"Haha, that's interesting.

"Do you think it's useful for you to say all this so high-sounding now?"

At this time, Han Shaofeng's eyes moved slightly, and he subconsciously looked in front of him.

In front of Han Shaofeng, Xu Tongbin's whole heart was full of anger.

Especially now that something like this is here, for all of them.

How could it be that they were not surprised?

But the more so, the more they deal with the present.

Han Shaofeng is very direct.

"And, who owes whom, it seems, you haven't told the truth. When

Han Shaofeng saw this, there was no doubt that he was very thorough.

After all, here, so far, what should be said, in fact, all this is very obvious.

And beside Han Shaofeng, the people around him were even more looking at this place in unison.

The more so, such a thing.

In fact, the more they think about it, the more they feel that it is very clear and clear.

As for Han Shaofeng himself, he didn't think that what impact could he have at the moment.

"Well, in fact, it doesn't matter what comes at the moment.

When Han Shaofeng looked at these, at this moment, he was acting very simply.

In front of Han Shaofeng, Xu Tongbin's face changed suddenly.

Such a thing, he is already aware.

"Hmph, it seems that you already know the truth of the matter.

Xu Tongbin's words made Han Shaofeng feel funny.

Until now, he still said such high-sounding words.

In fact, it is impossible to change anything at all.

The only thing that can really be done is that there is only one thing, and that is to move yourself.

Other than this, nothing else will change at all.

Therefore, when Han Shaofeng saw this, at this time, his whole face was even more playful.

After all, such a question is, in fact, strictly speaking.

So far, it's all on the bright side.

And Xu Tongbin himself didn't think there would be many problems.

"It's kind of interesting, but now like this, if you really think it's going to be very useful.

"Well, then, you couldn't be more wrong.

When Xu Tongbin saw this, at this time, he didn't think it would have any impact at all.

In front of Xu Tongbin, Han Shaofeng behaved very simply.

"Okay, there's nothing more to say, all of you, there's no need to wait.

"Now, we can do it directly.

With Han Shaofeng's words, this made those people around him all arrive at the scene quickly regardless of everything.

The more so, in fact, in the eyes of all of them, how should they deal with it.

These people from the Five Elements Sect know it well.

"Haha, come on, if you have any means, just take it out.

"This is natural, otherwise, what are we all going to do here next?"

"But the more so, the more we don't need to worry about it at all. When

the people around him looked at him in unison.

At this time, these guards of the Xu family began to retreat one after another.

After all, the strength of the people of the Five Elements Sect is really too strong.

So now, in fact, Han Shaofeng doesn't think that these people can toss anything.

"Hmph, your Xu family is not the last, but the beginning. Han

Shaofeng was very indifferent.

This kind of thing, in fact, Han Shaofeng himself has long been commonplace.

So in dealing with such a situation, in fact, Han Shaofeng himself doesn't think that there is anything different about this now.

And in front of Han Shaofeng, these people looked at each other.

Obviously, in fact, they have already made up their minds a long time ago.

After all, this point, let's not say anything else for the time being, at least here, it has been completely placed here.

As for Xu Tongbin, his brows were also furrowed.

"What, are you going to take my Xu family under the knife?"

"Just by virtue of you, you also have this qualification?"

Xu Tongbin is now completely planning to let go.

After all, at present, such a thing, in fact, is completely there.

As for the other guards of the Xu family, they were also completely out of the way at this time.

"That's right, since the matter has come to this, then why are we all talking this nonsense?"

"It's natural, otherwise, let's toss these things again, what's going on, and fight with them directly." When

the people around him looked at him in unison.

The more so, the more such a thing is going to go forward.

I won't say anything else for now, but here, it's important to increase your efforts.

As for Xu Tongbin himself, while looking at the eyes, he did not forget to say it here.

"It's kind of interesting, but now it's not enough at all. "

My Xu family, even if you let it out, I won't let you succeed!" Xu

Tongbin gritted his teeth, and there was an indescribable heat in his eyes.

And by Xu Tongbin's side, Han Shaofeng didn't care about this.

"Oh, that's quite interesting.

"It's just that now, even if you say so much, in fact, in the end, isn't it still the same useless?"

When Han Shaofeng looked in front of him, at this time, he waved his hand in front of him, acting very lightly, and said directly here.

And now on, the more so.

For Han Shaofeng, at this time, he brought a trace of contempt.

And Xu Tongbin felt these things even more, and at this time, his whole heart was even more angry.

In any case, such a thing must not be left alone.

"Damn, damn bastard.

"In any case, this account must not be so good.

When Xu Tongbin saw this, he became more and more angry at this time.

From now on, no matter what, such things must be solved as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, Xu Tongbin knows.

If we continue to delay, I am afraid that the consequences will be unimaginable.

In Xu Tongbin's view, Han Shaofeng must die.

"Hmph, you must be trying to kill me.

"But the problem now is, you're just afraid, you can't wait for that time.

"Because, I'm going to kill you early.

Han Shaofeng's voice fell, and the speed suddenly accelerated.

For Han Shaofeng, how could such a thing be possible, would he not know what to do?

In fact, it goes without saying that he knows this now.

For these, Han Shaofeng has the chance to win.

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