Ten Thousand Races Invasion: All The People Join The War, I Stay Behind

26. I Am Alone, With A Knife, And I Will Be Invincible

too depressing,

Now, in the eyes of many workers in the slaughterhouse, they see Nan Ziying on the roof of the factory looking very desolate and lonely, although his spine is still tall and straight, and his posture is even more fierce

Many slaughterhouse workers sighed, faint, lonely sighs.

"I think our factory manager is so pitiful..." The fat girl looked at it sympathetically, indeed, Nan Ziying is now standing alone in the sky, watching those seventeen-year-old children go to the front line.

In the eyes of others, his eyes are melancholy, his breath is sad, he can only watch quietly, watching those children go far away, watching those children go far away!

A lot of people were photographed, Nan Ziying was alone, standing straight, with his back to the back, looking at those young supernatural beings alone, as if a person had been forgotten.

"Hey, this is the factory manager's choice. He chose to be alone all the way, so he has to bear this loneliness."

"He stayed behind, he has to bear this kind of price, otherwise it will be too difficult to live, and he can only despair, watching alone, and bear the greatest despair in the world!"

In the slaughterhouse, many factory volunteers sighed in low voices, their eyes were complex and pitiful.

The popularity of this scene is also explosive, because Nan Ziying has a special status, especially the original reminder of the Northwest Infrastructure, the two are now hot, because the three major projects in the East have always been at the top of the list

Unable to download.

So with this special identity, and the photographer's video, once again hit the headlines,

Headline hot search first!

Tags: the initial proponent of the Northwest infrastructure, the infrastructure engineer, the butcher, the one who stayed behind.

Content——The content is a video, which shows Nan Ziying with his back to the extreme north, far away from the four directions alone, looking at the front of him alone, that kind of extreme sense of desperation and eternal despair hits, and Huo Xin feels a touch of coldness.

As for Nan Ziying, his face was exhausted due to the long slaughter, but he still stood up straight. In the eyes of others, he maintained his dignity at the end!

Especially the background of this video, the extreme state of despair, when it strikes, people only feel the sadness, the sadness that cannot be seen or seen.

There are also on the streets and outside the city, those millions of volunteers, 17 years old, 18 years old, with young faces, they are wandering, and they are rushing forward,

Then it forms a desperate contrast with the desolate and independent Nan Ziying, which makes him even more bleak

Then this scene suddenly contrasted, and the ultimate depression struck!

The second most searched headline: [The only bright moonlight behind]

The headline was written by the official media, it is very complicated, it seems to be a compliment, it seems to be a pity, it seems to be a sigh,

Because Nan Ziying was in the school, all his friends died in battle.

Because Nanzi won the whole family, for his reputation, he was transferred from the sixth line of defense to the fifth military line of defense,

Because of him, a girl, Yu Qiqiu, proudly served as a city guard to support the front line.

And Nan Ziying, like that smear of white moonlight, did not take any action, could only watch sadly, could only watch hesitantly, leaving a lot of loneliness and sadness watching the world.

So this hot search is very explosive!

The sixth line of defense is launched!

The 10,000-kilometer battlefield of the fifth line of defense is about to begin!

The three major projects of the Eastern Alliance are about to be completed!

Then in this scene, the youthful young supernatural being rushes to the battlefield, one can imagine that the heat will explode!

The populace exploded, it was complicated,

[Dark War]: "Nan Ziying turned his back to the battlefield, what did he want to express, are you ashamed, seeing so many friends all buried there, I can only watch in shame, one of the greatest tragedies in life.

[Liming Sadness]: "He is probably the saddest person. He chose this path. Now he is the one inconspicuous in the rear, and also the most desperate one. He can only watch in a lonely and hesitant way, looking at the times. desolate!"

[The Great Battle Is Coming]: "I don't want to be Nan Ziying, this kind of despair, this kind of loneliness, carrying such oppression, living such humiliation, a real man should rush to the battlefield, stride forward and kill all directions!"

[Dark Warrior]: "If you live just to survive, then what's the point of life and fighting? If you just live, if you just look at everything, you're like a desperate wanderer!



There are still many officials left behind, all sighing and commenting,

In the conference room of Yecheng Pharmaceutical Factory, Chen Lianyi saw the news, she was stunned for a few moments, and put down the pen in her hand.


Shaking her head, Chen Lianyi thought of that handsome and gentle boy who attended the municipal meeting with her and became the director of the factory together. She thought of the front line again, and all her thoughts were left with only one sentence.

"Everything is your own choice!"

Chen Lianyi thought again, in the Northwest wilderness in the past, that beast tamer who was the same height as Nan Ziying, exuding an ancient and domineering aura, she could only smile wryly, in her heart, that was the real man!


The fifth military line of defense, in the room of the logistics medical superpower bunker,

Yu Qiqiu has signed up to support the fifth line of defense. Now she is looking ahead, the fifth line of defense is in the dense mist of evil spirits, and the surging evil spirit seems to be gradually burning the sky, a ferocious, almost extinct breath is spreading, break out!

This is a ferocious breath that has never been seen before, savage and raging, roaring!

Every ordinary person who supports the front line, under this breath, only feels the soul tremble, and the heartbeat is accelerating rapidly. This is still a thousand kilometers away from the alien race. Once it is really close, the feeling will be destroyed. The breath is enough to make ordinary people tremble.

Yu Qiqiu also saw the meager news, she just looked at it with a smile, watching the man with a lonely but beautiful appearance in the video.

…ask for flowers…………

"If I die in battle, will you still remember..."

After laughing for a long time, Yu Qiqiu said these words quietly.

On the morning of June 12,

The sixth defense line has been fighting for three days, and the officials are sending out news one by one,

The evolution of the battle is more and more rout,

Seven in the morning, international news, Twitter—

[Eastern Alliance]: "Currently, 500,000 mechanical fighters have perished, the 100-kilometer minefield has erupted, and the foreign race has lost 3%. The foreign race legion will carry out several batches of replenishment. It is expected that the sixth line of defense will collapse at any time. The five lines of defense are currently in a state of combat readiness"

[Western Alliance]: "The elemental ghost bomber has been completely damaged, 100,000 ultra-close anti-aircraft guns have been damaged, 70% of the intelligent strike system of the sixth line of defense has been damaged, and it is about to finally collapse. The current fifth line of defense, Holy Shield, werewolves, Vampires, angels, and four supernatural beings organize all alliances to guard the fifth line of defense | West City launches a super local battle plan"


[Old Mao Fighting National Alliance]: "The sixth line of defense, nearly 100,000 tanks were destroyed, and it became a place of tank ruins. The sea of ​​ruins is currently filled with mechanical smoke. It is sad and miserable. A total of 500,000 soldiers in Lao Mao died in battle. Half, but the rest are still making the last resistance!"

[Kawasaki Country]: "The sixth line of defense is about to collapse, and one hundred thousand warriors with supernatural powers are making the final charge and defense!"

[Northern Glacier Alliance]: "The sixth line of defense is broken!"

[Southern Glacier Alliance]: "The sixth line of defense is broken!"

The international news is all about the sixth line of defense. Except for the world powers, the sixth line of defense in all other countries has collapsed, and they are forced to open the fifth line of defense ahead of schedule.

On the international news tubing, there are some private news.

1. [An ancient power appeared in the western werewolf army, and the wolf was domesticated, known as the terminator of the terror of the domesticated wolf]

2. [Kawasaki country is shocked to discover the ancient Tianjiao, the real long sword user, who has reached the half-old god talent, can directly split a mountain range tens of meters high, extremely terrifying

3. [Two Tianjiao appeared in the east, earth-type Tianjiao appeared in the Meteor Mountain Range, and wood-type Tianjiao appeared in the original forest sea]

4. 【All over the world, it is suspected that there are high-level aliens with high bloodlines, and they are looking for ancient human families. They are openly challenging to kill them】

Now, the shape of the globe, the young of the great age,

Countless people, countless arrogances, ancient families, ancient gates, all pulled away with all their might!

The Age of Ten Thousand Races has officially begun!

【On June 15, 2010, the era of confrontation between all races officially kicked off. Then the ancient arrogance was revived, the ancient bloodlines appeared, the ancient gates appeared, and the S alien behemoths appeared, etc. This era was recorded in the chronicle For - the beginning of the fall of the gods].

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