"What's going on? There seems to be something wrong with the time and space I'm in?" The Time Worm discovered something was wrong.

After careful investigation, it discovered surprising facts.

"The time and space I am in is actually separated from the timeline!"

"I'm trapped in a time trap!"

The Time Worm finally discovered the truth, and the causality weapon of the Virgo civilization inadvertently affected it.

But at this time, in normal time and space, human civilization is no longer afraid of the time worm.

It attempts to escape the time trap and soon attracts the attention of humans.

"Insect of Time, do you want to leave?" Du Xingyu appeared in front of it.

"Cunning human!" the Time Worm said angrily, "You actually trapped me with a trick!"

"I'll escape soon!"

"Really?" Du Xingyu asked, "What if I reset the time of this time loop immediately?"

"Soon you will forget what you just saw and continue to reincarnate endlessly in this hundred thousand years!"

"Despicable!" Time Worm realized that Du Xingyu might really do this!

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit." Du Xingyu said with a smile, "There is no need to be despicable."

"Actually, even if we let you out, the technology of our human civilization has developed to the point where we can easily capture you."

"What do you want to talk about?" The Time Worm knew that Du Xingyu definitely didn't say these things to it for no reason.

Otherwise, he would have used other means to continue practicing the circuit or eliminate it.

"Help you grow." Du Xingyu smiled.

"There is a civilization called Virgo Civilization. They are good growth bait for you."

"Virgo Civilization, the most powerful civilization in the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster!" Time Worm knew about the existence of Virgo Civilization. "They can observe the time plane and can also see my existence. Do you want me to die?"

"Of course I won't die." Du Xingyu said, "The Virgo civilization has disrupted the timeline due to its repeated use of causality weapons, and now they are unable to accurately observe the situation in the five-dimensional space."

"This is your chance. You are a fifth-dimensional creature. It is much easier to sneak into other civilizations."

"Whether you choose to stay here in an endless loop or become our spy is your choice."

The Time Worm weighed it again and again. It believed that although it was humiliating to be instructed by humans, compared to staying in the time loop until the destruction of the universe, it was better to choose temporary humiliation.

"I agree." Time Worm said.

In order to ensure that it does not break its promise, Du Xingyu seizes part of its body. That is, when the Time Worm breaks its oath, human civilization will support the other part of its body to become its main consciousness, thereby threatening the existence of its other consciousness.

Over the years, humans have traced the source of the influence factors of causality weapons and have found the high-dimensional space of the Virgo civilization.

The insect of time followed the coordinates of the high-dimensional space and successfully sneaked into the Virgo civilization.

It easily found a suitable target, Luo, the chief scientist of the Virgo civilization.

At that time, the Virgo civilization was reusing resources and using causal weapons to attack the past of human civilization.

Luo tried to persuade him several times, but all failed. Instead, he was ostracized. The time worm took advantage of the opportunity and engulfed his consciousness.

As Xin's plan failed, he once again became the chief scientist of the Virgo civilization, controlling the most important information and weapons of this civilization!

"We already have the location and technological information of the Virgo civilization." In the Human Alliance headquarters, the commanders already have a chance to win.

"Now we don't need to launch external attacks on them and let the insects of time eat away at them. We will attack again when the Virgo civilization is in civil strife!" Du Xingyu said.

"Next, wait and see what happens!"

Human civilization did not take offensive actions rashly, because once they attacked, it would arouse the vigilance of Virgo civilization.

After the Worm of Time sneaked into the Virgo civilization and took control of the weapon of the law of cause and effect, it entered the forest like a tiger and ran rampant.

It devoured a large amount of information and creatures, which allowed it to evolve rapidly and gradually control a part of the Virgo civilization's voice.

However, human civilization showed its weakness to the enemy. The Virgo civilization was deceived by the time bug due to five-dimensional observation. It thought that their causal weapons were effective again, and human civilization was heading for decline.

Therefore, Virgo civilization is more concerned with internal struggles.

More and more people are estranged from the leader, and multiple factions are formed within the civilization, fighting endlessly.

The mastermind behind the scenes is naturally the Time Insect and human civilization.

In the end, during a struggle, chief scientist Luo gained the trust of most senior officials and became the new leader of the Virgo civilization.

On the other hand, Onomichi retired as the former leader.

"Luo, I didn't expect you to have such ambitions!" Nvjian was full of dissatisfaction with Luo. At first, it trusted Luo and asked Luo to make up for the loopholes left by the law of cause and effect weapon.

Unexpectedly, Luo used this to take control of power step by step and replace it.

"Former leader, you can rest assured to step down." Luo smiled, "Under my leadership, Virgo civilization will definitely have a bright future!"

Amid much anticipation, Luo officially took over.

The first thing he did after taking office was to secretly suppress the original forces of Nujian and Virgo civilization.

Almost all the people who had their core positions replaced by themselves, especially the researchers at the Five-Dimensional Space Research Institute and the Observation Platform, had their consciousness swallowed by it and became its puppets.

Not long after, Luo announced to the Virgo civilization: "Human civilization has declined. We will wipe them out in one fell swoop. We will send the most elite troops to the galaxy to solve our worries!"

"Virgo civilization will win!" The soldiers of Virgo civilization set off on the battleship with the confidence of victory!

The fleet passed through the wormhole and came to the Milky Way.

"We will completely wipe out human civilization!"

"The leader promises that as long as you perform meritorious service, you will receive honors and rewards!"

"Human civilization is almost extinct, and we are simply going out to collect credit for our achievements!"

"Haha, we are so lucky!" The soldiers and generals were all rejoicing.

When the first battleship passed through the wormhole and reached the Milky Way, they realized something was wrong.

In front of them was darkness!

"This is the Milky Way, but this is the black hole at the center of the Milky Way!" The soldiers were horrified.

"What's going on? Are the wormhole coordinates wrong?"


"We can't run, the gravity of the black hole is holding us down!"

"Asking for assistance!"

"There's something wrong with the communicator too!"


Even four-dimensional creatures cannot escape the galactic black hole. These intelligent life forms of the Virgo civilization have not yet become five-dimensional energy beings, and their own energy cannot help them escape the gravity of the black hole.

The battleship of the Virgo civilization was swallowed directly by the black hole in the center of the Milky Way! Gravity pulls them down to their most basic particles!

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