Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 329 One Hundred Thousand Years of Cycle

"Although the mass of the Milky Way is a little smaller than the Andromeda Galaxy, the civilization that can win will definitely be the most powerful civilization in Level 5."

"The weapons I study must be above the fifth-level civilization, and they must be time weapons in the five-dimensional space!"

The Time Worm began to hibernate for tens of thousands of years. It began to study the mysteries of time and space and create time weapons that could deal with galactic civilization.

Tens of thousands of years passed, and the research on the Time Insect was finally successful.

"Time cage, as long as you create a time loop, you can create an infinite loop of time cage."

"Use this kind of cage to trap my opponents, and then swallow up the information and energy of their civilization, so that I can continue to evolve!"

The Time Worm continued to wait, and finally it received a reminder from the god-level civilization that it would compete with the human civilization that won the hunting ground in the Milky Way.

At this time, the Time Worm immediately spied on the timeline of the future of human civilization, and all the actions of human civilization were understood by it.

There was only one person, Du Xingyu, who was shrouded in fog. On the timeline, Du Xingyu is an uncertain point, and it is impossible to judge this person's future behavior.

"It's really strange. The possibilities of this person exceed the timeline of the four-dimensional space." The Time Worm thought to himself, "If I can swallow its information, I should be able to get what I want."

It began to set up time traps, using the energy accumulated over tens of thousands of years. The Time Worm put the entire human civilization into a 24-hour time loop.

The spider web has been laid, and like a spider, it waits patiently for its prey to struggle until the prey is wrapped in layers of spider silk and unable to move.

In the time trap, Du Xingyu actually discovered the time trap, and the time insect continued to observe.

Du Xingyu searched for various ways, but failed to escape the fate of time being reset. Finally one day, his consciousness began to become confused.

The Time Worm knew that his chance had come.

Therefore, it entered the four-dimensional time and space of human civilization from the five-dimensional space, trying to swallow Du Xingyu's consciousness.

But at this moment, it discovered that this was actually a trap set by Du Xingyu.

"Human, do you think you can get any information from me?" it said disdainfully, "From now on, I will remain silent. When time is reset tomorrow, I will find you and devour all your information!"

"Hey, why do I feel like I said this?" Time Worm finished communicating with Du Xingyu and fell into deep thought.

It decided that it would leave Du Xingyu's body after the time is reset tomorrow.

However, on the next day, it discovered that the low-dimensional barrier in Du Xingyu's brain was not set up on this day, but came from earlier.

"It was actually designed long ago. You are really cautious." The Time Worm said, "This still won't trap me. I will be able to come out soon and devour the information of your entire civilization!"

It began to use its ability to stop the time and space where Du Xingyu's brain was located and reset it. Then, the time insect began to consume the low-dimensional barrier.

According to its speed, it would take three months to escape.

"Hey, something feels wrong?" The Time Worm always feels something is wrong, but its body has fallen into a low-dimensional world and cannot be observed from high dimensions.

"No matter what tricks this human being uses, I want to leave low-dimensional time and enter the five-dimensional space!" The Time Worm planted this belief deep in his consciousness. No matter what happens, this belief will not change.

When it was about to break through the low-dimensional barrier, time flowed back, and the time insect that had lost its memory came to the hunting ground of the Andromeda galaxy one hundred thousand years ago.

"Fight, the winner of the civilization in Andromeda Hunting Ground can only be our demon civilization camp!"

"Destroy all civilizations in the angel civilization camp!"

The two civilizational camps are fighting a war, and the Time Worm is overjoyed, "As long as I devour their information and energy, I can enter the five-dimensional space!"

It began to act again and later unified the Andromeda Galaxy, calling itself the Andromeda Civilization.

One hundred thousand years later, it went to war with human civilization in the galaxy and set a time trap. But he was accidentally trapped by Du Xingyu's design, and then returned to 100,000 years ago, starting an infinite loop!

"The time loop is successful!" The hundred thousand years that the time insect spent were just a moment in Du Xingyu's opinion.

Because these things all happened in the "past", for Du Xingyu now, the time worm has spent countless times in this endless cycle of 100,000 years!

In this time loop trap, the time insect has not been eliminated, nor does it realize that it is in a time loop.

In this way, its body in the five-dimensional space will never have a secondary consciousness, but it will never be able to escape the time loop.

There is a way to escape the time loop. Unless forces from other five-dimensional spaces interfere with this time and break the time cycle.

Or if the universe is destroyed, this time and space will naturally disappear.

But this is something that Time Worm will not get at the moment.

It is trapped in an infinite time loop and can never escape!

"In a sense, the Time Worm has been eliminated." Du Xingyu calmly analyzed, "During the cycle of the Time Worm, as long as humans escape from the time trap, they will continue to develop technology until they have a sixth-level civilization. With your own strength, you can completely destroy it!”

The time insect is still trapped in the time loop. Its life has not disappeared, and its energy has not disappeared, so human civilization is still trapped in the reset of time.

Du Xingyu already had an idea about how to leave the time reset.

The loop of time reset is like drawing a circle back on the timeline. If you follow this circle of time, you will never get out of it.

For example, when a person passes by a circular sports field, no matter how he runs along the track of the sports field or accelerates, he cannot leave the sports field.

But as long as he chooses not to enter the sports field, he can continue to follow his own path.

It's a pity that humans in a time trap cannot realize this.

In the time and space of human civilization, Du Xingyu changed his body. On the antique planet, Du Xingyu and Lu Liang were walking by the river.

By the river, someone was experiencing the behavior of humans catching fish in ancient times.

He put a fish cage into the river, and their eyes could clearly see the scene in the river.

Because of the temptation of the bait in the cage, the fish swam in through the narrow entrance of the cage. After eating the bait, they found themselves in the cage. They rushed forward countless times, but they all hit the cage net, and the fish were imprisoned. In a cage.

Du Xingyu asked Lu Liangdao: "How do these fish escape from the cage?"

Lu Liang said casually: "The cage is not sealed. These fish can get out no matter how they get in, but they will not look back."

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