"How do we know?" Luo said, "We can't learn information about human civilization from the time plane!"

"That's because you are thinking in the wrong direction!" Xin said bluntly, "I admit that we do not understand the current human civilization, so the causal weapons cannot cause fatal attacks on them."

"But we know about previous human civilizations!"

"What?" Luo understood what he was thinking and asked in surprise: "You want to attack past human civilization?"

They indeed do not know the detailed information of current human civilization, so the law of cause and effect weapons cannot strike accurately.

But on the time plane, they can observe the origin of human civilization!

For example, information from when human civilization was on Earth, or information from an earlier period, can directly launch causal weapons into the past and strangle human civilization in the past!

"Yes!" Xin said to Nvjian, "Master Leader, we know that human civilization was born in the solar system."

"Now, the solar system, including the Pleiades star cluster in which it is located, has been annihilated. But we can launch weapons into the past of human civilization and wipe out human civilization at the beginning of its birth!"

"This way human civilization has no power to defend against us!"

When the woman heard this, she was surprised and said, "Can we do it?"

Launching causal weapons into the past to strangle the enemy in the cradle, the Virgo civilization has never done such a thing before.

"Master Leader, this is absolutely impossible!" Luo said quickly, "Although we can spy on the time plane, we absolutely do not have the ability to modify the time plane!"

"Since human civilization can survive until now, it means that no matter what weapons we launch into the past, they will eventually fail for various reasons! Time and space have the ability to self-correct, and the consequences of doing so may backfire on us!"

"Can you prove it?" Xin asked.

"No." Luo said matter-of-factly.

Xin continued to say to Nvjian: "Master Leader, Luo can't prove his point, and I can't prove my point either."

"But I must say that we already have a considerable understanding of five-dimensional technology! We can already send impact factors to the galaxy billions of years ago."

"The longer the time goes by, the greater the error in the impact factor will be! Even a small error will lead to unpredictable disasters!" Luo scolded, "Xin, if you do this, it will harm our Virgo civilization!"

"Who said that? It turns out it can be done!" Xin sent them a message, which contained a creature they had never seen before.

Xin said: "This creature is called a 'lava bug'. It is a creature that lives in magma. It was born on an ordinary planet. Do you know?"

"I don't know." Luo said. Their brains can all share the civilization's information database, but there is no information about this lava bug in the information database.

"But you knew it before! And lava bugs are still your favorite delicacy!" Xin said, "Our law of cause and effect weapon has been tested!"

"We launched the law of cause and effect weapon at the planet where the lava worm was born, and destroyed the volcano where it was born. Since then, the lava worm has disappeared in this time and space!"

"Except for the information we have in the fifth-dimensional space, all information about lava bugs in this time and space has been wiped out!"

"Luo is right. Time and space have the ability to correct themselves. The history of the disappearance of lava bugs has been corrected! We wiped out a species in the past!"

"How can you do this? It is illegal to conduct causal weapons tests without authorization!" Luo scolded.

The woman also criticized: "Your behavior is not in line with the rules."

Listening to its attitude, you can tell that the leader has no intention of blaming. He said: "I am willing to be punished, but I am also doing it for our Virgo civilization."

"Sir Leader, the experiment of the disappearance of lava bugs proves that we can also make human civilization disappear! Completely erase it from this time and space!"

"Let's discuss this matter later!" When the female witness said this, Luo knew that she had already agreed in her heart.

He emphasized again: "Master Leader, you must think carefully. Launching a causal weapon into the past will destroy a level six civilization. The dangerous factors caused by interfering with time and space are enough to cause our civilization to suffer serious disasters!"

"I will consider it carefully." Nvjian responded perfunctorily to him.

Within a few days, Luo was assigned to other matters. He knew that he had been pushed away, and someone told him that the latest causal weapons had been activated, and they had launched weapons into the past of human civilization!

"Hey, I hope my worries are unnecessary." Luo sighed.

"There is an abnormality in the timeline!" At the five-dimensional space observation center of human civilization, humans also discovered that the timeline has fluctuated.

Some information interferes with the normal timeline, and this part occurs in the past.

"The Virgo civilization must have used the law of causality weapons again. This time, the range of their attack was - 65 million years ago?"

"No, they want to erase us from the past? Is this possible?" Scientists of human civilization themselves are confused.

If the enemy could really do it and destroy mankind at the beginning of its existence, they would not be able to defend it now.

Influence factors and materials are continuously transmitted through the time axis. The longer the time, the greater the error.

Sixty-five million years ago, the solar system, the Earth.

At this time, after years of development, the earth has given birth to vigorous life.

Tall ferns spread across the earth, providing a source of life for the dominant dinosaurs at the time.

At this time, between the Cretaceous and the Paleogene, the family of dinosaurs was already very large, including mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs, ammonoids and other creatures.

In the sky, a group of Ancient Demon Winged Dragons were flying. Suddenly, they let out an uneasy scream.

Above them, a huge shadow appeared at some point.

An asteroid about ten kilometers in diameter is having violent friction with the Earth's atmosphere and is about to hit the Earth!

Many creatures noticed this vision, but they had no idea what was about to happen.

The scene of an asteroid hitting the earth that Du Xingyu once encountered is repeated here.

The force of the impact kicked up a cloud of dust that blocked the sun for hundreds of years, coupled with various volcanic eruptions and floods.

More than 95% of all living things on the earth died tragically in this super disaster.

The age of dinosaurs is over!

In the space-time observation center of Virgo Civilization, both Nvjian and Xin looked ugly.

After launching the causal weapon for the first time, they did not eliminate humans, but made the dinosaurs, the overlord of the earth at that time, disappear.

This instead led to the rise of mammals and promoted the birth of humans!

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