"That's all I know and infer from the above." After Green Chrysalis finished speaking, all the human commanders and scientists fell into deep thought.

"Energy creatures from the five-dimensional space?" Du Xingyu thought. Energizing the body and turning it into a creature similar to a photon information cluster would indeed make it easier to travel through high-dimensional space.

For example, when he used a technological simulator to travel to parallel time and space, he also transformed his consciousness into energy and information to travel through it. It is difficult for three-dimensional matter to travel through the passage of high-dimensional space.

If the opponent is such a creature, it will be difficult to deal with them using the currently known methods of human civilization!

Because the dimension they are in has exceeded the range that humans can set foot on.

Even the most powerful reverse weapons have extremely limited effect on them!

Everyone was talking a lot, but because their understanding of the enemy was really limited, they couldn't find any good way to deal with it.

"In short, we can be sure that the Fairy civilization has probably entered the sixth level civilization." Du Xingyu said, "From now on, we will send a large number of detection equipment into the Andromeda galaxy for detection."

"In addition, human society and affiliated civilized societies are prepared for war to prevent enemy attacks!"

"For other situations, please report in time."

"The meeting is dismissed!"

Everyone left one after another and went back to deploy.

Du Xingyu and Xu Lianqiu went to the Academy of Sciences to continue studying this issue.

"If we want to defeat the fairy civilization, we must first come into contact with the five-dimensional space and time! We must be able to see through time and space."

After ten thousand years of development, mankind's understanding of four-dimensional space and four-dimensional timelines has become far better than ever before.

But little is known about the five-dimensional space and multiple timelines.

"How to go to other timelines, or see other timelines?" Researchers are all thinking about this question.

Observation, guessing, and inference are the most important things before the development of a new technology.

"By twisting two-dimensional space, you can gain access to three-dimensional space."

"Twisting three-dimensional space, we see four-dimensional space."

"Based on this, if we can distort the four-dimensional space, we can observe or enter the five-dimensional space and go to other timelines, that is, parallel worlds."

"If the time axis in the four-dimensional space is regarded as a line, then in the five-dimensional world, the line composed of these time axes forms a time plane!"

If he wants to jump out of his own timeline and enter other timelines, that is, to move on the plane of time, Du Xingyu believes that it is necessary to develop a technology that allows human minds and bodies to be completely photonized and turned into pure energy bodies.

Only when we break away from the pure material universe and enter the pure energy world can we enter the five-dimensional space.

While he was discussing with the scientists, he was looking for relevant information on the technology simulator.

While Du Xingyu was thinking about how to turn human civilization into a sixth-level civilization, a huge disadvantage arose in human exploration of the Andromeda Galaxy.

"All the detection machines we sent to the Andromeda Galaxy, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and four-dimensional detectors were all destroyed!"

"Without exception! The enemy seems to be very aware of all the machines we sent. The exploration fleet we sent was directly annihilated in the four-dimensional space!" the intelligence department reported the situation.

This situation gave the human commander a bad feeling.

"We can't know the situation of the fairy civilization, but they know everything about us?" Chen Hong thought, "What is the reason for this?"

"Do we have their spies within us? Or, as the Butterfly Civilization said, are they a level-6 civilization that can see our past and future in other timelines?"

"Because they have seen our past and future, so they know all our actions?"

"That may be the reason." Du Xingyu guessed, "I recently studied the five-dimensional space and came to a similar conclusion."

"If the fairy civilization can see the five-dimensional space, it can see our past and future."

"Then how to deal with it? They all know about our attacks on them, but we know nothing about their attacks on us!" Lu Xing said worriedly.

"Is there anything unusual about the Milky Way and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds?" Du Xingyu asked.

"No." Yang Shaolin said, "We have not detected any signs of enemy invasion."

"You still can't be careless." Du Xingyu warned, "When the Night Owl civilization launched an attack on us, we didn't notice it."

"Now the methods of the fairy civilization are more advanced than theirs, maybe we have been attacked."

"Well, let's continue monitoring."

Another month has passed, and within this month, humans still have not found any signs of the attack of the fairy civilization.

Similarly, human civilization has still found nothing in its detection of the Andromeda civilization. All detectors entering the Andromeda galaxy will be accurately destroyed!

It was as if there was a pair of God's eyes staring at them. No matter which method, direction or dimension they used to enter the Andromeda Galaxy, the enemy would know it.

"Since they are so powerful, they should attack human civilization. Why hasn't the fairy civilization taken action yet?" Du Xingyu was thinking about this question.

The Andromeda Galaxy was earlier than the Milky Way System. Logically speaking, even if they had suffered heavy losses in the war, they had already recovered their strength and had the strength to attack.

"Hongyu, have there been any recent changes in human civilization and affiliated civilizations?" Du Xingyu asked.

"The development of human civilization and affiliated civilizations are all on the normal track." the intelligent system replied.

"It's really weird." Du Xingyu shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He went to the Academy of Sciences to continue his research on the time plane.

The next day, at seven o'clock in the morning, Du Xingyu came out of the time research room.

Nowadays, he rarely needs sleep to restore his physical condition. Unless his consciousness is tired, he can remain conscious for thousands of years.

But today he had an indescribable feeling, as if this world was extremely familiar to him, and at the same time, there was a strange feeling of strangeness surrounding him, and Du Xingyu couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Hello, Dean!" Kou An, the administrator of the Time Research Laboratory, greeted him warmly.

"Husband, do you want to attend the opening ceremony of the ninth branch of the Space Research Institute?" Xu Lianqiu sent him a message.

"I'll be there in an hour." Du Xingyu wrote back.

"Well, I'll wait for you!"

An hour later, Du Xingyu attended the completion ceremony of the ninth branch of the Institute of Space Research.

At the ceremony, he encouraged all scientific researchers to continue their efforts in research.

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