Abandon the human small universe and let the human small universe and the reverse world merge to form a super reverse weapon.

This is Du Xingyu's last resort. If it gets to that point, human civilization will be on the verge of extinction.

Fortunately, Prayer chose to be steady, and after the mechanical universe was destroyed, it retreated.

"Human civilization, a tragic victory!" The victory in this war was hard-won.

If any link fails, human civilization will be ended!

Even so, humans have defeated almost all space battleships. After the Saint civilization left, the Large Magellanic Cloud was riddled with holes, and many of humanity's core star systems were destroyed.

Now in the Large Magellanic Cloud, there are many stellar debris floating around, forming quasar-like material clouds.

"Clean up the battlefield and cultivate your health." Tours said with emotion, "Can we rest for hundreds of years this time?"

Human civilization has been at war for years, and they are already exhausted.

Even if they have a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, possess super thinking abilities, and have four-dimensional eyes, humans will still feel tired.

"It should be possible." Du Xingyu was not sure, but at least the Saints' civilization would not be able to cause trouble to them within a few hundred years.

"Three hundred years, rest for three hundred years, make weapons, and after three hundred years, we will counterattack the galaxy!" Du Xingyu said.

In three hundred years, even if the prayers built war machines, they could not reshape a small mechanical universe.

During this period, it is also difficult for it to find a way to deal with reverse weapons.

No matter how long it takes, it will be difficult to restore the strength of the prayers, so Du Xingyu set a time of three hundred years.

The war with the saint civilization has come to an end for the time being, and human civilization, as well as various subsidiary civilizations of human civilization, have begun to cultivate their health.

After human civilization develops reverse weapons, it can already be called a level 5.9 civilization.

As human civilization progresses, they can also open up more permissions to affiliated civilizations, allowing the affiliated civilizations to grow in strength.

At the same time, humans have also developed ways to transform into two-dimensional creatures and four-dimensional creatures.

Some people have transformed into two-dimensional beings, and some have transformed into four-dimensional beings. In this way, human beings' ability to control the three-dimensional space within the territory can be further strengthened.

Three hundred years passed by little by little.

People of all civilizations who have been tense for hundreds of years can finally relax and rest, learn, think and grow again.

In the galaxy, the saint civilization is also looking for solutions to reverse weapons.

The prayer used all his computing power to calculate the answer.

"If you want to solve the reverse weapon, you need to have time to stand in the five-dimensional space, split the timeline, and separate the forward world and the reverse world!"

"That's technology that only a sixth-level civilization can achieve!"

"So, I can only destroy human civilization by becoming a level six civilization!"

"How to become a level six civilization? You must pray to a god-level civilization!" The prayer hopes to contact the god-level civilization and provide it with corresponding technological help.

It was able to evolve from a machine of the devil's civilization to a fifth-level civilization, all thanks to the help of a god-level civilization.

Now, unable to think of a solution, he once again seeks help from a god-level civilization.

In the small universe of the Saints Civilization, all the affiliated civilizations of the Saints Civilization live here, that is, the various civilizations of the previous angel civilization camp in the galaxy.

They live here according to the rules stipulated by the saints' civilization, and the rules of the saints' civilization are extremely detailed.

Prayer not only limits the technology and territory that each civilization can possess, but even stipulates the behaviors that each civilization and creature can perform.

As "it" with computing power covering the entire small universe, it is like a god, able to watch everyone at any time!

Once someone violates its rules, it will be destroyed!

Prayers also have a dedicated process and team to eliminate violators.

Except for a place in the center of the saint's civilization small universe, where a temple was built.

It looks exactly like the temple built by the devil civilization for the god-level civilization. Only here, the prayers will not "erase" the creatures because of their minor violations.

In the small universe of the saint's civilization, the temple shines brightly. All civilizations know that when prayers enter the temple, its energy makes the temple look like a shining star.

The praying person is contacting a god-level civilization.

"Hateful! Prayer!" A leader of a third-level civilization looked at the observer and said through gritted teeth.

"Leader, you can't say this." The subordinate quickly reminded him, "It might hear him!"

"No!" said the leader of the third-level civilization. "Prayers contact the god-level civilization when they enter the temple. Its consciousness will not fill the entire small universe anytime and anywhere."

"How many years has it been? I can't remember how many years it has been!" He looked sad. "Back then, we were still a free civilization on the arm of the immortals, just because we listened to the prayers."

"I thought it could protect us, but who knew that after entering this small universe, we all became its slaves!"

"It will govern everything, from the development of civilization to our birth and death!"

His voice was filled with endless resentment, words that had been held in his stomach for thousands of years.

"At birth, those who are genetically unqualified will be dealt with; during the growth process, those who are genetically unqualified will also be dealt with."

"Each clan member is divided into three, six or nine levels, and each level can only accept different knowledge and information. Friendship, love, and family affection are all assigned by it! Even when each life will die, it has already decided! "

"Our joys, sorrows, and joys must obey its rules. This is the cruelest prison in the universe!"

"If it were not impossible to commit suicide, no one could endure such torture! Therefore, most people in our civilization must be brainwashed regularly, otherwise they will have a mental breakdown and die!"

After he finished speaking, he burst into tears. Around him were the top leaders of the civilization, who were also suffering with him.

At this time, there were no omnipresent eyes of prayers monitoring them, and crying became a rare "welfare" for them.

In the temple, the prayers finally contacted the god-level civilization.

"Great angelic civilization, please grant me higher technology! I have unified the galaxy!" the prayer requested.

"You have not completed the requirements of the Galaxy Hunting Ground." The reply from the liaison officer of the Angel Civilization was ruthless. "Human civilization is also one of the Milky Way civilizations, and they are also competing civilizations in the Hunting Ground. You must defeat them before you are eligible to receive rewards."

"Angel civilization, I am your most loyal servant. I have been praying to you since my birth. If you don't help me, I will be wiped out by human civilization!" The prayer continued.

"They have left the Milky Way, I will soon..." The prayer also wanted to contact the angel civilization, but the angel civilization cut off contact with it.

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