"Ah?" Kou An was stunned, and then said: "Have you seen my work schedule?"

Du Xingyu didn't say anything, but ordered: "Inform all academicians above the first level to hold a virtual world meeting, including the alliance headquarters."

"Okay!" Kou An did it immediately.

A few minutes later, tens of thousands of people had arrived in the virtual world conference hall.

Everyone was very surprised. Du Xingyu suddenly called so many people for a meeting. What was he going to do?

"Everyone, I declare that our human civilization is under attack!" Du Xingyu announced to everyone.

"Being attacked? I didn't receive a warning!" Yang Shaolin was the person in charge of this matter. He asked in surprise, "Where?"

"The enemy is attacking?"

"It's time!" Du Xingyu said, "The enemy is a level six civilization. They have set a time trap in the time and space of our galaxy."

"It's like a 'return' branch opens on the timeline. A circle appears on the straight timeline. The size of this circle is 24 hours. Our entire human civilization is constantly repeating today's 24 hours. , has been repeated for 380 days now!"

"Is there such a thing?" Everyone was surprised. They had always believed Du Xingyu's words.

But what happened today was too weird.

And they have no way to prove it.

"How do we prove we're trapped in a time trap?"

"What if it's true? What are we going to do?"

"Now that we have discovered it, there must be a solution, right?"

Everyone brainstormed and began to discuss this matter. The entire human civilization took action, the headquarters began to make arrangements, and the Academy of Sciences began to conduct demonstrations to find answers.

However, in the early hours of the morning, everything returned to normal.

This time, Du Xingyu went to the Time Research Laboratory by himself to look for other methods.

However, one day is too short. No matter what he tries, everything will start again after the time is reset the next day.

After dozens of days of this process, Du Xingyu began to behave more and more abnormally!

He became extremely irritable, irritable, and increasingly unstable in mood and thinking.

Until one day when he recharged his money, Du Xingyu's mind was at a loss. The long-term confusion caused his consciousness to fall into an infinite loop of self-contradiction.

"It's time!" Outside this time and space, a certain five-dimensional energy creature has been observing Du Xingyu.

When Du Xingyu realized that he and human civilization were trapped in a time loop, it was still very strange.

Logically speaking, Du Xingyu couldn't realize that he was trapped.

This made it cautious for a while, and in the following days, it kept paying attention to Du Xingyu.

When it discovered that Du Xingyu had tried countless times to leave this day but failed, things returned to its control again.

Knowing that Du Xingyu's consciousness was beginning to become confused, it was finally going to take action!

0:10 minutes.

Ten minutes after the time was reset, Du Xingyu stayed in the time laboratory blankly, as if in a daze.

His thinking was also in infinite contradictions and cycles. From the five-dimensional space, a group of energy broke through time and space, penetrated into his brain, and swallowed the photon information group in his brain, which was Du Xingyu's thinking.

"Finally let me get it. By swallowing his mind, I can gain more possibilities, control this civilization, and finally swallow up all the possibilities of this civilization!" Its thinking is extremely active.

But soon, it discovered something was wrong. The bunch of photons it swallowed contained some useless information.

Not only that, its connection with the five-dimensional space is severed!

In Du Xingyu's brain, there is a strong low-dimensional space barrier that prevents it from returning to the five-dimensional space.

Just like a fisherman on the shore jumping into the water to catch fish, he suddenly found that the water had frozen and he was trapped in the water!

"Finally I caught you!" Du Xingyu's consciousness was communicating with "it".

"This is a trap!" The energy creature showed panic and anger. "You used your body as bait to trap me?"

"Of course, it is said that you can see the future. Have you seen this?" Du Xingyu asked.

"No, you are affected by factors from other timelines. On the timeline of this space-time, you are the only one who is in a state of quantum uncertainty," it said.

It observes human civilization in a five-dimensional space and can see it clearly. But Du Xingyu is "Schrödinger's cat" to him.

It refers to keeping a cat in an airtight container containing a small amount of radium and cyanide. There is a probability of the decay of radium. If the radium decays, the mechanism will be triggered to break the bottle containing cyanide, and the cat will die; if the radium does not decay, the cat will survive.

According to the theory of quantum mechanics, since radioactive radium is in a superposition of two states: decay and non-decay, cats should be in a superposition of dead cats and alive cats. This cat that is both dead and alive is the so-called "Schrödinger's cat". However, it is impossible for a cat to be both dead and alive, and the result must be known after the container is opened.

Before the time really comes, it will never be able to determine what Du Xingyu will do next.

Du Xingyu has been to other timelines, so his personal time trajectory does not entirely follow the timeline of human civilization.

"It seems that you can't observe the entire time plane." Du Xingyu confirmed his idea. The opponent that Angel Civilization found for them is not strong enough to move freely in the time plane of the five-dimensional space.

Therefore, after Du Xingyu hid his consciousness in the technological simulator, the five-dimensional energy life of the fairy civilization could not observe his future.

In the past, it was Du Xingyu's trick to let all human civilization announce the news and find solutions.

He deduced that the fairy civilization was a civilization that needed to devour the information and energy of other civilizations in order to grow, so he built his body into an "information prison."

When the five-dimensional energy life couldn't help but devour his mind, he opened the low-dimensional barrier.

High-dimensional creatures can only destroy low-dimensional matter wantonly when they are outside low-dimensional time and space. However, if it has entered a lower dimension, it will be trapped by low-dimensional matter unless it controls the corresponding technology and weapons.

After this five-dimensional energy life left the five-dimensional space, it was trapped in Du Xingyu's body.

"You think you caught me?" it mocked, "When time is reset the next day, this low-dimensional barrier will disappear."

"Human civilization will still be trapped in these 24 hours forever, until I swallow up all the possibilities of your civilization."

"Possibility?" Du Xingyu was not angry because of the message it conveyed, but guessed: "What you call swallowing possibilities is the way you grow?"

"Or is this a way for a sixth-level civilization to grow?"

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