Chapter 40 [ ]: The Necrons are the bond!

In an independent hot spring pool.

The steaming hot spring is very clear.

There was a humanoid skeleton floating on the water, like a pile of dry branches floating on the water.

The skeleton floated from the left to the right of the pool, then moved to the left with its flapping skeleton hands, then floated to the right... and the cycle started over and over again.

While Da Gu was having a great time, Lu Xun next to him had a sad face.

It turns out that

He is a fucking genius!

"How are you, Brother Lu? Have you felt the flow of the soul? It is like water, dynamic, vital, and extremely deep." Ur swam over.

"What a ghost!" Lu Xun bared his teeth, "I can't even feel the existence of my soul. Is this what you call 'meditation'?"

He was naked at the moment, revealing his strong, tight and well-proportioned muscles, and was sitting cross-legged in meditation in the hot spring pool.

"Meditation is just a basic skill. The first step is to 'see' the soul."

As it swam, it laughed and said:

“Then comes the second step, ‘touching’ the soul;

The third step is to ‘control’ the soul;

After completing the above three steps, congratulations, you have begun to get a glimpse of the door and can start to formally learn undead magic. "

Damn it, you still have to walk three steps to get in?

"How long does it take for a gifted necromancer to complete these three steps when he first starts practicing?" Lu Xun couldn't help but ask.

"Huh? Even those who need to spend time practicing to get started are all noobs. How come they are so talented?" Ur said with an arrogant look on his face, "We, the Necrons, are born with the ability to control the soul. We don't need to take those three steps at all. .And I, Ur Marcellus Layton, am a genius boy among the Necrons!"

"Did I ask you this?" Lu Xun was so angry that he wanted to give it a slap in the face.

"Ahem, let's start in ten years." Ur's neck vertebrae shrunk and he said with a smile, "A necromancer who can become a necromancer in ten years should be considered what you call a 'natural talent'."

ten years?

Another ten years?

Lu Xun's head was suddenly filled with black lines.

Li Xiaoning said before that the old technique would take ten years, and she persuaded him to quit at that time.

As a result, it now takes ten years... to even get started with undead magic.

Ten years later, he will probably be a "king"-level creature like a cow, and he won't be able to get into the world.


Lu Xun sighed and gave up struggling.

Simply fall down on the water and lie flat!

Seeing this, Ur coughed and comforted:

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Let's do this, Brother Lu. I'll teach you a basic undead magic first - the Skeleton Warrior Summoning Technique.

You memorize the spelling methods and spells first, and when you learn to control the soul power, you can try to cast them. "

"I don't want to learn anymore. I give up." Lu Xun shook his head, like a salted fish floating on the water.

Ten years is too long.

The cost is high and the results are little.

He seizes the day.


Ur shrugged and had nothing to say.

Lu Xun turned his head and looked at the skeleton tablemate, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

If the Necrons genes could be integrated, this problem would be perfectly solved.

He analyzed Ur's body a year ago, but strangely, the illustration generated by the "Omniscient Right Hand" was a non-biological illustration called [Necromancer Skeleton].

Can skeletons be an illustrated guide to non-living things?

Lu Xun was puzzled.

But it is what it is.

In the judgment of the "omniscient right hand", Ur does not even belong to life, so naturally it cannot be projected.

But logically speaking, the Necrons are also living beings, but their life forms are more special. The scientific community has long reached a consensus on this.

...I don't understand it anyway.

"Hmm~ It's so comfortable!"

Just as Lu Xun was thinking about the past, Wuer suddenly leaned his skeleton body against the edge of the pool and made a comfortable sound.

Then something shocking happened.

Its skull head tilted with a "crack", and a small red fireball as big as a fist slowly floated out from the center of its brow bone.

When the red fire ball separated from the skeleton, the soul fire in the eye socket of the skull's head also went out, and it stopped moving.

'Could it be that……'

Lu Xun stared straight at the fire.

"Hmm~ It feels so good to take off your clothes and take a bath...Eh? Brother Lu, what are you looking at me for?"

The red fire ball trembled and uttered Ur's familiar childish voice: "What's your look like? Don't... don't stare at me, buddy, you'll be shy!"

Lu Xun slowly widened his eyes and stood up suddenly:

"Da Gu, is this your true identity? Your uncle's, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

His doubts were finally cleared.

The object of analysis by the "omniscient right hand" before the relationship was not Ur at all, but Ur's "clothes"?

No wonder non-living illustrations are generated.

This ball of soul fire is the true body of the Undead Tribe!

"Uh... I thought you knew, but it turns out you don't know?" Ur was also shocked.

"Stop talking nonsense." Lu Xun couldn't wait to stretch out his right hand, spread his palm, and urged, "Come into my hand quickly!"

"Ah?" Hun Huo was frightened and said in a wary voice, "Brother Lu, what do you want to do?"

"We've known each other for a year, but we've never really held hands. I'm so sad, Big Bones."

He said solemnly: "Today we brothers will be honest with each other and get to know each other again."

Hear the words.

Wu Er's soul fire couldn't help but tremble, and he didn't expect Brother Lu to suddenly act awkwardly.

"Ahem, okay."

It flew over unsteadily and awkwardly.

The soul fire extended and turned into the shape of a hand, and then gently shook his hand.

Just when he was about to separate, Lu Xun suddenly tightened his fingers and pinched it.

"What the hell! Brother Lu, what are you doing?!" It made a frightened, immature boyish voice.

It feels like the atmosphere is getting weirder and weirder.

"It's okay, let's hold hands for a while."

Lu Xun said calmly, and communicated with his omniscient right hand - analysis!


"Okay... are you ready?" Ur asked tremblingly.

"Not yet, just wait a moment." Lu Xun reassured, "Don't worry, my buddy's orientation is normal and he only likes beautiful girls, don't be afraid.

Besides, even if it's abnormal, who would be interested in a bunch of skeletons? "

At the end, he added as if he were the first to complain:

"Send them all, buddy. You are so shy. Do you have something on your mind?"

After hearing this, Ur was speechless and retorted:

"You can't say that. Aren't there many of you humans who are afraid of going to public bathhouses?

…This is my first time being touched by a human being. It’s normal to be shy, right? "

This is equivalent to a person who has never been to a large bathhouse. He finally works up the courage to go once, but a stranger comes to you with a towel and says to you enthusiastically and proactively, "Young man, let me rub your lower back." ".

...After that, the other person turned around and lay down naturally - "Here, you can rub it off for me too."

It's embarrassing, right? !

How do those human social cows not regard strangers as strangers at all? Ur didn't know.

It only knows that even if they are acquaintances, they have to maintain a certain distance.

Do you understand that distance produces beauty?

"That's right. Sorry, I didn't take your feelings into consideration."

Lu Xun nodded and let go of his hand.

Ur hurriedly got back into the skull as if running away, his eye sockets lit up with soul fire.

It decided never to "take off its clothes" in front of outsiders again.

As everyone knows, the reason why Brother Lu did this was not simple—

[Analysis successful! 】

[Biological illustration x1 has been generated! 】

[Characteristic points +7890! 】

["Illustrated Book·Necromancer·High\

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