"Angelic civilization rejected me!" The prayer felt the emotion of "anger" for the first time.

As a silicon-based life, it also has an emotional system. But in order to handle and respond to things rationally, the praying person has long been closed off by his emotional system.

But this time, being rejected by a god-level civilization allowed its dusty emotional system to reappear.

"The civilization of angels is no different from the former devil civilization!"

"I'm just their tool. Once it's no longer useful, they will ruthlessly abandon me!"

"If I can grow into a god-level civilization, I will rewrite the rules!" The prayer exited the temple, and its vision returned to the entire saint civilization universe.

At this time, it saw many civilized creatures cursing and resenting it.

"These stupid creatures, don't you know that I have brought you peace and tranquility? Compared to the so-called god-level civilization, I work hard to protect you, but you don't know how to be grateful!"

"These stupid guys should be eliminated from my world!"

Multiple civilizations, the creatures that were cursing the praying people, were all taken away by law enforcer robots.

"No!" A mother begged the law enforcement robot not to take away her child.

However, the law enforcement robot said coldly: "Pleading for mercy for criminals violates Article 1548494 of the Saints' Civilized Laws, and should be dealt with according to the law."

Later, the mother was also taken away.

Other creatures dare not express their anger, and dare not show even a hint of anger.

They walked away silently, pretending not to see this scene.

"When will these days come to an end?" The leader of a certain second-level civilization jumped from a tall building and wanted to commit suicide.

But before he hit the ground, he was burned to ashes by the laser. According to the laws of saints' civilization, he was not qualified to commit suicide and could only be dealt with by law enforcement machines.

Three hundred years have passed in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

During this time, humankind's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds. They have built a considerable number of space battleships and various dimensional weapons.

"Three hundred years have come, it's time to return to the Milky Way!" At the military mobilization meeting, Du Xingyu issued an order to all human civilization and all affiliated civilizations.

"Hundreds of years ago, we were forced to migrate from the Milky Way to the Large Magellanic Cloud, and were repeatedly in danger of extinction."

"Fortunately, countless heroic warriors, countless wise scholars, and countless hard-working people united to withstand the crisis."

"We dare not forget how many families have hated our country for hundreds of years!"

"Today, we want to avenge our shame, fight back to the Milky Way, take back our invaded homeland, and eliminate the saints' civilization!"

"Go to war!"

"Go to war!" Fleets were ready, the super wormhole leading to the Milky Way was opened, and the space warships sailed in.

In the Milky Way, most of the territory is occupied by the saint civilization.

Those active in the Milky Way world are all silicon-based life forms, and other civilizations have been forcibly moved into the small universe of the Saint civilization.

The entire galaxy has become the resource minerals and war factory of the saint civilization.

Although the small mechanical universe was destroyed, the self-increasing speed of silicon-based civilization is still extremely powerful.

They can be found in every corner of the galaxy, mining resources and manufacturing weapons.

"The five major space fleets will attack the five spiral arms respectively." Du Xingyu commanded, "Find the location of the saint civilization small universe!"

"Yes!" The five major space fleets of human civilization attacked the five spiral arms respectively.

After hundreds of years, civil war in the galaxy has reignited!

In the Square Arm, the devil civilization returned to its homeland, and together with the human fleet, destroyed the silicon-based life forms entrenched here.

"Kill, kill, kill! Take back our territory!" The four-dimensional creatures worked extremely hard this time, because humans promised to give them a territory as a reward for their military exploits.

"Without the mechanical universe, these war machines are garbage!" Four-dimensional creatures can easily destroy those powerful war machines in the four-dimensional space.

As long as there is no suppression and supplies from the small mechanical universe, they can almost sweep this place!

Yingxian Arm, Yang Shaolin personally directed the operations here, and the two-dimensional civilization and butterfly civilization attacked as auxiliary to the fleet.

This was once the most active territory of the giant beast civilization, but the giant beast civilization has been destroyed.

During the war, Yang Shaolin saw a mechanical behemoth transformed by silicon-based life.

These terrifying mechanical behemoths have stronger combat power than neutron stars. They can swallow stars and space and carry out hyperspace strikes.

Orion Arm, the home of mankind.

The Pleiades star cluster was completely destroyed by Du Xingyu's space resonance weapon, including the solar system, Proxima Centauri, Aquila and other star systems, which have long since disappeared.

But the remaining material has formed a large area of ​​quasar material. Due to the influence of gravity, some stars and planets are being born.

"I really miss it." Wei Xuan said with emotion, "What a pity, my former home."

"Brothers, fight and recover the Orion Arm!"

The Centaur Arm, a space fleet and a space mecha force set out here.

"This is a rare opportunity for our Blue Star Civilization!" Lisa, the leader of the Blue Star Civilization and the commander of the mecha unit, shouted to her subordinates.

"We want to prove that space mechas are not weaker than space battleships! This time we want to accumulate the merits of death and gain the territory of Blue Star Civilization in the galaxy!"


"Fight!" Hundreds of space mechas flew from the three-dimensional space into the four-dimensional space, and the four-dimensional war machines of the saint civilization fought together.

Centaur Arm, the core territory of Saint civilization.

Du Xingyu personally led the attack because he guessed that the small universe of the Saints' civilization would most likely be hidden in this spiral arm.

Here he encountered the most violent attack.

The density of war machines here is comparable to that of a small mechanical universe. In the core area, there are almost endless war units.

"Use reverse weapons!" Over the past three hundred years, Du Xingyu has further improved the reverse matter converter.

Nowadays, space battleships no longer need to use materials from human reverse microcosms and forward microcosms, nor do they need to transform their own materials.

You only need to collect the forward matter in the universe at any time for reverse transformation, and you can create reverse weapons!

These reverse weapons have a devastating impact on the war machine of the Saint civilization. In two-dimensional space, three-dimensional space, and four-dimensional space, the strength of the Saint civilization is rapidly being consumed.

"Humanity!" In the small universe of Saint Civilization, prayers are paying attention to all battlefields.

It discovered that its operations were not going smoothly on the five spiral arms.

In the final analysis, it is the same reason, it cannot deal with reverse weapons!

"Soon, they will find this small universe." The prayer is paying attention to all the creatures in the small universe, and it is calculating a decision.

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