"Human, do you think you can get any information from me?" it said disdainfully, "From now on, I will remain silent. When time is reset tomorrow, I will find you and devour all your information!"

After speaking, it remained silent.

However, Du Xingyu had long expected that the enemy would not boast about cooperation, so he began to forcibly read optical quantum information.

"What are you doing?" It was a little panicked this time. It felt that the information carried by its energy group was being read.

"As I guessed, although you are an energy life, after falling into the fourth dimension, information also exists in the form of light quanta." Du Xingyu smiled, "So whether you say it or not, I can read what you have. information."

The brain of Du Xingyu's body has been modified to read two-dimensional, three-dimensional and four-dimensional information, and it is no exception to be trapped here.

It contains a flow of information that almost exceeds that of the entire human civilization.

Even if Du Xingyu borrowed several auxiliary brains to read, it would take a lot of time.

Finally, Du Xingyu knew what kind of existence "it" was.

It is an energy life that lives on the timeline. Simply put, it is a ball of energy that can process and analyze information.

It can briefly see information from other timelines on the time plane, but it cannot move freely on the time plane, that is, the five-dimensional space.

There is only one creature in the entire fairy civilization, or in other words, it can split into countless creatures, but it usually does not split itself, because the "it" that splits itself will also give birth to self-awareness and become an independent individual.

Du Xingyu named it "Insect of Time" because the most powerful thing about this guy is peeking into the future and changing the timeline.

Du Xingyu couldn't kill it, because the consciousness it entered into this time and space was only a part of its body.

That is, the main consciousness. If the main consciousness dies on the timeline, its remaining body will give birth to a new consciousness and be "reborn" in other time and space.

The Worm of Time was indeed born in the time of the Level 5 Civilization War in the Andromeda Galaxy. After a period of information energy devoured the information and energy of two Level 5 civilizations, it left the four-dimensional space and entered the fifth-dimensional space.

The way it grows is to devour all the information and energy of civilization and perform time simulation.

The Time Worm itself cannot evolve, because strictly speaking it is just an "individual". It is very difficult for an individual to achieve technological progress.

At this time, it needs information from many intelligent individuals to help it evolve. After devouring all the information of a civilization, it can deduce the time of this information and obtain some technological progress information.

For example, maybe some scientists in this civilization, and the information contained in some events, may become more advanced science and technology as it continues to advance along the timeline.

When the time worm eats up this information, it can calculate various possibilities and obtain this kind of technological information.

This is what it calls the possibility of engulfing civilization.

"No wonder the Time Worm set up a time trap to trap our human civilization in the same day." Du Xingyu finally understood the reason why the Time Worm did this.

Its original plan was to occupy the magpie's nest and then eat away the information of the entire human civilization. However, it did not expect that human civilization would have Du Xingyu, a "person who was mosaicd on the timeline", so the future it peeked into was wrong.

"How to deal with the Time Worm, or the fairy civilization?" After learning the origin of the Time Worm, Du Xingyu felt it was even more difficult.

This guy can't think of a way to eliminate it, otherwise when its consciousness in other time and space is reborn, his plan of using himself as bait will fail.

Being trapped here is not an option, the time insect will definitely find a way to leave.

After the time is reset tomorrow, the low-dimensional barrier will not disappear, because this is the barrier Du Xingyu has set up long ago to prevent high-dimensional beings from snooping on his brain in higher dimensions.

But the time insect is not affected by time reset. Du Xingyu knows that when it finds that the low-dimensional barrier has not disappeared after the time reset tomorrow, it will use its time influence ability to prevent Du Xingyu's body time from being reset with the entire civilization's time. .

In this way, it can slowly eliminate the low-dimensional barrier and escape from Du Xingyu's brain.

"Let human civilization escape from the time reset?" Du Xingyu thought, and then rejected it himself, "Until the time insect is dealt with, this is futile, because it can drag human civilization into the trap again at any time and escape. The method can only be used once."

"Unless there is a way, the time insect will neither die nor pose a threat to human civilization."

In order to achieve this goal, Du Xingyu began to carefully study the "time and space" part of the Time Worm information.

He wants to figure out how the time insect peeks into the future and how it designs a time trap.

This scientific and technological information is the key to promoting human civilization to the sixth level civilization.

The time soon came to 24:00 that night.

The time bug became active, "It's time to reset again, I can get out of trouble!"

However, time was reset, and everyone and everything in human civilization returned to 24 hours ago, but the low-dimensional barrier in Du Xingyu's brain still did not disappear.

"It was actually designed long ago. You are really cautious." The Time Worm said, "This still won't trap me. I will be able to come out soon and devour the information of your entire civilization!"

It began to use its ability to stop the time and space where Du Xingyu's brain was located and reset it. Then, the time insect began to consume the low-dimensional barrier.

According to its speed, it would take three months to escape.

Du Xingyu didn't respond to it, he was preparing silently.

The Time Worm started its own "hole drilling" project, and it wanted to break through Du Xingyu's brain barrier.

The time of human civilization is still being reset, and the Time Worm project is progressing smoothly.

During this process, Du Xingyu seemed to be trying to prevent it from carrying out these projects, such as reinforcing the low-dimensional barrier in the brain.

But this is useless, because the time will reset at 24:00, and these reinforcement works will disappear.

The time insect only needs to break the barrier before the time is reset and wait for the time reset at 24:00 to escape.

"Human, everything you do is in vain, just wait, I'm coming out!" The Time Worm proudly sent the message.

At this time, Du Xingyu was busy setting up some kind of mechanism.

During this period of time, he thoroughly studied the time trap set by the Time Insect.

Du Xingyu has probably understood its mechanism and principle. It is actually a "space-time distortion" that connects a point in front of the time axis with a point in the back to form a time loop.

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