In this time loop, there are two key time nodes. The first one is the starting point of the time loop. For example, during the 24 hours when humans are trapped, the starting point of the time loop is zero o'clock of the day.

But at the same time, this starting point is also the end of the time loop, because after 24 hours, it returns to the origin.

"Although the starting point and end point of the time loop are at the same coordinate point on the time axis, they are different!" Du Xingyu noticed that when human civilization passed the end of the time loop, all the things experienced in this time loop disappeared. !

Whether it is the development of external things or internal memories and thoughts, they have all returned to the state of the origin of time.

In other words, this memory has also been reset.

After research, Du Xingyu believes that this is a way of self-correction of the timeline.

As long as you are on this timeline and do not break away from this time and space and enter the five-dimensional time plane, the things and people's thoughts will be passively reset along with the timeline, returning to the current time point where matter, energy, and thoughts and memories are. Some status.

After knowing this, Du Xingyu found a solution to the current dilemma.

The time worm is about to break through the low-dimensional barrier and return to the five-dimensional space.

But at this moment, the space and time it was in suddenly "short-circuited" and a time loop appeared.

"Want to use my time trap against me?" Time Worm laughed, "This is impossible. As long as I return to the fifth-dimensional space, I can escape from the time trap at any time."

"No matter what kind of time loop I go through, my belief in becoming a five-dimensional life will not change."

"There is no need to change." This sentence was said by Du Xingyu.

The next moment, the time insect entered the time loop designed by Du Xingyu using its method.

This is a time trap that is much longer than the time loop in which humans are trapped. Its starting point was one hundred thousand years ago!

The longer the time axis distance of setting the time loop, the more energy is required.

The time loop designed by the Time Insect is only 24 hours long, so it has already consumed a lot of energy.

The time loop designed by Du Xingyu lasts for 100,000 years, so it naturally consumes a lot of energy. But the difference is that the scope of the time loop of the Time Insect includes the entire human civilization, while the time loop designed by Du Xingyu has only one target - the Time Insect.

The scope of the time loop is different, so he has enough energy to support this time loop.

The memory of the Time Worm is directly returned to a time point one hundred thousand years ago. The information of these one hundred thousand years has been temporarily deprived of time. If it can return to the time plane, this information will return to its memory. inside.

As it said, even if it was stripped of one hundred thousand years of memory, the Time Worm's thinking still told it that it must leave the low-dimensional space and enter the five-dimensional space.

Other than that, it has no memory.

This group of energy life wanders in space, looking for opportunities.

Soon, it found the opportunity to get itself out of this space.

In the starry sky, two civilizational camps are at war.

As long as it swallows up the information and energy of these civilizations, it can escape from this space and return to the five-dimensional space.

"All civilizations in the angel civilization camp, listen, this is the final war between us and the devil civilization camp in the Andromeda Galaxy!"

"This time, we can only win by completely annihilating each other! All civilizations must fight with all their strength. Those who disobey orders will die!"

"Fire the hyperspace bomb!"

"Black hole bomb preparation!"

"The space battleship is dispatched!"

"Little Universe No. 3 is ready to go to the battlefield!"

Here is the Andromeda Galaxy one hundred thousand years ago. The Andromeda Hunting Ground is about to end, and the civilizations of the two camps are engaged in a final decisive battle!

This war is extremely fierce. Between the two major civilization camps, civilizations are being destroyed at every moment, and free space-time energy is everywhere.

The Time Worm greedily absorbed this information and energy. It grew astonishingly and soon developed self-awareness.

"The level of war is not enough. As long as I can devour the two most powerful fifth-level civilizations on both sides, I can become a fifth-dimensional life!"

The Worm of Time first devoured one of the leaders of the fifth-level civilization, and then it began to order the battle.

"Fight, even if we blow up all the small universes, we can't back down!"

"Seal all enemy escape routes!"

The fifth-level civilization fought like crazy. Even if some people at the top level objected, these people were either executed or quickly changed their stance.

All of this is naturally the result of the time worm.

"That's crazy! They're too crazy. Do they really want to fight until all civilizations are destroyed?" A plant civilization thought of retreating.

"Escape, try your best to leave the Andromeda Galaxy and go to the Milky Way. Our butterfly civilization cannot be destroyed and buried with them!"

"Star Mother Tree, open the super wormhole!" During the war, a civilization escaped the Andromeda civilization and entered the Milky Way.

The war is still going on. The two level five civilizations fought until they ran out of ammunition and food, until all the soldiers were dead, and all the small universes were destroyed.

And other affiliated civilizations have been destroyed long ago!

Many of them were not destroyed by the enemy, but by the fifth-level civilization in their camp!

In the end, the remaining powers were swallowed up by the worm of time.

It makes inferences about this information and improves itself.

Ten thousand years later, the Time Worm finally broke through the four-dimensional space and became a five-dimensional energy life.

"I finally became a fifth-dimensional being. Now I can peek into the timeline and retrieve the information I want to know."

Over the past ten thousand years, the Time Worm has always felt that it was missing some information, but it could never find it.

It has lost all this information about human civilization, about Du Xingyu, and about the time cage.

It is in the fifth dimension, peeking into the future of the Andromeda Galaxy.

"Ninety thousand years from now, I will be at war with the civilizations of the Milky Way?" The Time Worm saw some information from the future.

"In this case, can't I just go and kill them in advance?" The Time Worm tried to observe the timeline of the space-time where the Milky Way is located.

But this timeline seems to be hidden, and nothing can be seen.

"It is a god-level civilization. The god-level civilization has blocked the timeline of this part of time and space. The hunting ground of the Milky Way is not over yet. It will not let me get involved in the Milky Way." The Time Worm absorbed the information of the camp civilization of the Andromeda Galaxy, and it immediately understood. It cannot attack the civilization of the Milky Way until the hunting ground of the Milky Way is over.

"In this case, from now on, I will be called the Fairy Civilization. From now on, I will prepare weapons to fight the winner of the Galaxy Hunting Ground 90,000 years later!"

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