"Here comes the mechanical universe!" Du Xingyu has been waiting for this opportunity. As soon as the mechanical universe appeared, he immediately sent a probe to the mechanical universe.

"According to this attack intensity, we cannot last for 24 hours, so our mission time is less than one day." Du Xingyu explained, "Within ten hours, we must open a passage to the mechanical universe at all costs!"

"Do you hear me clearly? Within ten hours, at all costs, open a passage to the mechanical universe!" Wei Xuan shouted on the command channel.

All captains understood their missions, and they began to turn around and rush towards the mechanical universe.

As for the human territory, before the war, the main body of human civilization had been transferred to the small universe.

As long as the battle goes smoothly, even if several star clusters where they live are completely destroyed, it will still be worth it.

Du Xingyu personally controls a neutron star weapon, which is the source of the reverse, but it has not yet transformed into a black hole.

It is on the edge of transforming into a black hole. As long as it enters the mechanical universe and absorbs a certain amount of mass, it will collapse into a black hole due to gravity!

At that time, the reverse matter converter will be activated, forming a black hole-white hole world reversal structure.

On the battlefield, the intensity of the war suddenly increased tens of thousands of times!

Every minute and every second, space is being destroyed.

The energy of nova explosions and super galaxy explosions is nothing to mention in this kind of war. A star system can be destroyed in an instant!

The space of a star cluster may be annihilated or become two-dimensional.

"The strength of human civilization is indeed stronger than ours!" The four-dimensional creatures lamented that they were not able to fight to this point at the beginning.

When the mechanical universe appeared, they had already lost.

And humans can barely compete with one or two by relying on reverse weapons.

"It's just that these silicon-based life forms that humans have destroyed are just products mass-produced by prayers. The consumption of quantity is meaningless."

"Yes, human military power is weakening."

"If this continues, they will soon be defeated!" The four-dimensional creatures can see clearly in the four-dimensional space.

Humanity has almost tried its best to resist the Saint civilization, but the Saint civilization has only just released the mechanical small universe until now.

And the small mechanical universe has not yet fully exerted its power!

"Just wait and see what happens, prepare for the best or the worst!" The four-dimensional creatures were thinking about their retreat.

In the passage of the small mechanical universe, a torrent of mechanical weapons continued to pour out, destroying everything in the Large Magellanic Galaxy.

But the human fleet is not only resisting tenaciously, it actually wants to go upstream and rush into the small mechanical universe.

"Ignorant and pitiful." The prayer commented, "With your strength, the probability of entering the mechanical universe and surviving is zero, let alone destroying my mechanical universe."

"No, I still have to calculate what other dangerous factors there are." Prayer remained cautious, and it recalculated the ways in which humans could pose a threat to it.

"Of all the attack methods, only reverse weapons can cause damage to me."

"But my body is spread all over the galaxy, and they can't possibly destroy me. If they want to destroy the small mechanical universe, reverse matter will definitely not be enough."

"My analysis shows that the so-called reverse weapon is a weapon produced by absolutely symmetrical contact between forward and reverse matter."

"Unless humans have a reverse mechanical universe, it is impossible to destroy the mechanical universe."

"The possibility of human beings possessing a reverse mechanical microcosm is zero, because if they had this kind of technology, they would have already surpassed the strength of the fifth-level civilization. It would be easy to defeat me, and there is no need for such a war. The logic is wrong and the judgment is invalid."

"Calculated this way, human beings rushing against the current into the mechanical universe can only be said to be emotional impulses. The actions of the 'heroes' among them are really pathetic carbon-based creatures."

Despite this, the Prayer still increased its firepower to prevent the human fleet from entering the mechanical universe.

It wants to nip all possibilities in the cradle and make it foolproof!

"It's too difficult. Eighty percent of our conventional troops have been wiped out!" a fleet commander reported to the headquarters.

Humanity's regular troops are the troops left over from the fourth-level civilization period.

After humans upgraded to level five civilization, they upgraded the equipment of these troops. But even so, for a silicon-based civilization with full war talent points, it is still a death sentence.

"Which passage is the closest?" Du Xingyu asked.

"W-74 Channel, we are close to the edge of the small mechanical universe, but the support inside suddenly increases, and we are being forced back!"

"Neutron Star, dispatch, target channel W-74, reverse weapons unit, full cover!"

"Even if it explodes, it will blow a hole in the small mechanical universe!"

"Charge!" The Source of Reverse, disguised as a neutron star, followed the human support force and rushed towards the W-74 channel.

"Human power has almost been exhausted, and it has actually used equipment from the fourth-level civilization period!" The four-dimensional creatures panicked.

"Are we going to escape?"

"Escape? How to escape? Being chased by the mechanical universe?"

"But if you persist, you will die!"

"I don't know either, just wait and see!" said a four-dimensional creature. They were still fighting in the four-dimensional space.

The battle in the two-dimensional world is equally fierce. There are too many two-dimensional foils, and the strength of the pixel civilization can no longer cope with it.

Even in the two-dimensional foil, they encountered other two-dimensional civilization troops.

In front of the W-74 channel, the space battleship at the front has already seen the edge of the mechanical universe.

They saw a scene that frightened them extremely. Inside the small mechanical universe, there was an endless wave of machinery!

Every war machine in this wave is enough to destroy a star system!

If these forces were unleashed, they could annihilate the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud!

Countless cannons were aimed at them!

"Captain, what should I do?" The crew members already felt fear and despair.

The captain took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and said with a sigh of relief: "Brothers, even if we die, we must let the source of reverse go in. Teach these iron lumps a lesson!"

"Let these steel heads see that we humans are not vegetarians!"

"Continue to rush forward and open the reverse matter converter!"

A space battleship is equivalent to a miniature universe. The reverse matter converter reproduced above can create a reverse universe of this micro-universe, which is equivalent to self-destruction.

By then, everything will be annihilated!

The crew members have understood what the captain means. They want to sacrifice themselves to give human civilization a chance!

"Captain, we will die together!"

"The reverse matter converter has been activated!"

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