Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 321 The “Guidelines” of God-Level Civilization

"Are you going to hunt it down?" the fleet commanders asked Du Xingyu.

"There are endless kills." Du Xingyu shook his head, "We don't know how many bodies the prayer has. It is in other clones, and it is difficult for us to find it."

"It is enough to clean up the galaxy. As for the saint civilization, most of its strength has been lost, and it will not be able to make any trouble in the future."

In fact, after the Prayer lost its mechanical universe, the Saints' civilization had plummeted in strength.

Even if Prayer possesses the technology of a fifth-level civilization, it cannot develop without an important resource mining area like the Milky Way.

"What about those affiliated civilizations of the Saints' Civilization?" The subordinate continued to ask. There are also some affiliated civilizations of the Saints' Civilization that were lucky and were not brought to the "New World".

"Check it out and leave it to other commanders for discussion," Du Xingyu said.

Human beings are not civilizations that like to kill innocent people indiscriminately. These civilizations should all survive, and their lives will be better than those in the small universe of the saints' civilization.

In the small universe of Saint Civilization, a large number of mechanical creations began to self-destruct, and each mechanical planet became dim.

Prayer left the galaxy!

At this time, the center of the saint's civilization microcosm is the "temple" built by the prayers.

That is to say, the communication device with the god-level civilization shines brightly, lighting up the entire small universe, and the "will" of the god-level civilization comes!

"What is that?" The human soldiers looked curiously.

"Is it some kind of explosive? Be alert!" The fleet began to alert.

At this time, the High Command of the Human Guardian Alliance received a message from the angel civilization.

"Human civilization, we are an angel civilization." The message said.

"You have won the galactic hunting ground and become the only winning civilization in this hunting ground."

"According to the rewards, we will guide you towards a god-level civilization."

"Angel civilization? Are they going to lead us towards a god-level civilization?" The human commanders were confused. What is going on?

"Is this the reward of the Galaxy Hunting Ground?" Chen Hong said in surprise, "No wonder those civilizations are fighting each other to the death!"

"Why? Why does the angel civilization lead us towards a god-level civilization?" Lu Xing puzzled. "The more advanced the civilization, the more exaggerated its use of cosmic resources. Logically speaking, civilization should not also be of the pyramid type. The more advanced the civilization, the more exaggerated its use of cosmic resources." The less civilized it is, the better?”

"I don't know, is a god-level civilization really so kind?" Tours didn't quite believe it. If a god-level civilization was so kind, why would it design some kind of galactic hunting ground for civilizations to kill each other?

In a galactic hunting ground, more than 95% of the civilizations in the galaxy were wiped out!

"There must be a hidden story behind it." Mo Caiwei also had the same view.

"Let's listen and see first." Yang Shaolin said.

The angel civilization did not care whether humans responded or not. They continued: "If human civilization wants to be promoted to a god-level civilization, it will go through three rounds of tests."

"If you can defeat your opponents in these three rounds of tests and win the final victory, you will successfully become a god-level civilization and have the right to know the ultimate secret of this universe!"

"Can we refuse?" Du Xingyu asked.

"No." Angel Civilization said directly, "This test has already begun."

"Ten thousand years later, you will face the first test. I wish you good luck."

After Angel Civilization finished speaking, he closed the contact. The temple in the small universe of Saint Civilization dimmed again.

The commanders of human civilization looked at each other, and Chen Hong smiled bitterly: "It seems that we will go all the way to the end!"

"Whatever, the soldiers will block it, the water will cover it." Lu Xing was used to facing this kind of situation.

"There are still ten thousand years left. This time our time will be much longer." Du Xingyu's heart was extremely calm. He had known that the world would not end so easily.

There are so many things that can be done in ten thousand years.

"First clean up the galaxy and clean up all the remnants of the saints' civilization and the clones of the prayers." Du Xingyu said.

After defeating the saint civilization, human civilization became the undisputed overlord in the galaxy.

In addition, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds have also become human territory.

As for the Andromeda galaxy next to it, humans have not set foot in it. In fact, mankind has been fighting wars for too many years, and there is no need to rush to provoke neighbors.

There are so many things that human civilization can do in ten thousand years.

It took about five hundred years for the warships and detectors of human civilization to fly through every corner of the galaxy, thoroughly explore all territories, and clean up all kinds of weapons left behind in the hunting grounds of the galaxy.

After another five hundred years, human civilization began to arrange the territories and civilization levels of various subsidiary civilizations.

To this end, experts within human civilization and other high-level affiliated civilizations discussed together, and finally the commanders jointly passed the "Regulations on the Management of Affiliated Civilizations of Human Civilization."

The regulations stipulate that all affiliated civilizations of human civilization must unconditionally abide by the command and jurisdiction of human civilization. At the same time, human civilization will also protect the integrity and civilized freedom of affiliated civilizations.

Human civilization rebuilds the free civilization trading market, and allows affiliated civilizations to spread to every corner of the Milky Way and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds to carry out civilization construction.

The technological development of civilizations is not restricted except under special circumstances, and civilizations that complete various tasks of human civilization and obtain contribution points will also receive help from human civilization...

Among other things, there are also some supplementary agreements for special civilizations, such as the pixel civilization in the two-dimensional world, the devil civilization in the four-dimensional world, etc.

The formulation and implementation of these rules alone took hundreds of years.

The next nine thousand years were the most peaceful and comfortable period in the history of human civilization.

During this time, the strength of human civilization was further consolidated. The headquarters always emphasized that the upcoming war should not be forgotten just because of temporary peace.

Therefore, military technology has always been placed at the forefront of the development of civilized science and technology.

In addition, human civilization has also made great progress in the fields of economy, art, medicine, civilization studies, cosmology and other fields.

Human civilization has truly become a level 5.9 civilization.

Humanity itself has also begun to explore more advanced fields.

Time is passing, and the evolution of the top human beings has changed. If their minds and bodies were in the old times, they would be called "gods"!

Du Xingyu sometimes thinks about problems and can maintain his thinking state for hundreds of years. In the eyes of outsiders, he is "sleeping".

However, at this time, Du Xingyu's lifespan had already evolved to be like a four-dimensional creature or a star, with a lifespan of billions of years. Hundreds, thousands, ten thousand years, in his life, it is just a fleeting moment!

In this state, ten thousand years passed quickly.

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