"Master Leader, this is a small mistake." Xin explained, "The time is too long, and our influence on time and space is limited."

"Cause-and-effect weapons cannot directly destroy the earth or the galaxy. We can only throw in small inducements to cause disasters to happen."

The asteroid that ended the age of dinosaurs was because they used the deviation of gravity to cause an asteroid to be attracted by the sun's gravity and fly towards the sun.

Then when it passed the earth's orbit, it was blocked by the earth's gravity and finally hit the surface.

"Are you sure this can really wipe out human beings?" Nvjian had begun to have doubts.

"Please give me a little more time, my team will be able to calculate a more accurate method!" Xin said immediately.

"Give you another chance, you must do it!" The woman said after hesitating again and again.

"I will definitely be able to eliminate mankind in the past." Xin vowed, and he decided to come up with a foolproof way to completely kill all possibilities for the birth of human civilization at the front of the timeline!

After several years of discussion and calculation, Xin and his team revised the algorithm of the causal weapon and found a new solution.

"Master Leader, I guarantee that this attack will be foolproof!" Xin Xin said firmly, "This attack will be unprecedented. Not only the earth, but also the entire solar system, there will definitely be no carbon-based life!"

"Human civilization will disappear in this time and space!"

After reading the plan, Nujian couldn't help but be shocked, "If it can really be done, you will be the greatest contributors to Virgo civilization!"

"Implement it!"

"Yes!" Xin ordered, "Launch the law of cause and effect weapon!"

The causal law weapon located on the five-dimensional time plane launched influencing factors into the past time and space, and the butterfly effect was slowly accumulating.

"The enemy is attacking again!" Human civilization has been monitoring the timeline of human civilization, and found that this time, there has been a slight change in the timeline.

"It's really troublesome! There is no way to continue attacking like this. To crack their attack method, we must also find a way to apply influence factors to the timeline!" Du Xingyu ordered.

He was not sure whether the enemy could destroy them in the past.

While he was decoding the law of causality weapon, he was observing the past time and space.

Soon, he discovered the space-time coordinates where the first space-time butterfly effect occurred.

Four and a half billion years ago, the Milky Way and the Solar System.

At this time, the solar system was still a star system that had not yet fully formed.

The sun was formed not long ago and is radiating light and heat.

The several major planets that humans were once familiar with have not yet fully formed at this time. There are countless large meteorites and celestial bodies floating in the solar system. Here, the embryos of dozens of planets are being nurtured.

Within a space of 170 million kilometers from the sun, a young planet is about to be born.

This is the orbital range of Mars later, but this planet is not Mars in its infancy, but Mercury!

Mercury was much larger in its infancy than it would later be, and it was born in the habitable zone of the solar system, nurturing the warmth of the sun and absorbing water and material from meteorites to grow. It is very likely to become the first planet in the solar system to give birth to life!

However, during this chaotic period of the solar system, a trivial influencing factor changed the trajectory of another planet embryo.

After the superposition of time effects, it finally hit Mercury due to the effect of gravity.

This was a large planetary collision, and Mercury's outer shell was directly shattered. The crust and mantle were turned into countless fragments, the larger of which formed the planet Venus.

Mercury, with only its core left, flew towards the sun, forming the most peculiar orbit in the solar system.

Mercury has the smallest axial tilt of any planet in the solar system (about 130 degrees), but has the largest orbital eccentricity.

This kind of orbit and the close distance to the sun cause all the water on the surface of Mercury to evaporate, and the temperature difference between day and night is too large. The possibility of the birth of life is strangled in the cradle!

"The first planet in the solar system that could have given birth to life was killed!" Xin of the Virgo civilization said happily.

This time, the law of causality weapon he made worked.

"The next one is the second one!"

After Mercury lost the conditions for the birth of carbon-based life, the next planet most likely to give birth to carbon-based life was conceived.

That is the new planet formed from the fragments of Mercury—Venus!

4.4 billion years ago, in space only 50 million kilometers away from Mercury, Venus began to gradually take shape.

Although Venus is also very close to the sun, that space distance was the habitable zone of the solar system 4.4 billion years ago.

Because the solar system was only in its infancy at that time, its temperature was not high and the light was relatively dim. This caused the surface temperature of Venus to be the same as spring on Earth, warm and comfortable!

The spring that belongs to Venus has arrived. The ice and snow on the meteorites have melted, and heavy rain has fallen in the sky of Venus. The rainwater has gathered on the surface, and there are rivers and lakes everywhere.

Finally, SeaWorld was born!

Venus's atmosphere protects heat from loss and preserves oceans and temperature.

The conditions for the birth of all carbon-based life are already sufficient. All it takes is a subtle chemical change, and the most primitive life may be born!

But Venus did not wait for this change. Its greenhouse effect went out of control while protecting its atmosphere and oceans!

In the atmosphere of Venus, gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor absorb infrared light reflected from the surface, causing the planet's surface temperature to rise. Allow the planet to maintain a certain temperature and not get too low.

But the disaster did not originate from itself. When the sun was young, due to the influence of the causal weapon, a strong solar flare erupted, just like the roar of a star when it grows!

The sun has entered the growth period!

Its radiation, light and heat increase dramatically, and Venus' orbit is no longer a habitable zone.

In the primitive ocean on the surface of Venus, more and more seawater is evaporated and turned into water vapor entering the atmosphere. This water vapor intensifies the greenhouse effect, which further increases the temperature on the surface of Venus, creating a vicious cycle.

Until the rain on Venus can no longer fall to the ground, it has evaporated! The oceans have been evaporated, the ground is dry and cracked, river beds are exposed, and only gravel and rocks are left on the surface of Venus!

A thick atmosphere covers the entire planet, and its temperature is even higher than that of Mercury. Venus has become a super steamer!

Let alone the birth of primitive carbon-based life, even human civilization in the 21st century cannot survive on the surface of Venus.

The possibility of the second planet in the solar system that may have given birth to life has also been eliminated!

"Success again!" Xin was delighted. His plan had gone very smoothly so far.

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