Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 315 Three-dimensional simultaneous combat

When the Prayer makes his decision, violent hyperspace fluctuations occur from the Milky Way to the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Dozens of super wormholes were opened, and the army of the saint civilization set off!

"Prepare all departments!" Yang Shaolin issued the order, "arrive at the designated combat location."

"The two-dimensional world is ready!" Pixel Civilization responded.

"We are watching the four-dimensional world!" The four-dimensional creatures of the devil's civilization are also setting up defenses in the four-dimensional space.

"The space fleet has been deployed!" Fleet Commander Wei Xuan responded.

"Attack the enemy's hyperspace channel first!" Yang Shaolin said.

"Hyperspace missile, launch!" Wei Xuan asked the fleet to launch hyperspace missile, which is an enhanced version of hyperspace bomb.

It can destroy the hyperspace channel structure. When the hyperspace missile is launched, it is intercepted by various hyperspace weapons before it can attack those super wormholes.

The Prayer has long been prepared to destroy human civilization, and naturally will not make such a stupid mistake.

From the super wormhole, countless space battleships flew out, as well as various enhanced versions of neutron stars, four-dimensional battle fortresses, hyperspace energy cannons, etc.

The human space fleet has all been dispatched. In the battlefield area, while the enemy is not yet firmly established, it can still gain a certain advantage.

"Use dimensionality reduction weapons!" Saint Civilization took the lead in launching two-way foils, not one, but thousands!

These "sequins" flew towards the territory of human civilization, and human civilization immediately dispatched the two-dimensional troops of pixel civilization to fight.

These two-dimensional creatures can destroy the two-dimensional foil inside the two-dimensional world, making the two-dimensional foil useless.

At the same time, in the three-dimensional space and the four-dimensional space, the armies of both sides have begun to attack.

"Attention, the enemy's four-dimensional divider can divide the space battleship!"

"The three-dimensional battlefield FI-56 star system was annihilated."

"The two-way foil No. 3 has been destroyed and is heading to the two-way foil No. 5."

"The enemy is releasing small space probes on a large scale, destroy them immediately!"

The most important thing when fighting a fifth-level civilization is to destroy the opponent's small universe.

Otherwise, even if the opponent's territory is completely destroyed, as long as the small universe is still there, the opponent's basic strength will still be there.

Give them time and they can recover.

The goal of the Saint civilization is very clear, to destroy all human territory in the Large Magellanic Galaxy and their small universe!

They launched countless small space probes and flew to every corner of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

And humans quickly dispatched forces to destroy and intercept them.

In the headquarters, several commanders were always paying attention to the battle situation.

At the beginning of the war, human civilization had "geographical advantages" and numerical advantages, and could still gain a slight upper hand. However, soon, as more and more saint civilization troops emerged from the super wormhole, this advantage was gone. live.

"Command, I request the use of reverse weapons." Wei Xuan shouted urgently, "No need to be unable to withstand it anymore!"

"Humans, if you have any other means, come up with it!" The four-dimensional creatures are also shouting, and they have begun to retreat.

"I originally planned to use the reverse weapon later, but it seems I have to use it earlier." Chen Hong said, "I approve the use of the reverse weapon."

"Got it!" Wei Xuan immediately ordered, "All warships, reverse forces, prepare to attack. Find the attack target!"

"Yes!" The long-dormant reverse forces began to attack, and their targets were all those difficult guys on the battlefield.

For example, there is a four-dimensional war machine in the four-dimensional space. This silicon-based life is quite powerful and has already wiped out ten human space warships!

"Fire the reverse weapon!" A reverse bomb locked onto it.

The four-dimensional war machine is not afraid at all. It has a four-dimensional space barrier as protection. Even if a hyperspace missile hits it, it will not hurt.

"All insignificant humans, disappear!" the four-dimensional war machine output violently.

The reverse bomb hit it, and the reverse matter and the forward matter came into contact, causing a time annihilation reaction in the four-dimensional space.

The four-dimensional war machine, including the four-dimensional space in which it was located, was completely destroyed in an instant! Even the most basic particle no longer exists, and everything returns to the origin of time - the void!

"New weapons discovered!" Before the four-dimensional war machine was destroyed, he sent the information he detected to the prayer.

"Reverse matter with reduced entropy reacts with forward matter?" The prayer discovered something strange.

"Where did humans get these reverse substances? They are not a level six civilization, so they should not be able to transcend time!" The core of the praying person is quickly calculating and analyzing.

"Is there an advanced civilization that has helped human civilization?"

"Or is it that human civilization is actually a branch of a more advanced civilization, and in a certain time and space, they obtained reverse matter?"

"The dangerous system has been increased ten million times!"

"Human civilization must be completely wiped out!" The prayer firmed up its judgment on the attack, and it began to adjust its troops to deal with the reverse weapons.

However, the Saints civilization did not prepare any defense against reverse weapons at the beginning. Reverse weapons can destroy part of the four-dimensional space, which makes it difficult for the Saints civilization weapons that cannot transcend the four-dimensional space to resist.

But Prayer did not give up, and continued to adjust its methods and tactics.

It soon discovered that human beings' reverse weapons were limited and could not attack without limit.

The loss of the vanguard is insignificant to the prayers.

In the small mechanical universe, war machines are constantly being created. Even if all the current armies are wiped out by humans, it will not feel any pain at all.

"The number of reverse weapons is limited, and the attack frequency is limited. As long as I increase investment, humans will be unable to resist it." The prayer analyzed the battlefield data and came to a conclusion with a high probability.

"According to this judgment, all we need to do is send out the mechanical micro-universe and increase the military strength a million times, and humanity will definitely be defeated."

The prayer gave the order to mobilize the mechanical universe to the battlefield.

A super wormhole appears in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

The scope of this super wormhole is more than a million times that of all previous wormholes. Human beings launched reverse weapons in an attempt to destroy this super wormhole.

However, because its range is so large and enemy weapons intercept it, even reverse weapons cannot affect its stability.

The small mechanical universe, if a super giant space mechanical battleship emerges from the super wormhole!

Through a four-dimensional observer, humans can see a huge space bubble independent of the Large Magellanic Cloud in the universe.

The small mechanical universe opened hundreds of millions of channels, and countless silicon-based life forms flew out.

The enhanced version of the fifth-level civilization neutron star, the four-dimensional war machine, the dimensional energy cannon, and the dimensionality reduction weapons, these weapons are like the flood of the sea, flooding into the human territory!

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