Du Xingyu tried hard to keep his mind stable. After a while, the energy shock disappeared, and the information around him felt familiar yet unfamiliar.

He left the original timeline from the time plane and traveled to another timeline, that is, another time and space.

In this time and space, the Pleiades star cluster still exists, and so does the solar system.

It's just that this solar system has long been riddled with holes due to the ravages of the Void Zerg. Most of the meteorites and asteroids have disappeared, and many planets have also lost too much mass.

Du Xingyu turned into a beam of light and came to the earth first.

On this earth, hundreds of thousands of years have passed since Du Xingyu last visited.

Human civilization has disappeared, and most of the traces left by human civilization have been buried by time. Only a few stone carvings still exist in the world, the high-rise buildings have long since collapsed into dust, and the steel and cement have been weathered into dust and sand.

Some of the original creatures on earth still exist here, but due to the contamination of Zerg genes, their appearance has long been different.

Moreover, many large animals have appeared, and it seems that there is a tendency to evolve towards the Zerg race again.

"The genes of the Void Zerg are really powerful." Du Xingyu's light circled the earth without finding any trace of humans.

Sure enough, all humans have relocated.

Du Xingyu went to the coordinates of the former wormhole. The wormhole was completed after the relocation of human civilization.

But now, as a five-dimensional observer, Du Xingyu can see the trajectory of past spatial changes.

"Reopen the wormhole!" Du Xingyu followed the trajectory of the past space changes, input energy, and reopened the wormhole.

The wormhole reopened, but Du Xingyu felt something was wrong.

The curvature of this wormhole was obviously greater than that of a normal wormhole, and he was actually unable to detect the other end of the wormhole.

Du Xingyu is now a five-dimensional life. To civilizations below level six, he is like a god-like existence.

Create wormholes in minutes and travel through galaxies and time and space.

But the information that he couldn't detect showed that there was indeed something weird at the other end of the wormhole.

Du Xingyu thought that previous human civilizations had explored the other end of the wormhole. Since they chose to move human civilization there after exploration, it meant that the other end of the wormhole was not very dangerous.

Even if there is really danger, he will leave this time and space directly and return to the five-dimensional space.

Thinking like this, Du Xingyu entered the wormhole and headed to the unknown world.

This wormhole travel time was longer than any previous trip by Du Xingyu.

When Du Xingyu passed through the wormhole, he saw a whole new world.

In front of him was a vast starry sky.

The stars here are extremely massive in mass and volume. Even an ordinary planet has a density and gravity comparable to a white dwarf!

The stars here are even more dazzling. The distance in the vacuum is very small. The stars are densely arranged here, many times more than the stars in the artificially created small universe!

At the edge of the starry sky, you can see large swathes of nebulae.

These nebulae are collections of interstellar matter that are nurturing stars and planets due to gravity.

"Where is this?" Du Xingyu was extremely shocked. He was sure that this was not some small universe.

Because the timeline here is separated from the time plane of the five-dimensional space!

In other words, the time here is independent of the time of the original universe!

Du Xingyu started to move, and with just one move, he discovered another difference here.

Du Xingyu transformed into light, and his normal movement speed is the speed of light, 300,000 kilometers per second.

Because he is a fifth-dimensional life, he can consume energy at any time to enter hyperspace and exceed the speed of light.

But in this cosmic space, Du Xingyu failed to open the hyperspace channel. His energy is not enough to break through the hyperspace channel here!

Not only that, his moving speed also exceeded the original speed of light, which was more than a hundred times the previous speed of light, reaching more than 300 million kilometers per second!

"What's going on? I exceeded the speed of light? Why is this happening?" Du Xingyu was horrified. It turned out that human civilization's ultra-long-distance space navigation did not break the speed of light.

Whether it is warp navigation or hyperspace jump, they all use folded space and high-dimensional space to fly. A small number of tachyon particles can travel faster than the speed of light. But the speed limit of ordinary particles is constant at the speed of light.

In this universe, the speed of light movement of ordinary particles actually breaks the limit!

This means that many of the original physical theorems of human civilization are wrong!

"No, no, there is something weird in this world!" Du Xingyu detected everything around him, and he found that the four basic forces of this universe were different from the original universe.

He traveled among the stars and observed them for several years.

Du Xingyu discovered that there were many times more particles in the vacuum here than in the original universe, and there were also particles that he had never seen before.

The galaxies here, and some physical rules, are also different from the original big universe.

Du Xingyu couldn't help but guess, "Is this a universe created by a god-level civilization?"

In the big universe, the so-called god-level civilization should refer to civilizations above level seven.

According to speculation, the god-level civilization should have controlled the ultimate weapon of the universe, the rule weapon!

If it is a god-level civilization, it will have the ability to modify the rules of the universe and separate the timeline of the small universe from the large universe.

"But if it was a universe created by a god-level civilization, they should have noticed it when I broke in. Why haven't I encountered them now? Or is it that the creatures of the god-level civilization are in the six-dimensional space and I can't see them? "Du Xingyu was looking for the answer.

He continued to search in this interstellar space, and he found that there was no life on most planets.

Ten years later, Du Xingyu discovered life on a primitive star.

This is a magical life, it is an energy aggregate!

It is born in the center of a star, is a polymer of high-heat plasma, and has a certain degree of consciousness.

"It is an energy life when it is born. If it grows up, it can at least become a level five civilization!" Du Xingyu was amazed.

He marked this stellar life and wanted to continue observing it in the future.

After that, Du Xingyu continued to search.

There seems to be no limit to the speed of light here. As long as Du Xingyu has enough energy, he can keep accelerating.

Two hundred years later, Du Xingyu came to a star field.

Here, he detected life signals again, and they were very familiar.

In an extremely dense nebula, a giant insect with a length of hundreds of thousands of kilometers is devouring interstellar matter. Its body is like a processing factory, processing the interstellar matter and then expelling it, forming "" egg".

"It's - Planet Devourer!" Du Xingyu recognized it. Isn't this a resource insect from the Void Zerg?

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