Templar Sun King

1. Vibration

Principality of Deeter, Silver Tower. ??Ranwen novels???`

The entire Silver Tower was shrouded in a depressing atmosphere. Any mage who stepped into the Silver Tower dared not speak loudly. They walked in a hurry with serious expressions, as if they were facing an enemy.

In fact, this depressive atmosphere has lasted for nearly a month, ever since they learned the news that the Celtic noble council was defeated. And after they learned that the Cardinal Archbishop Gavin of the Church of Dawn performed the God's Descent in Celtic but was still killed, the atmosphere reached its peak, and it was so depressing that people could not breathe.

When Archmage Moore accepted the invitation of the Church of Dawn to go to Celtic, the scene of Silver Tower rejoicing is still vivid. They agreed that Archmage Moore's trip to Celtic would soon bring back a kind of The holy light spell, which is very different from the traditional white mage, helps the silver tower to a higher level. However, things didn't go well. The strength of the Weaving family and the Griffin Principality seemed to be beyond their expectations. The Moor Grandmaster encountered difficulties in Celtic, and Stephen, the second Grandmaster, had to go to Celtic in person.

But the good news didn't follow. As time went by, their expectations lowered again and again. Even if they couldn't get the Holy Light spell, it would be no problem to withdraw.

Slowly time passed from January to May, and the two Archmages seemed to disappear, until one day an explosive news caught the entire Silver Tower by surprise. The regiment leader was completely annihilated, even Gavin, who performed the divine descent technique, was not spared in that battle!

Everyone knew that Moore and Stephen, the two archmages of the Silver Tower, were in danger, and they couldn't accept it. How could such a small Celtic erupt into such a powerful combat power, this is simply too ridiculous. What's even more absurd is that a terrible fact is placed in front of the Silver Tower. Once one of the world's three major magic organizations, the number of golden wizards has dropped from four to one!

Although emotionally and intellectually they couldn't accept it, and they didn't want to admit it, but the reality was so cruel that there was really only one golden mage Goffman left in the Silver Tower. A golden archer doesn't even have a partner who can keep watch on each other. The once glorious silver tower seems to be extinguished at any time like a candle in the wind.

Grandmaster Lang was killed by Adam's Simon in the Principality of Dieter.

After Archmage Moore and Archmage Stephen went to Celtic, they never returned.

"Damn it, this is Lang's mistake. Why do you need the Silver Tower to bear the loss?" For this reason, the Silver Tower has held three emergency meetings to discuss the severe situation that the Silver Tower is facing and how to deal with the Weiwen family and the Griffin Principality Retaliation has little effect.

If the Weiwen family is really just an insignificant small family as Lang thought at the beginning, now the holy light spell has already lit up the glory of the silver tower. But God knows that this obscure family has such a strong background and combat power, and it has driven the Silver Tower into a desperate situation. Many Bai mages are still unable to accept this fact in a daze.

So there are two completely different attitudes in the Silver Tower.

As the fuse, Lang, who single-handedly provoked the conflict, became the only channel for some white mages to vent their anger and fear. If he hadn't coveted Adam's holy light spell to snatch it by force, how could the silver tower fall to where it is today. The remaining mages hated Adam and the Weiwen family so much that they even dreamed of revenge against Adam and the Weiwen family. In their dreams, they cut off Adam's head heartily, and then woke up in despair amidst laughter.

On the inaccessible 22nd floor of the Silver Tower, Goffman in a white robe stood alone at a gate surrounded by a huge magic circle. Today is the fifteenth day since he knocked on the door and tried to inform the owner of the Silver Tower , as in the previous fourteen days, he did not get a response from the tower master.

He had only met the owner of the Silver Tower once, and that was when he was promoted to the Golden Archmage and became the ruler of the Silver Tower. He was thirty-five years old that year.

He is the only one who knows the real existence of the Tower Master in the entire Silver Tower, but this doesn't make him much easier, on the contrary, it makes him feel heavier. How terrifying is the power that a cardinal archbishop can obtain after successfully performing God's Arrival? Goffman knows it all too well. The peak of legend is the limit of power that this world can accommodate. Even if the tower master came out from behind the gate today, he still faced a dangerous situation.

Ka Ka Ka...

Just when Goffman was thinking wildly and feeling more and more heavy, there was a sound from the door behind him.

The magic runes on the gate were extinguished and turned into streamers and disappeared in the air. The magic circle rotated and shrunk. The bronze gate was split into two halves from the middle, and the silver warm light diffused from the gap, covering the twenty-second place of the silver tower. The layers are all illuminated. The real owner of the Silver Tower, the Tower Master, finally came out of the long retreat.

"Master Percival." Goffman bowed and saluted. Opposite him stood a tall woman wearing a silver crown.


On July 1st, Adam was crowned as the king of the Holy Griffin Kingdom in Griffin City, and the queen was Isabella, confirming that the sun god and the temple were the only legal beliefs and religions in the Celtic territory. This is all the content on the parchment. Although there is only a short sentence, it caused a huge shock to the entire Uppler, especially the Western world. The fiasco of the Church of Dawn is the kingdom that was famous in Uppler when it was founded. Biggest reason.

An old but hale and hearty old woman put the parchment aside. She wore a golden crown, held a scepter, and was dressed in gorgeous clothes. She was leaning on the throne, thinking about the current situation in the western world of Upler. Her name is Delphi, because there have been two Popes named Delphi in the history of the Harvest Church, so when she was crowned as the Pope, she was honored as Delphi III.

As one of the mortals who has the closest relationship with the goddess, Delphi III knew from the attitude of the goddess that this holy kingdom of griffins has been their natural ally since the day it was established. They have common enemies, France and the Church of Dawn.

So a few days ago, she sent people to guard the waters outside Frans, and intercepted all the two legends who were trying to go to Celtic to save the remnants and believers of the Church of Dawn. Thoroughly crushing the influence of the Church of Dawn in Celtic is what Delphi III has most hoped to see for many years. Of course, if the situation in Upler's western world is not so complicated now, she may be in a better mood.

Yupler’s Western World generally refers to the kingdoms and duchies that were born within the territory of the Western Sisar Empire, and sometimes the Romano Empire is also included—although he is nominally the successor state of the Eastern Sisar Empire, but Geographically, Romano is obviously closer to the West Cyther Empire.

The situation in Uppler’s western world became complicated when the Lord of the Sky fell. Ordinary people only know about the fall of a god called the Lord of the Sky, but they don’t know the identity, strength and deep-seated reasons of this god’s fall. Delphi III is different.

Theoretically speaking, the Lord of the Sky is the God Lord of the Goddess of Plenty she believes in, and there is a subordinate relationship.

"Hedge of clergy, the law of division..." Delphi III's voice echoed softly in the empty Pope's Palace, which was the main reason for the civil strife in the Titan pantheon.

In order to be the Lord God, North, the God of the Sky, joined forces with his old enemy, the Storm Lord, to besiege the Sky Lord who had just come out of the Moonwell, causing him to fall. The goddess wanted to stop her, but the goddess of love and joy intervened, and Cypus, the god of the earth...

There is a competitive relationship between the God of the Sky and his father, the Lord of the Sky. As long as the Lord of the Sky exists, North, the God of the Sky, will never be able to ascend to the position of Lord God. The gods compete for the main god position of the original god of the air element.

The Goddess of Plenty and the God of the Earth are both gods in the realm of the Earth. Unless one of them falls, no one will have the chance to ascend to the Lord God. After Delphi III remembered the relationship between the goddess of fertility and the god of the earth before he became a god, he looked even more sad.

However, during this civil strife in the Titan pantheon, the God of the Sky and the God of the Earth joined forces, and even the Goddess of Love and Pleasure, who had been wandering outside the Titan pantheon and even had no clear relationship with the Ocean pantheon, seemed to be doing it for her. The sky god creates favorable opportunities.

Of the four gods of the Titan pantheon, the Goddess of Plenty has been isolated, which is of course not good news. Both being true gods, the goddess of abundance and the god of the earth have almost the same power, and neither of them is fully sure to defeat the other. But once such a delicate relationship continues, the situation of the goddess is very bad.

Changes in positions and struggles among the gods were soon manifested on Uppler.

The borders between the Kingdom of Sauk, the Romano Empire, and the Kingdom of Sipes have become tense, and there is a depressing atmosphere where swords are on the verge and wars break out at any time. No one can imagine that just two years ago, Sauk and Sipes were still in Romano. Under the auspices, they sent troops to harass the traitor Frans of the Sither Empire.

Under such circumstances, the Kingdom of the Holy Griffin was born in Celtic, and soon attracted the attention of the entire western world of Yupler. (To be continued.)

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