After the last failure, Xin realized. All possibilities for the birth of human civilization must be eliminated, otherwise some errors will promote the birth of human civilization.

So this time he made complete preparations. He wanted to destroy all the habitable conditions on the planets that could have given birth to human civilization in the past time of the solar system. In this way, let alone human civilization, it would be impossible for any carbon-based life to be born in the solar system. !

"Here's the third one!" Xin attacked a total of four planets.

That is, in the early days of the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars were the most likely places for the birth of life.

The period when Mars was about to give birth to life was earlier than that on Earth.

In the solar system, 3.9 billion years ago, as the temperature of the sun increased, the habitable zone of the solar system gradually shifted to the orbital range of the Earth and Mars.

But at this time, the earth was still just a primitive planet with constant eruptions of volcanoes, far from the conditions for the birth of life.

But at this time, Mars already has all the conditions for the possible birth of carbon-based life.

Adapted to the temperature, oceans, light, and atmosphere, primitive Martian life has emerged.

"There are some errors, but we can solve them." Xin said confidently.

Although the causal weapons did not destroy the Martian ecosystem before the birth of primitive life on Mars, even the most basic primitive civilization had not yet been born on Mars during this period.

Destroying them is still easy.

Under the influence of a series of influencing factors, young Mars ushered in a doomsday disaster!

As Neptune moves, it attracts a large number of Kuiper Belt objects, which fly toward Mars.

Just like the video Du Xingyu once produced, a large number of meteorites are coming!

As if they were agreed upon, they hit Mars at a very high frequency.

This is the end of Mars!

Countless asteroids and meteorites hit Mars, causing frequent disasters. The primitive life on Mars that was finally born was almost extinct, and only some simple anaerobic bacteria survived.

Mars began to become cold and dry, and the water was frozen into ice, melted by lava, flowed into the Echis Valley, and disappeared.

Over time, Mars' magnetic field also weakened and its atmosphere became thinner. The possibility of life multiplying has also been stifled.

"The third possibility has also been eliminated!" Nvjian was very satisfied. Now it seems that Xin's law of cause and effect weapon is still very effective.

And human civilization has also realized that something is wrong. Although the current situation is not enough to destroy human civilization, if it continues like this.

All possibilities for the birth of human civilization have been stifled. Maybe they are really wiped out in this time and space by the law of cause and effect weapon!

"Dean, we have found a way to affect time and space!" The research team finally discovered a way to launch influence factors from the five-dimensional space through the influence of causality weapons on the Virgo civilization.

"Through the energy projector in the fifth dimension, we can project a portion of the information and energy into the past."

"If the calculation is accurate, it can also become a causal weapon!"

Du Xingyu recalculated and said, "The error is too big."

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, we are not a god-level civilization. We cannot observe the entire time plane and control all variables."

"The further back in time, the harder it is to control the variables and the greater the error," the researcher said.

"Commander Du, we must also find ways to help human civilization in the past. Otherwise, if we let them continue to struggle, our civilization may be strangled in the cradle." Chen Hong said.

After Du Xingyu thought deeply, he said: "I think they can't eliminate us through the law of cause and effect weapons."

"In our timeline, the past has happened and they cannot change it. What they changed does not belong to our timeline. Perhaps in other time and space, human civilization has been strangled."

"But the fact that we were born means they didn't succeed!"

Chen Hong asked doubtfully: "Are you saying that history cannot be changed? Or are you saying that our history has already been changed?"

"Our history has been changed, and we are the civilization that was born after the change of history." Du Xingyu said, "If the Virgo civilization does not launch causal weapons to attack the history of the solar system, perhaps what will be born is not human civilization, but some kind of Mercury civilization. , Venus civilization, Mars civilization.”

"On the time plane, on other timelines, these civilizations may exist."

"Then we don't have to do anything?" Tours asked.

"No, we still have things to do!" Xu Lianqiu said, "The historical changes in human civilization are not only caused by the Virgo civilization, but also caused by our own hands."

"We once excavated a ruins on Mars, and I got a four-dimensional imprint there."

"Later we discovered that it was the reverse micro-universe of human civilization."

"This reverse small universe allowed us to develop reverse weapons and defeat the saint civilization. And how did this reverse small universe appear?"

"Later, in order to escape from the time loop, we reversed our own small universe. Now this reversed small universe has been sealed by us."

"What we have to do is send this reverse universe back to the past and wait for us in the past to discover it!"

"She is right. What we have to do now is to reproduce the correct historical trajectory and ensure that our timeline does not have errors and deviations!" Du Xingyu affirmed.

"Can the reverse mini-universe be sent back to the past time and space?"

"Of course, we can't launch matter back in this real world. But don't forget, the reverse world does not belong to this real world, and its timeline is independent from the timeline of the real world." Du Xingyu said.

"But none of our living beings can enter the reverse world, otherwise they will also perish!"

"Prepare to launch the reverse mini-universe back to 3.9 billion years ago."

"Yes!" Human civilization immediately began to implement this plan. They used quantum bubbles to wrap the entire reverse small universe of human civilization, and launched it into the solar system 3.9 billion years ago through the causal law weapon in the five-dimensional space.

On Mars, deep in the Grand Canyon Mariner, a closed four-dimensional space fell here.

In the reverse world, the movement of all particles is frozen, that is to say, before it is turned on, its time is also frozen.

Just like what Du Xingyu and Xu Lianqiu discovered on Mars.

As for the alien spacecraft fragments and murals they had discovered, they were really not left behind by them. But some time later, an alien spacecraft came here and tried to explore the secrets here. It left murals here, but because it failed to master four-dimensional technology, it tried to contact the four-dimensional space and was shattered by the energy of space. .

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