Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 324 Trapped on the same day!

At noon, Du Xingyu and Xu Lianqiu had lunch at the antique restaurant. Human beings no longer need to rely on eating to replenish energy. The desire to talk has become a way of entertainment for humans, just like watching movies and listening to music in the past, so sometimes humans are willing to experience this retro behavior.

"This restaurant is not bad!" Xu Lianqiu gave Du Xingyu a piece of fresh fish and praised it: "It tastes a bit like before."

"Well, it's really not bad." Du Xingyu tasted the food, but he always felt that something was wrong in his mind.

"What are your plans for the afternoon?" Xu Lianqiu asked, "I'm going to the Blue Star Civilization. Lisa asked me to come and visit their latest space mecha unit."

"I'm going to—" Du Xingyu suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

His eyes looked somewhere in the antique restaurant, he stood up in surprise and shouted: "Lu Liang?"

That familiar figure was Lu Liang, his old classmate from more than 20,000 years ago, and now one of the most successful entrepreneurs in human civilization.

Lu Liang and his wife and daughter had just arrived at the restaurant.

"Du Xingyu?" Lu Liang was stunned for a moment when he heard his voice, then he walked up with a big smile and wanted to give Du Xingyu a warm hug.

In recent years, the two rarely get together and see each other very rarely. Especially since the territory of human civilization has expanded to the Milky Way, it is simply a miracle to be able to meet someone you know in one place!

"It's actually Lu Liang!" Xu Lianqiu was also surprised, "I heard that the antique earth is his project, and he can actually see it!"

The Antique Earth is a planet created by Lu Liang that is exactly like the Earth after suspecting the former Earth.

The buildings and various things here are also modeled after the first-class civilization on earth.

This nostalgic style attracts some "old antiques" and people who are interested in human history to live and experience it.

Lu Liang had just approached Du Xingyu. After he and Du Xingyu hugged each other, he was about to speak. Du Xingyu had a strange expression and said, "You want to celebrate my daughter's birthday today, but I'm not good enough to meet you?"

"Huh?" Lu Liang was stunned and said in surprise: "How do you know?"

Then he came to his senses and said with a smile: "I heard that your mind can foresee the short-term future, just like the legendary gods. It's really hard to understand!"

"No!" Du Xingyu frowned and shook his head repeatedly, "No, no!"

"What's wrong?" Xu Lianqiu and Lu Liang both looked at him in confusion.

Du Xingyu murmured to himself, "I seem to have experienced the scene that Lu Liang and I accidentally foreseen just now."

"It was as if I had already experienced this episode in my life, so I said what he wanted to say!"

"Is the subconscious reappearing?" Xu Lianqiu said, "The human brain will constantly simulate various scenarios. Maybe your mind has just simulated such a scenario, so you feel this way."

"Maybe you just predicted the future!" Lu Liang said.

"No... none of them!" Du Xingyu closed his eyes and his tone gradually became firmer, "I have experienced this scene before, not in a dream, but in the real world."

"Husband, what's wrong with you? Are you too tired recently?" Xu Lianqiu asked worriedly.

"No, I'm very conscious. There's something wrong with this world!" Du Xingyu's words left the two of them confused.

"Lu Liang, do you want to eat hot pot today?" Du Xingyu asked.

"You know this?" Lu Liang said in surprise, "My wife and children made an agreement before we came here that we would have hot pot today."

"Honey, do you plan to stay in the territory of Blue Star Civilization later tonight?" Du Xingyu asked Xu Lianqiu again.

"I'm not sure about this yet, but there is a high probability that it will be." Xu Lianqiu said, she was curious, "What happened to you today?"

"I was attacked!" Du Xingyu spat out these words with difficulty, "I have experienced all the scenes today. The time I am experiencing now is just what I experienced yesterday."

"No, why do I become more confused the more you talk about it?" Lu Liang's mind was filled with questions.

Xu Lianqiu vaguely guessed something, she guessed: "You mean, you were attacked by the fairy civilization?"

"Yes!" Du Xingyu affirmed, "I seem to have experienced every scene today. I have heard everything you want to do and what you will say."

"The time I have experienced is just a replay of yesterday!"

“In layman’s terms, I’m stuck in the same day, in a constant cycle!”

"You are trapped, what about us?" Xu Lianqiu asked doubtfully, "We are also trapped in the same day, doing exactly the same thing every day, in a constant cycle?"

"It's not clear yet, I want to figure this out." Du Xingyu said, "You just do what you want to do, and I will think about the rest."

"Knowing this, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do." Xu Lianqiu said helplessly.

Lu Liang was speechless, "If this is true, it's too outrageous. Regardless of whether I remember this tomorrow or not, I won't be able to live well today."

Du Xingyu needed to verify this, so he immediately asked the technology simulator: "Simulator, how long have I been trapped in the same day?"

Technology simulator: "From the perspective of your time and space, you have been moving forward, but from the relative perspective of the five-dimensional space, you have been trapped in a time cage for a year."

"A year?" Du Xingyu didn't expect that he had been trapped on the same day for a year.

"Can't you wake me up?" Du Xingyu asked.

"I am just a tool, and my observation angle is based on your perception of the outside world." The technology simulator said, "When you don't realize that you are trapped in a time cage, I won't notice it either."

"When you find yourself trapped in a time cage, I can break through the limitations of time and space for observation."

"One year!" Du Xingyu thought carefully. If he couldn't find out that he or the entire civilization was trapped on the same day, their civilization would probably continue in this cycle until one day the hunters started to clean up the cage!

"Maybe I can realize that I am trapped on the same day because my consciousness has left this universe and gone to other universes."

"There is information in my brain that does not belong to this world, so I wake up to myself."

"What happened to the other people?" Du Xingyu went to the Academy of Sciences and began to explore this issue without notifying anyone.

After careful thinking, Du Xingyu discovered the reason.

"The timeline of the galaxy where human civilization is located has been created by the enemy!"

"Normally, time will keep going down, but at the end of the day, the timeline has been deliberately distorted. After 24:00 tonight, it does not correspond to 0:00 tomorrow, but early this morning. At 0:00, everything starts again!”

"The entire civilization is trapped in this time cage, endlessly!"

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