Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 339 Entering Level 6.5 Civilization

One after another, the Virgo civilization warships sailed into the wormhole, and news came from the front. They seemed to have started fighting against human civilization, and had achieved regrettable results.

The soldiers rushed forward, but they didn't know that what greeted them was the most terrifying celestial body in the universe, a black hole!

The main fleet was immediately swallowed by the black hole. Luo, the Worm of Time, knew that the Virgo civilization was finished!

The top leaders of the Virgo civilization are still silent in false war reports.

At this time, the wormhole for migration opened.

"Is there a battleship coming back so soon?"

"Human civilization is indeed vulnerable!"

"We won!" the senior officials celebrated.

However, what came from the wormhole was not the triumphant fleet of Virgo civilization. On the contrary, it was the fleet of human civilization.

"Human civilization surrendered?"

"Is this a captive battleship?"

They are still guessing that the warning from human civilization has spread throughout the entire Virgo civilization: "Virgo civilization, your fleet has been wiped out by us!"

"Everyone, give up resistance and surrender immediately! Anyone who resists will be eliminated!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"How could this happen?" Before the higher-ups of the Virgo civilization could react, some of them had already realized something was wrong.

"No, this is really the fleet of human civilization!"

"Our fleet cannot be contacted!"

"It's over. The expedition failed. How could it happen so quickly?"

"Surrender, surrender!" Some high-level officials called, and most of these people were consciousness carriers controlled by the Time Worm.

"The Virgo civilization will never surrender. We are a level 6.5 civilization, an advanced civilization that can travel in five dimensions. How can we surrender to a human civilization with only a few million years of history?"

"Fight to the death!"

As soon as a Death Fighter finished speaking, he was shot dead by an unknown hidden weapon. Not only was his body completely wiped out, but his photonized consciousness was also completely destroyed!

Smart people immediately realized that the high-level officials had already been controlled by the enemy. Failure to surrender at this time will lead to death.

Some people choose to surrender, some choose not to fear death, some hope to save their lives and endure the humiliation...

No matter what they plan to do, the final outcome has been decided.

After the Virgo civilization's five-dimensional technology was stolen by the Time Worm, it no longer has the power to fight against human civilization.

The time insects were released precisely because they used causality weapons to cause impact. Originally, with the strength of the Virgo civilization, observing the five-dimensional space, the time worm was not enough to harm them.

But they used too many causal weapons, and too many uncertain factors appeared in the timeline, which obscured their observations. This gave the time worm an opportunity to take advantage of.

The double-edged sword of the law of cause and effect finally struck the Virgo civilization itself!

The high-level officials of the Virgo civilization are all in the hands of the Time Worm, and human civilization can easily take over and manage them.

After controlling all military power and technology, Virgo civilization can no longer pose a threat to human civilization.

"I'm sorry! The invention of the law of cause and effect weapon was a mistake!" The senior officials of the Virgo civilization were very upset.

"We should directly send the fleet to fight against human civilization. Then we might be the victors!"

"It's too late to say anything now, we have already been defeated!"

“Why can’t we see our own future?”

The Virgo civilization has also observed its own future, but on the future timeline, the status of their civilization always seems to be covered with a layer of fog, making it unclear to observe.

There were countless calculation results, making it impossible for them to determine which one was their future.

"Perhaps only a god-level civilization can see its own future!"

Virgo civilization has officially come to an end.

And Du Xingyu also returned part of the body of the Time Insect.

The other part was used by him as research material for the study of five-dimensional energy life forms.

In this regard, Time Worm expressed strong dissatisfaction, but there was nothing they could do about Du Xingyu.

Human civilization has studied it clearly enough and already has methods to prevent its attacks. The Time Worm is no longer a threat to them.

"I didn't expect that we actually won this war in this way!" Chen Hong and others came back to their senses, still feeling incredible.

The war with a sixth-level civilization, from beginning to end, the fighting method, process and ending were beyond any previous war.

They have moved from a war in space to a war in time.

"The second test is so difficult. Who is the enemy we will face in the third test?" Everyone is already thinking about the next test they will face.

At this time, the message from the angel civilization also arrived.

"Human civilization, you successfully defeated the Virgo civilization and became the strongest civilization in the Virgo super galaxy cluster. Congratulations on passing the second test."

"On the road to becoming a god-level civilization, you only have one last test left!"

"The third test will come in fifty thousand years, so be prepared."

The summons disappears.

"Fifty thousand years!" Du Xingyu murmured to himself, "Maybe all the answers will be in fifty thousand years."

“It’s been a long time again,” the commanders lamented.

After human civilization entered the sixth level of civilization, the life span of some people was extended again. Fifty thousand years is nothing to them.

But in the final analysis, human beings are not stars, silicon-based life, and four-dimensional creatures that have lived for hundreds of millions of years. Fifty thousand years is already an extremely long time in their life journey.

The first ten thousand years were the happiest ten thousand years of human civilization.

They have become the most powerful civilization in the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster, and battleships and spaceships can reach every corner of this super galaxy cluster.

Build, develop, and accept other affiliated civilizations to form a new civilization center.

Digest the technology and knowledge of Virgo civilization, create and innovate, there is no threat of war, you can unite with your family, have fun and chat with relatives and friends.

Or immerse yourself in the virtual world, enter two-dimensional time and four-dimensional space exploration, recall your past and predict the future in five-dimensional space.

Time has quickly reached the second ten thousand years. Human civilization has digested the knowledge base of Virgo civilization. With its own understanding and development, human civilization has officially entered the level 6.5 civilization.

At this time, human civilization has been able to observe the time plane of the five-dimensional space and explore information about other time and space.

In the third thousand years, mankind has made a small progress in five-dimensional technology.

They probably control the causal weapons of this time and space, and they have begun to try to let their consciousness enter the five-dimensional space and have a five-dimensional life form like the time worm.

At this time, humans began to try to establish connections with other timelines.

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