On July 3, 4900 AD, Lyon—the most prosperous city and port in the north of France—sailors were busy moving food and other supplies to military ships. ?Ranwen novels?????????`??? On each ship, there are two flags fluttering in the sea breeze, one of which has a bright sun painted on it, that is the Church of Dawn On the other flag is a circle of bauhinia flowers surrounding a golden crown, which is the symbol of the Kingdom of France.

France has entered summer in July, and the weather is hot. The sailors seem to be not the ones who are sweating. They repeat the monotonous mechanical work over and over again, even working harder than usual. The mission from the Church of Dawn may have played half of the role, and the other half was because the fleet was about to go to sea, and the destination was Celtic.

This is a fleet jointly sent by the Church of Dawn and the Kingdom of France with only one purpose, to destroy the Holy Griffin Kingdom and kill Adam!

In the distance, groups of soldiers lined up neatly and boarded the ship under the command of the chief. They were elite soldiers from all over France, and generally possessed the strength of the black iron class. One team stands out in particular, each wearing silver armor emblazoned with a sunrise pattern. These are members of the Radiant Knights of the Church of the Dawn, and the lowest strength is the Bronze Rank.

Blessed by the Lord of Dawn, I hope the fleet can successfully destroy the Griffin Kingdom and Adam the Blasphemer. The sailors prayed to the Lord of Dawn from the bottom of their hearts while working. If it weren't for the lack of strength, these devout believers of the Lord of Dawn would like to be able to board the ship and go to Celtic to fight for the god in person.

Amidst the expectant glances and murmured prayers of the sailors, Lyon's fleet set off.

Marlock is the former head of the Radiant Knights of the Church of the Dawn. After being promoted to the legendary rank, he stepped down from the position of head and went to the headquarters of the Church of the Dawn to cultivate. In his 150 years of life, he always believed that the three major churches (Harvest Church, Sky Church, and Earth Church) were the biggest enemies of Dawn Church. However, a meeting seven days ago completely changed his mind.

As a legend, he has rarely had the opportunity to do it himself, and spent more time cultivating young golden swordsmen, so when he received the invitation from the Pope of the Limber Great Temple, he knew that something difficult had happened .

As he expected, the most elite forces of the Church of Dawn gathered in the meeting hall of the Limber Great Temple. Everyone who can appear in the meeting hall is at least a gold rank, the archbishop of the Cardinals, the gold of the Radiant Knights. Juggernauts, inspectors of the Faith Council.

"My lord's faith is being seriously challenged!" The first words of the always calm pope made everyone in the chamber feel indignant.

"Gorton, Gwenda, Cornwall, Gavin..." The pope spit out names one by one, and each name is well-known in the Church of Dawn. Some of them are revered cardinals and archbishops, and some are well-known knights The deputy head of the regiment, but now they all died because of the same person - Satan Ye Adam.

The ten-member Cardinals lost four members, the Radiant Knights lost two deputy heads, and the Faith Council lost an inspector. In less than a year, the Church of Dawn lost seven gold ranks. bit!

Even with the strong will of Malloc's legendary rank, he couldn't suppress the anger that came with the absurdity. The Church of Dawn had never suffered such a heavy loss in the battle with the three major churches, but now it is facing thousands of years because of a blasphemer. Come to the biggest challenge.

"Gavin used the divine descent technique in Celtic, and got a response from our lord." The pope's words calmed down the outraged gold professionals and Marlock in the chamber, and even Gavin, who had reached the peak of the legend when performing the divine descent technique, Can Wendu not defeat Adam?

"Your Majesty, may I ask Gavin to return to the Kingdom of God because of the time limit or..." Malloc asked.

If it is the former, it can only prove that the opponent has the ability to defend and evade the attack of a legendary peak master. If it is the latter, then it will be a big trouble.

The only ones who can kill the legendary peaks are the legendary peaks of the same level and strength, or several extremely powerful legendary high-levels join forces to besiege. But no matter what the result is, it shows that Celtic's strength has skyrocketed in a short period of time, beyond the imagination of all of them.

"The time limit is not up." Although Gavin did not have much time, he completely disappeared from this world ten seconds before the end of the divine descent technique.

"I understand, Your Majesty." Malloc stood up from his seat and glanced around, "My lord's faith is being challenged like never before. As a servant of God, I am willing to lead the Knights of Radiance to crush the Celtic Empire." , wash Griffin City with blood, and use the blood of the Weiwen family and Adam's head to wash away the shame of the church."

"Two thousand members of the Radiant Knights, five hundred priests, they will all be under your command." Two thousand members of the Radiant Knights means two hundred knights whose strength has reached silver.

"Quentin, Berg..." The pope ordered two more cardinals, two deputy heads of the Knights of Radiance, and two inspectors of the Faith Council. A total of six gold professionals accompanied the legendary master Marlock.

"I've sent for Affleck, and he's going to the Celtics with you, Malloc."


"The pope is old, and he no longer has the vigor of his youth. Just a small Celtic made him burnt out. If Bart was sitting on the pope's throne, he would have sent Faith as early as Satan Ye set foot on Upler The Inspectors of the Board of Governors are going after them with all their might." A priest dressed in sackcloth, like an ascetic monk, next to Mallock criticized the Pope's incompetence with very sharp words.

"It is urgent to eliminate the impact of that problem. The Pope's decision is not wrong. Affleck, even Gordon has fallen under the terrible problem." Malloch looked into the eyes of the priest next to him, where there were clusters of whirlpools The same madness is brewing.

Affleck, a legendary master of the Church of Dawn, is a contemporary of the current pope. It is worth mentioning that both he and the Bart he mentioned just now are fanatics, and no one can completely convince them except the Lord of Dawn, let alone the current pope.

Although he is not a priest who obtains power through faith, when Marlock first heard the evil and tempting question of Satan Ye, the logical conflict and the contradiction that violated the deep-rooted beliefs over the years made him a legendary The masters felt a shudder.

In order to minimize the disasters that may be caused by the problem, the Pope had to put more energy on eliminating the impact of the problem, modifying the scriptures and teaching methods, and had to deal with the doubts and accusations from the fanatic Affleck. Even if he substitutes himself into the role of the pope now, to be honest, Malloc doesn't think he can do better, but Affleck is obviously not among them.

"The church doesn't need incompetent priests with weak beliefs." Affleck sneered, he couldn't see any sympathy for the fallen priests on his face, "And you don't think the deterrent effect of blacklisting people is not great anymore ?"

At the meeting seven days ago, the pope ranked Adam thirteenth on the blacklist, Satan leaves Adam, a blasphemer!

"The true meaning of blacklist deterrence lies in killing and death. The Pope always puts his hope on the power of our Lord, how cowardly and ridiculous." Affleck waved his hands, laughing wildly, "A man who is trying to steal the glory of our Lord The mortals in Uppler turned around, and in the end he only sent a corrupt priest to hunt him down, Mallok, tell me what else to describe besides absurdity?"

Now Malloc hates Adam even more, not only because the other party has caused heavy losses to the Church of Dawn and encountered the most serious provocation in a century, Affleck's crazy and sharp questions really gave him a headache.

"Listen, Affleck, he was just a little bronze mage at the time."

"Yes, little mage, he|damn|Satan Yedu is now a gold-ranked archmage, with legendary masters under his command!" Affleck was furious, cursing the Pope's incompetence loudly at Malloc, and at the same time expressing If Bart ascended to the Pope, such a bad situation would not be possible now.

Facing Affleck's crazy words and questioning, Malloch's head grew bigger, and he didn't want to comment on the Pope dispute a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago, there were two strong contenders for the Pope's throne in the Church of Dawn, one was Clement and the other was Bart. Both of them are outstanding legendary masters of the Church of Dawn, the difference is that the former is an orthodox believer, while the latter is a fanatic. In the end Clermont won and was crowned Pope, now Clement II.

This result is not difficult to predict. The extreme and crazy character of fanatics is not enough to lead the entire Church of Dawn and handle educational affairs, but Bart cannot accept this fact. On the day of Clement's coronation, Bart did something that shocked the entire Church of Dawn.

He assassinated the Pope, trying to replace him.

In the end, Bart was imprisoned in Aurora Holy Prison on charges of "blasphemy" and "disrespect" until today.

And Affleck was a strong supporter of Bart back then, which is one of the reasons why he was extremely dissatisfied with the current Pope's actions.

"I will carry the head of Satan Leaf back to the Great Temple of Limber, and make Clement ashamed." (To be continued.)

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