Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 340 The Disappeared “Biological Civilization”

"Is this the five-dimensional space?" This is the first time Du Xingyu's consciousness has come to the five-dimensional space. Before humans became a sixth-level civilization, his consciousness could already be transformed into photons.

But this time, with the help of five-dimensional technology, he finally came to the five-dimensional space.

The "perspective", or observation, in the five-dimensional space is really difficult to describe.

Du Xingyu's current consciousness can process all the information of a level three civilization in an instant!

But he cannot observe the entire five-dimensional space. If he is allowed to "look" at the time plane, he will be overwhelmed by countless information from countless time and space, and his consciousness will collapse!

Currently, he can only see individual information points in the five-dimensional space.

Du Xingyu first started looking at the information points related to himself.

There are countless information points related to him alone.

The first information point comes from a long time ago, when Du Xingyu was first born.

In the timeline where he is located, he was successfully born.

And at the same information point, there are many events that happened before he was born.

There are timelines that disappear due to parents’ emotional problems, there are timelines that disappear due to failure to outperform hundreds of millions of other brothers and sisters, there are also timelines that die prematurely due to poor development...

"The different motion trajectories of each point can give birth to countless time and space. The vast majority of time and space have disappeared. Only a few stable timelines, together with the timeline where I am, form the time plane."

Du Xingyu continued to observe other information points.

He saw that countless things happened while he was growing up, and different choices in each matter could lead to different results.

And these results are shown in other timelines.

Du Xingyu saw that in a certain time and space, he did not study hard, but was addicted to video games in middle school.

In the end, he dropped out of school early and later worked on a construction site; later in his career, he became very good at games and became a professional player, and then became an anchor after receiving honors; there were also cases where he was uneducated and ended up in prison for injuring someone due to negligence. Various endings.

On the route of continuing to study, there is the life of being admitted to a third-rate university and becoming an ordinary migrant worker after graduation; there is also the life of being admitted to a first-rate university, studying for a PhD, and studying academics; or graduating from a prestigious school, entering a major Internet company, and working in 966 A life of sudden death...

There is a life of dying alone, there is also a life of marriage and divorce; there is a life of entrepreneurial failure, there is also a life of becoming the richest man...

Du Xingyu looked back and saw that most timelines ended decades or hundreds of years later.

Some are due to the end of Du Xingyu's life, some are due to the destruction of human civilization, and some are due to the direct disappearance of time and space.

"As observed by the Virgo civilization, on the time plane, it is almost impossible to find a time and space where human civilization can successfully become a second-level civilization!" Du Xingyu discovered something strange.

"The space-time annihilation bomb really works!"

He searched hard on the time plane, but it was difficult to find anything.

In the end, he only found the world where biotechnology had been developed.

However, Du Xingyu saw that after he entered the wormhole, human civilization did not develop smoothly in the solar system. Instead, after a few years, all humans entered the wormhole and human civilization moved out of the solar system!

"Where did they go?" Du Xingyu observed in the five-dimensional space, but something incredible happened to him.

Standing in the five-dimensional space, Du Xingyu could not find the human civilization in that time and space!

There is no trace of them in the Milky Way!

There is no trace of them in this galaxy group!

There is still no trace of human civilization found in the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster!

Searching the entire universe? Du Xingyu doesn't have that kind of observation ability yet.

"Before I left, human civilization should have reached the second level of civilization. Even if it is destroyed, there must be a splash, right?"

"Why do they seem to have completely disappeared? Where does that wormhole lead to?"

Du Xingyu wanted to find out. He asked the technology simulator if there was any information about that time and space.

The technology simulator said: "You have a body in that time and space, and there is information on it. I can feel that that body still exists, so that human civilization still exists in its time and space."

"It's just that for some reason we can't see."

"It may be that the other end of the wormhole is connected to a broader scale of the universe, beyond your observation range."

"Or it exists in a small universe with an independent timeline. This is equivalent to placing a shield on the time plane and you cannot observe it."

"A small universe with an independent timeline?" Du Xingyu didn't quite believe that human civilization in that time and space could create such a small universe.

Even if they develop smoothly and become a level five civilization, it will be difficult to create a small universe with an independent timeline.

Even in the current small universe of human civilization, the timeline and the large universe are still connected.

"I want to find out what happened!" Du Xingyu decided to travel through the time plane and go to other time and space.

But this time, instead of relying on technology simulators, we rely on the five-dimensional technology that humans now have to explore the technology of entering other timelines in the time plane.

Du Xingyu has been studying this matter for the fourth thousand years.

Eventually, he found a way.

"Only by becoming an energy life, or only transmitting consciousness, can we travel through different time and space. At present, we cannot transfer matter." Du Xingyu said before exploring other time and space axes.

"Commander Du, I wish you a safe journey!" everyone wished.

Although several experiments have been carried out before, traveling through the time plane still carries huge risks, and no one can guarantee success every time.

Du Xingyu used his own method first. If it didn't work, he could still use a technological simulator to preserve his consciousness.

His consciousness transformed into a ball of energy life existence similar to the time worm, entered the five-dimensional space, and found the human civilization of the biotechnology era.

"Although I can travel through time and space, the timeline I am on is parallel to the timeline of the biotechnology era. I cannot yet travel to the past of the parallel timeline."

"So the time I came to should be in the biotechnology era, tens of thousands of years later. I don't know if I can successfully find them!"

Before Du Xingyu came, he had observed the original human civilization. After passing through the wormhole, the wormhole had been closed.

He needs to find the coordinates of the wormhole and reopen it.

Du Xingyu entered the parallel timeline, and the energy of time and space impacted his thinking, making his consciousness in a trance.

Countless information is washing away his consciousness. If he cannot withstand it, his consciousness will become fragments of information and be swallowed up by this time and space.

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