"By then, it will be difficult to preserve this small universe, and the civilization of this world will fall into the hands of humans." The prayer person calculated, "I want to protect them."

After complex calculations, the prayer finally arrived at a solution.

In the small universe of saints, the prayer announces to all civilizations: "All the affiliated civilizations of the saints' civilization!"

"The great saint civilization has created a new type of small universe with richer resources and more spacious space!"

"In the new small universe, all civilizations can develop freely. All intelligent creatures are no longer restricted by rules."

"Civilization can define its own civilization laws and development laws. Every creature can do what it wants to do, and our saint civilization will provide you with resources, technology and other help!"

"From now on, all civilizations will follow the guidance robot to relocate."

When the prayers announced the news, all civilizations in the small universe of saint civilization celebrated.

Some creatures cried with joy: "Finally we have waited for today!"

"We are finally free!"

"How many years has it been? How many years has it passed? Is a new world in language coming?"

"Heaven, we will enter heaven!"

Some intelligent creatures also expressed doubts: "Why did the saint civilization change its decision-making?"

"What do they want to do?"

"Don't these silicon-based beings really like to control our freedom?"

They had doubts in their hearts, but they had no way to confirm it.

Wormholes have appeared in the territory of every civilization, and guiding robots lead the intelligent creatures of that civilization into the wormholes.

"New world, we are coming to a new world!" Trillions of intelligent creatures from a certain third-level civilization boarded a transport ship and entered the wormhole.

All members are excitedly discussing the new world and looking forward to the changes that the new world will bring.

However, in their seats, a probe protruded from the back of the seats and inserted directly into their brains!

All intelligent creatures in this civilization died instantly!

In other words, they came to a new world!

The consciousness of these intelligent creatures did not die, but was converted into data and came to the virtual universe.

Nothing changes in their consciousness. They were still sitting on the transport ship, and soon came to a new small universe.

The territory of this small universe is larger than the Milky Way, with various stars and resources, almost endless.

Prayers allocate unimaginable wealth to each civilization to share and live.

Every intelligent creature is working on some saintly civilization, but what they don't know is that their body has long since died, and their current consciousness is just a piece of data in the virtual world.

"With my calculation power, these intelligent creatures will never know the falseness of the world." The prayer said silently.

"They can live in happiness and joy forever. Compared to god-level civilization, as their 'god', I am much more merciful."

"I gave them a paradise!"

In the small universe of the saints' civilization, civilizations were decreasing one by one. At this time, the detectors of human civilization finally found the location of the small universe of the saints' civilization.

"Reporting to the headquarters, the small universe of Saint civilization has been discovered. It is near Sagittarius A*." The intelligence department reported.

"Sagittarius A*? How dare you put the small universe there? No wonder the devil's civilization has not been able to find the saint's civilization's small universe for so many years."

The coordinates of Sagittarius A* are the center of the Milky Way. This is a super black hole with a mass of one million times the sun!

The gravity of this super black hole is enough to pull the stars in the entire galaxy!

Its distortion of space and time is unimaginable, and even the four-dimensional space is distorted by it.

So near here, the four-dimensional detector will also be interfered with.

But again, being so close to it would require a huge amount of energy to resist the attraction of the galactic center black hole.

"Let's go and attack the Saints Civilized Universe immediately!" Du Xingyu ordered.

"Yes!" The space fleet immediately set out to go to the black hole in the center of the galaxy.

The process of the space fleet reaching the small universe of the Saint Civilization was very smooth. Apart from fighting against the gravity of the galactic black hole and the distortion of time and space, it did not encounter any decent resistance.

"What tricks are the prayers doing?" Du Xingyu was a little surprised, and he ordered, "Enter with unmanned warships first."

He is worried that the prayers will directly return the small universe to the large universe like the original devil civilization. By then, the jets of matter and energy will destroy everything around them!

When the human fleet forcibly opened the barriers of the saint civilization's small universe, it still did not encounter any resistance.

Here, most civilizations have "relocated" to the new world, and only a few civilizations are still waiting.

These civilizations were all stopped by human fleets.

"Where are the robots here? Where have they gone?" the human officer asked.

"They all went to a new world, a new small universe!" replied these civilizations.

In the small universe, there are also wormholes that are being transported. Soon, humans discovered the truth!

"Reporting to the command center, pray to annihilate all those affiliated civilizations and convert their consciousness into data!"

"More than ninety-five percent of the civilizations in the galaxy have been destroyed by prayers!" Du Xingyu was horrified by this fact.

Who would have thought that a silicon-based life could do such crazy things?

"Human civilization!" When humans occupied the small universe of the saints' civilization, the prayers contacted them again.

"Prayer, you are a heinous executioner, you have destroyed the civilization of this galaxy!" Mo Caiwei condemned.

"I protected them!" the prayer retorted, "Isn't it a better destination to become a data life, quantum immortality?"

"This universe is full of dangers, and life is very difficult for all civilizations. Living in my quantum world, they can get everything they want. Most of them are happy and happy!"

"What you call eternal life and happiness are just the surface meaning of your understanding. No matter how perfect the virtual world is, there will be loopholes. When these data beings finally realize that they are living in a false world, they will collapse."

The prayer disagreed, "At that time I will reset their memories so that they can live in the quantum world forever!"

"Okay, humans. I don't want to discuss the world's problems with you. Galaxy Hunting Ground, you won the final victory."

"I will leave the galaxy and quietly wait for the end of the universe. As for you, don't think that you are the ultimate winner."

"For god-level civilizations, we are just their pawns. In the end, you will be abandoned and forgotten like me, and eventually end with this universe."

"I am leaving!"

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