Ten Thousand Races Invasion: All The People Join The War, I Stay Behind

25. Either Die Ordinary, Or Explode And Destroy The World, How To Choose!

How big is the fifth battlefield?

Eastern Alliance: 10,000 kilometers!

The Western Alliance, which gathers the Eagle Country, the Fa Country, etc.: 18,000 kilometers,

Three Kingdoms: Three thousand kilometers!

Dongying: Eight hundred kilometers!

Old Mao Country: 10,000 kilometers!

And now, for Nan Ziying, who is standing on the city wall with blood-red pupils, the Fifth Battlefield will be the most terrifying grave chessboard he has arranged.

And those who enter the chessboard are all races!

Now in Yecheng, many people are looking ahead, only Nan Ziying went to the slaughterhouse alone.

There are too many people, and the people all raised their heads and looked ahead complicatedly, only feeling a burst of oppressive aura blowing over their faces,

Not only Yecheng, but other cities in the Northwest are all facing this kind of war of extinction, depression, sadness, despair,

"After the sixth line of defense, it's my turn!"

On the Yecheng Square, an old man with a broken arm roared in the cold wind, behind him were many disabled veterans,

Now these veterans are roaring!

"The land and the country are there, and if there is a battle, they must return. The man should have died in the battle, so why bother to wrap his body in horse leather!"

"So what if the arm is broken, I am carrying a self-exploding bomb, and I am another Han Ji!"

The old people signed up, and many young people followed them. These old people were very stubborn and unwilling to retreat. After they retired from the front line, they watched those former comrades-in-arms die in battle.

"Old big brother, I will wait for you at the 723rd Fifth Military Defense Line Battlefield!"

The old man with a broken arm was crying loudly. No one knew about his past, but many people knew that he retired in 2 years of Wanzu, but all his big brothers died in battle. This became the regret of his life!

"I'm going, with the ashes of my big brother, from the fifth line to the tenth line! I want revenge!"

In the open space of Yecheng in Nuoda, all the young people took off their hats and lowered their heads. A few girls were crying and their eyes were red. They were so sad, and the extreme despair in their hearts was almost nowhere to be found!

Everyone came to look at the old man, and everyone's eyes turned blood red!

And Nan Ziying also passed by, he also saw it, and just sighed faintly!

In the great era, the S--SSS bloodline of all races has not yet appeared, and the human god of war has not yet appeared. Who dares to call himself invincible and who dares to say he is invincible!

Only by arranging the layout to the extreme can one dare to enter the level of invincibility!

Conquer everything!

More young people began to join the army, serving temporarily.

The sky is always cloudy now, and thousands of miles away, the extremely depressing aura emanates, making people feel only despair.

Arrive at the slaughterhouse.

In the factory, many factory volunteers are still discussing.

"The third line of defense in Beicheng, a king-level genius was killed. I heard that this time there are ten extremely terrifying geniuses of different races (cbce), one of the most terrifying geniuses of the A-level race.


"The ten thousand clans in the front are going to war, and the Tianjiao in the rear is destroying the ancient clan at will. Survival and lingering is a luxury!"

Many people are discussing that no one has seen Nan Ziying enter the slaughterhouse, and he needs the largest amount of origin stones next, because this may be the last preparation, and there will be bloody battles after that.

Close the iron door, draw out the alloy prison knife, ferocious and indifferent, kill!

mutant poultry, mutant pig,

At that time in the factory, the mutated poultry whined loudly, and many female volunteers sighed and watched.

The fat girl looked ahead, the breath ahead was oppressive, the sixth line of defense was at war, and in the ten cities in the northwest, groups of people were signing up, ready to desperately guard the fifth backup line of defense,

Many old people support the fifth military defense line and continue to strengthen it.

The fat girl knows in her heart that Nan Ziying is still the one hiding in the back, seemingly working hard, Da is just slaughtering poultry in the back, although he has scars before, but in this era, those in front of her are the real heroes!

"Once the fifth line of defense is breached, our factory manager will be the first to go to the rear!" The fat girl smiled wryly. She didn't have any contempt from him, but she was extremely disappointed and bitter.

"In fact, he is suitable for the rear. He has a refined personality and a handsome appearance. He shouldn't die in the front without a name, but..." an innocent girl said, and she sighed a few times.

For three days and three nights, Nan Ziying spent in the slaughter,

In the end, he was lying on the source stone, almost exhausted, piles of source stones were merging, a total of 30 million source stones, all gathered in the beast taming talent tree.

Now the beast taming talent tree grows the tallest, the fiercest, with dense branches and leaves,

Pushing open the iron gate, the blood rushes to the sky,

When he walked out, many factory volunteers were at the gate,

Resisting the exhaustion, Nan Ziying walked over, and then watched with complicated eyes and a faint sigh!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of military trucks moving. Behind the trucks are all seventeen-year-old children with supernatural powers. Each person's body is either emitting flames or emitting frost.

Many seventeen-year-old supernatural beings are singing!

"Defend the home and defend the country, support the front!"

"Defend the home and defend the country, support the front!"

"How can a man stay in the rear? A strong man won't return home if he wins!"


Singing generously, everyone exudes the hottest fighting spirit, the most brutal momentum,

These are the supernatural beings from the seven provinces of the second defense line and the first defense line, with nearly 4 million people. This time, they passed through ten cities in the northwest, and exhibited the superhuman army to the people of the whole country and the world!

Magnificent and spectacular, especially when Nan Ziying stands on the roof, it is even more shocking.

The streets of Yecheng are full of military trucks and children with an average age of 18. Many people have confusion on their faces, but they are even more crazy!

The ground is shaking, the crowd is growing,

Three hundred kilometers ahead, the fifth line of defense in Yecheng began to reach a super magnificent moment.

And at this moment, the same is true for the United States. In the eight states behind, there are nearly five million supernatural beings, and the army system is directly presented. Half of it is on land, and half is flying in the air, forming a storm of supernatural beings, marching forward bravely, rushing to strengthen the fifth line of defense !

The old Maozi country was even more brutal, directly reinforced by eight million supernatural beings, driving huge trucks, forming a torrent of trucks.

This is the case in other countries, and the international trending searches are all such majestic videos!

The final reinforcement of the fifth line of defense is about to be completed!!!!

The world is magnificent, the world is vast!

Now, in Yecheng, Nan Ziying has become a spectator, watching young supernatural beings go to the front line.

Beside him, many fat girls and girls looked at Nan Ziying on the rooftop strangely, this kind of thing was very complicated, as if many people looked down upon him with disappointment.

On the rooftop of the slaughterhouse, Nan Ziying watched the coming great world, just whispering quietly.

"Either die in a vigorous battle, or stay behind in a mediocre way!"

"Nan Ziying, what do you think?"

Now, Nan Ziying is asking himself.

Looking into the distance, Nan Ziying's state has changed, ferocious, just deep in the pupils of his eyes, countless blood is condensed, and the black lines on his body seem to erupt.

this moment!


In the distance, at the Meteor Mountain Range, 20 million birds want to rush towards it, forming a steel storm!


In the sea of ​​primeval forest, 80 million magic trees began to face north, ready to charge, forming a plant storm!

The three cities of Baigutang, Qin Bone Army, Han Hell Cavalry, Tang Mo Sword Bone Army, and Western Jin Scimitar War Helmet Army all exude killing intent, waiting for recovery!

In front of the ten cities in the northwest, the curse bombs and barbaric formations are gathering together!

They are all waiting for his order!

Nan Ziying growled!

"I'm going to dictate everything!"

"Come on from all races, awaken the ancient Tianjiao of the inherited family, come on from other clans, let's see who is the king!"

"I have endured for so long just to dictate everything!".

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