Ten Thousand Clans: Evolution begins with the fusion of red ghosts

Chapter 39: Muscle, technology, magic, all of them!

Chapter 39 [ ]: Muscle, technology, magic, all of them!

The next morning, Jinghai No. 1 Middle School.

Vehicles kept coming at the school gate. Students in school uniforms got out of the cars, waved goodbye to their parents or drivers, and then walked into the campus carrying their schoolbags.


A taxi arrives, looking out of place among the surrounding luxury cars.

A boy got out of the car.

He has short black hair and is also wearing the school uniform of No. 1 Middle School. He has broad shoulders and a tall body, with a strong face and sharp eyes.

After getting out of the car, he didn't pay attention to the eyes of others, raised his legs and walked forward.

He has a calm face, walks like the wind, and has a masculine temperament.

Attractive for a moment.

"Haosha, who is this person? A senior sports student?"

"You're not a sports student, are you blind? You don't even recognize Lu Xueba?!"

"Eh? It seems like it's really Senior Lu. I haven't seen him for a long time. He has changed so much."

"Big change? I don't feel it. Anyway, I recognized it at a glance."

During this period of time, Lu Xun had indeed transformed, from his small arms and legs to a model-level handsome man.

It's less immature and more masculine.

Puberty is the stage of physical growth.

It’s not surprising that boys and girls look the same every day.

Most of the students in No. 1 Middle School didn't have a deep impression of Lu Xun. They had only seen him a few times on the awards stage in the school auditorium, so they didn't pay much attention to him.

But when Lu Xun walked into the classroom of Grade 3 (4), the shock he brought to his classmates was quite explosive!

"Old...Old Lu?!"

"Fuck, brother, what happened to you?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Why are you taller than me?"

Several boys gathered around and pointed.

The other girls also widened their eyes and looked him up and down, their eyes filled with excitement.

The mainstream aesthetic in today's era is not the "creamy little fresh meat" of the previous life, but the "tough guy and handsome man."

The latter is suitable for all men, women, old and young!

In the entire Jinghai No. 1 Middle School, except for a handful of sports students, there were very few boys with a figure like Lu Xun's.

Facing inquiries from classmates.

He said nonchalantly: "It has grown rapidly recently."

Everyone obviously didn't believe it. They had seen people growing vigorously, but never such a powerful one!

I haven’t seen you for a few days, and I’m completely transformed!

Many classmates felt that he had violated a taboo and had received a booster injection, which would disqualify him from the college entrance examination.

The look in his eyes changed from the initial surprise to doubt.

Everyone wants a good figure, but as a middle school student, you should focus on your studies.

It is undoubtedly the most stupid behavior to destroy one's own career in pursuit of physical beauty!

Lu Xuncai didn't bother to explain, and there was no need to prove his innocence.

Anyway, before every monthly exam in the school, candidates are required to take a drug test.

Whether the medicine has been sprayed or not can be determined with just one test.

Ignore the gossip.

He returned to the window seat in the back row and patted Ur's skull.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, you know how to sleep, Big Bone! You miss my brilliant debut every time!"

"Brother Lu!!"

Wuer woke up with a start, and after seeing the person in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but be extremely surprised, and the red soul fire in his eye sockets jumped for joy.

It quickly stood up, let its deskmate go inside, and then couldn't wait to ask questions.

Lu Xun chatted with it casually, then looked back at the desk behind him.

The back row was empty, and the elf classmate was not in the classroom.

It seems that as Ur said, she has been skipping classes recently and has not come to school. She doesn't know what she is busy with.

But that's their own business, so there's no need to worry about it.

"Brother Lu, your boss said you were injured and asked for a week's leave. Why did you come back to school so soon?" Ur asked in a low voice, "...Is it because of the injury you suffered in the previous incident?"

"My injuries are all healed." Lu Xun nodded slightly and lowered his voice: "Don't mention that matter again, it's very troublesome."

The less people know, the more security you have.

He didn't want to get his deskmate involved, so he exposed it lightly.

"Oh, okay." Ur also knew how to be measured and didn't ask too much about his secrets.

The two changed the topic and chatted about daily life.

The morning class passed easily by having fun among the classmates.

After school at noon, Lu Xun patted Ur on the shoulder and said proudly:

"Let's go, brother, please go to the hot spring!"

"Okay, Brother Lu, do you really want to invite me?" Ur was very excited.

"Of course, a man must keep his word." After Lu Xun finished speaking, he lowered his voice and whispered to him, "I want to learn some more magic from you."

Hearing this, Ur hesitated, looked around, and after confirming that no one was around, he whispered:

"Brother Lu, there is something I have to remind you. The essence of ritual magic is 'exchange'. It is borrowing power from the unknown existence in the dark. There is a price tag behind all gifts.

If used frequently, it will be dragged into the abyss. "

Lu Xun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this to be the case.

No wonder he felt a "response" when he recited the incantation during the ceremony that day.

It turns out that it is not my own strength, but "borrowed".

But who is the creditor?

The devil in the abyss?

"You don't have to worry. It'll be fine if you use ritual magic once in a while. I can guarantee that." Ur said confidently, patting his sternum.

"I see." Lu Xun nodded, "Then you can teach me other necromancy magics, especially functional magics such as wall penetration, invisibility, and flying."

Ur was stunned, his jaws opened and closed and he said:

"Brother Lu, I find that you seem to have a misunderstanding about necromancy magic."

"...It should be said that 99% of the people in your human federation do not understand what necromancy is. They have confused elemental magic, necromancy, and necromancy..."

It explained patiently.

Lu Xun listened to it for more than ten minutes before he suddenly understood and sorted out the types and relationships of various magics in the world.

There are three types of magic: ritual magic, soul magic, and elemental magic.

Needless to say more about the first one.

Elemental magic, as the name suggests, is based on magic elements, building magic circuits and magic formations, and using media such as spells to cast spells.

It is also the mainstream of the magic side of the world today.

Soul magic, on the other hand, is very "niche".

It has something to do with magic, but not much.

"Soul power" is the key to this type of magic.

There are two branches under soul magic: necromancy and necromancy.

The former is more inclined to "summon", which can transform the power of the soul into individuals to assist oneself in fighting.

For example, the Necromancer can summon skeleton warriors, bone dragons, and lichs to form an undead army.

The promotion and upgrade paths in this system also revolve around summoned objects.

Necromantic magic...well, you should know from the name that this is the "limited" practice system of the Necromancer tribe.

It is more inclined to destroy and destroy. It does not use the soul power for summoning, but directly absorbs and enhances itself!

The necromancers can both practice necromancy and study necromancy.

They are born soul masters!

But this is not the case for other races, it depends on physical fitness and talent.

"Besides, even if I only teach you undead magic, it will be difficult for you to learn it, Brother Lu."

Ur said seriously: "The way of the soul is profound and mysterious. It is not easy to become a necromancer. As a human, it is difficult for you to even get started."

"Is this so..."

Lu Xun couldn't help but look regretful.

Innate conditions do not allow it, there is really no way.

Ur has a racial talent and is born to eat this bowl of rice.

In fact, Ur doesn't understand why Brother Lu wants to learn magic?

Human technology is so powerful, there is no need for him to focus on magic.

Don't look at the current People's Federation who are polite to all ethnic groups, never cause trouble, and quietly develop their own economy and technology, like a docile kitten.

But if it really enters a state of all-out war, with the terrifying background of the People's Federation, let alone attacking the whole world... it will be no problem to attack the hemisphere.

The People's Federation does not cause trouble, not because it is afraid of trouble, but to prepare and accumulate for the next "world-destroying war" where the sky and the earth meet.

Wu Er believes that compared to the magic side, Lu Xun's choice of "technology and hard work" is obviously more promising!

But Lu Xun felt that only children make choices.

Muscles, mechas, magic...he wants them all!

"I won't tell you whether you want to learn it or not. You teach me first!"

He said to Ur very persistently:

"What if my brother is a genius?!"

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