The space battleship turned into a reverse weapon and self-destructed at the passage. Everything around it, all attacks and weapons in the small mechanical universe, disappeared into this universe simultaneously with the reverse transformation of the space battleship.

"W-74 channel is open!"

"Go in!" A human fleet rushed into the mechanical universe, and in their team, the neutron star also flew in.

"This is the small mechanical universe!" The fleet sent the situation in the small mechanical universe back to the headquarters.

The commanders saw that wherever they looked, there was a bright sky with countless star furnaces working non-stop.

Mechanical planets are rotating around the stellar furnace, manufacturing various things.

The edges of the small universe are all sealed mechanical walls, looking like a world wrapped in metal eggshells!

Endless weapons and combat machines are flying towards the human fleet. This human fleet knows its mission-that is, to attract as much material as possible!

"Our reverse source still needs ten times the mass to transform into a black hole, rush in!" Du Xingyu commanded.

Here, the most indispensable thing is matter. Whether enemy combat machines, stars, or various energies, they will increase the growth rate of the black hole.

But creations that have not been destroyed can escape the gravitational pull of the neutron star.

The crazy attackers of the human fleet and the broken mechanical creations were all swallowed up by the neutron star, which was growing rapidly.

"There's something weird!" The prayer discovered something was wrong. Human beings seemed to have other intentions.

It observed carefully and found that humans did not care about the survival of their own fleet, but launched a desperate attack and brought a neutron star to a star system.

This star system is composed of five stars and dozens of mechanical planets.

As soon as the human fleet arrived, the mechanical planet immediately launched an attack, and humans were also attacking. Behind, the neutron star devoured the remains of the mechanical planet and replenished its own mass.

It flew straight towards the star system, and with its strong gravity, it quickly pulled a young star into a long strip of plasma, absorbing it all.

Neutron stars are already at the critical point of black hole mass!

"Creating a black hole?" The prayer somewhat understood what humans were thinking.

"Even if a black hole is created, it will only be a low-mass black hole and will have little impact on my small universe!"

"And I can use four-dimensional cutting to expel this low-mass black hole."

"No, do humans want to create a black hole and then detonate it? This will indeed cause some damage to my small mechanical universe, but this method still cannot deal with me!"

"No matter what, destroy it first!"

The prayer immediately turned around and allowed other weapons to focus on attacking the black hole.

In order not to damage its own mechanical universe, it did not use detonation methods, but cut in the four-dimensional space, hoping to expel the "tumor" of this small universe.

However, at this time, the source of reverse has been formed!

The neutron star further collapses and the gravity begins to approach infinity!

All matter is pulled by gravity and light is absorbed, turning it into a black hole. But it was not a simple natural black hole. The prayer discovered that the surrounding four-dimensional space had actually disappeared!

In other words, instead of disappearing, a different four-dimensional space appeared!

At the other end of the black hole, that is, at another location in the mechanical microuniverse, a huge energy reaction occurred.

White light enveloped everything, and a white hole appeared!

It is constantly spitting out matter and energy. If it is ordinary matter and energy, forget it! The mechanical universe can also handle it.

But what the white hole spits out is the reverse matter of this mechanical small universe. The forward and reverse matter of the same small universe undergoes an annihilation reaction, and the time in the four-dimensional space returns to the original point, and everything turns into nothingness!

"Human beings are reversing my world!" The prayer finally knew the purpose of human beings. Human beings actually wanted to create a reverse world in its small mechanical universe, and then completely destroy it!

"Destroy this reverse world maker immediately!" The prayer allowed the silicon-based life forms to continue attacking.

Three-dimensional weapon attacks, four-dimensional attacks, two-dimensional attacks, attacks directed at black holes are all absorbed by the black holes, attacks directed at white holes are all annihilated by the reverse matter spewed by the white holes.

The reverse world is spreading, and in the part wrapped by reverse matter, time is flowing backward!

The war machine that was originally manufactured went back tens of thousands of years and turned into a few pieces of ore. The star that gave birth to consciousness returns to its original state.

And the small mechanical universe of the positive world is decaying rapidly!

Machinery rusts, mechanical life oxidizes into a pile of oxidized metal mineral soil, and the timeline of the mechanical universe is passing and rewinding crazily!

"All my attacks are ineffective!" When the prayer discovered this fact, it was already too late.

The small mechanical universe is already at the point of inevitable destruction. To stop this, the only way is to divide the forward and reverse worlds, but it does not have such ability.

"The small mechanical universe is going to be annihilated! I made a mistake in my calculations and underestimated the probability of humans defeating me." The prayer began to calculate his own probability of winning this war again.

On the other side, the four-dimensional creatures were stunned.

"Humans actually still have this method to reverse the world!"

"The small mechanical universe that drove us out of the Milky Way is going to be destroyed like this?"

"Fortunately, we didn't start a war with humans. Otherwise, this move alone could have destroyed our small universe of Devil Civilization No. 2!"

"It's so cruel, the four-dimensional space will also be annihilated!"

"Haha, the prayer finally suffered a loss! Without the mechanical universe, it is just a highly intelligent silicon-based life! If you want to recreate such a mechanical universe, it will take tens of thousands of years!"

"I haven't found a way to crack the reverse weapon, and the small mechanical universe will be destroyed." The prayer analyzed, "If I continue to fight, there is more than a fifty percent chance that I will fail."

"So I should retreat and wait until I find a way to deal with the reverse weapon before continuing the attack."

As a silicon-based life form, Prayer does not have the habit of desperately trying. Usually, it will not handle things with a probability of less than 90%.

Therefore, the prayer began to order the team to retreat.

"Has the saint civilization retreated?" Human monitoring equipment immediately observed this situation.

"It's too easy to retreat!" Yang Shaolin lamented, "Our troops are almost exhausted. If they continue to fight, it's hard to say whether they will win or lose."

"We cannot use our thinking to understand the idea of ​​​​silicon-based life." Chen Hong said, "No matter if we retreat, next time, it won't be it attacking us, but us attacking them!"

"The Prayer finally retreated!" Du Xingyu also breathed a sigh of relief. If the Prayer chooses to continue fighting, he has only the last resort.

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