible."

"What? Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Chen Jing said angrily, "If we had known earlier, we wouldn't have followed you!"

"Friends, wake up quickly, the crisis is coming!"

He called out to other four-dimensional creatures, and the four-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization woke up from their slumber.

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