Du Xingyu woke up from his slumber. In the alliance headquarters, the five commanders and hundreds of senior commanders, as well as the top academicians of the Academy of Sciences, were already waiting here.

They want to discuss the future of human civilization!

"Ten thousand years have arrived, and the test of god-level civilization is about to come. Where should humans go in the future? This is the question we are going to discuss today." Du Xingyu said.

"It is still unknown what test the god-level civilization will give us. But it is certain to adhere to the development route towards a higher-level civilization!" Xu Lianqiu said, "The Academy of Sciences has been exploring the field of sixth-level civilization."

"Currently we speculate that level six civilization should be a civilization that can travel through five-dimensional space."

Based on the four-dimensional space, it is further deduced that the five-dimensional world is composed of countless four-dimensional worlds.

In other words, the five-dimensional space has countless timelines, and each timeline represents a different development direction of a certain event!

The so-called parallel worlds are several similar time axes in the five-dimensional space.

"Level 6 civilizations will have a much better understanding of time and space than we do. In five-dimensional time, they can see us on other timelines. In other words, they can see our past and foresee our future!" A senior civilization scientist analyzed.

"If we are to encounter an opponent with a sixth-level civilization, the enemy may know our every move clearly, and may even know what we will do in the future, and take precautions in advance!"

Du Xingyu has also done this before. By observing the movement of particles in the three-dimensional world within a certain range of four-dimensional space, one can briefly foresee the future.

But such foresight is short-lived, and the particles are affected by other particles outside the observation range.

If we were a level six civilization and directly observed events on other parallel timelines, we could predict events years, even hundreds, or thousands of years ago!

When the human command headquarters was discussing, the temple was the angel civilization communication device that was moved from the saint civilization small universe.

It glowed again, and after ten thousand years, there was a new message from the angelic civilization.

"Human civilization has reached ten thousand years."

"The first test you face is to become the most powerful civilization in this galaxy group."

"And your competitor is the fairy civilization from the Andromeda galaxy."

"Your two civilizations will begin to compete for survival. The winner will be promoted to the second round of testing, and the loser will be eliminated."

Angel civilization has long said that it cannot refuse, because whether it is human civilization or fairy civilization, those who refuse are likely to be killed by the enemy, or directly obliterated by the god-level civilization!

The communication ends here. This news is not surprising to the human commanders.

"As expected, let us continue to fight and survive the fittest." Chen Hong said with emotion, "We won in the hunting ground of the Milky Way, but we don't know that the entire universe is their civilized hunting ground!"

Tours analyzed: "The diameter of the Local Galaxy Group is about 10 million light-years, and there are nearly 50 galaxies including the Milky Way."

"Among them, our Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy account for most of the mass of the Local Galaxy Group. Let the civilizations of our two galaxies compete to choose the strongest civilization in the Local Galaxy Group."

"The content of our discussion is about how to deal with the fairy civilization." Yang Shaolin said.

"Go and invite the representatives of Butterfly Civilization to come over." Mo Caiwei ordered.

The butterfly civilization migrated from the Andromeda Galaxy, and fought wars when the Andromeda Hunting Ground was opened.

Today, although human civilization has also launched detectors to the Andromeda Galaxy, most of them have ended up in the mud or been shot down by the Andromeda civilization.

So far, human civilization’s understanding of fairy civilization is completely blank!

Soon, the representative of butterfly civilization, Green Chrysalis, arrived at the meeting site.

"Hello, dear commanders of human civilization." The green chrysalis in front of me is just a young member of the butterfly civilization.

Because it has died more than ten times, and every time it dies, it will return to the embrace of the stellar mother tree, retain its consciousness and genes, and then be born again.

This is also an alternative way of extending life developed by butterfly civilization.

"Green Chrysalis, we are about to compete with the fairy civilization. How much does your butterfly civilization know about them?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Sure enough, we are going to compete with the fairy civilization!" Green Chrysalis was not surprised at all.

He said: "In the early days of the opening of the Andromeda Galaxy Hunting Ground, fairy civilization was not called fairy civilization. In other words, they were not civilization at all, nor were they intelligent creatures. This civilization did not exist at all."

"Why do you say that?" Xu Lianqiu asked curiously.

Green Chrysalis explained patiently, "For all Andromeda civilizations, the origins of the Fairy civilization are very mysterious."

"Butterfly civilization was a third-level civilization in the early days of the hunting ground, and it still had a lot of information. However, there was never any information about the fairy civilization in our information database. We once suspected that the fairy civilization developed after a weak civilization. , changed the name of civilization.”

"But later we discovered that this was not the case at all. Because in the early civilized wars, this civilization was not born!"

"It is a civilization born in the shadow of war! In other words, it is the 'flower of evil' that blooms in the war."

Du Xingyu and others listened carefully. Obviously, the origin of fairy civilization is not simple.

"Fairy civilization is neither a carbon-based organism nor a silicon-based organism, but a kind of energy life!" Green Chrysalis said in an astonishing way, "It's not that I didn't tell you about this earlier, but this is what I recently learned about the fifth-level civilization. It takes knowledge to understand.”

A lot of the information Green Chrysalis said was also his inference based on known information.

"The emergence of the Fairy Civilization was in the later stages of the Hunting Ground in the Andromeda Galaxy. At that time, the two camps had entered the final stage of the decisive battle. Our butterfly civilization had begun to flee to the Milky Way, but we still had eyes in the Andromeda Galaxy."

"The leading civilizations of the two camps engaged in a decisive battle. These two civilizations, like the saint civilization and devil civilization before the Milky Way, are level five civilizations and have mastered technology in three dimensions!"

"In that war, more than ten small universes were destroyed, the battlefield space was chaotic, and fragments of two-dimensional space, three-dimensional space, and four-dimensional space were swept up by the turbulent flow of time and space."

"This information and energy has attracted a higher-level life that feeds on them. According to current technological inferences, it should be an energy life that lives in a higher dimension, that is, the five-dimensional space, a fairy civilization creature. .”

"The result of the war was that the two local fifth-level civilizations were destroyed, and the five-dimensional creatures that absorbed their information and energy grew up, called themselves the Andromeda Civilization, and ruled the Andromeda Galaxy."

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